TOP 10 FILMS of 2013 and The Worst/Most Disappointing Films of the Year


It took me a while to finally publish my Top 10 list, but my plan was to post this sometime in January anyway. Now, when I say ‘top movies’ it’s sort of a cross between a ‘best of and favorite’, so the criteria is that these films made an impression on me, combining the virtue of being entertaining, deeply moving, thought-provoking, and indelible. Rewatchability is a factor but it doesn’t account as high as the other virtues I’ve mentioned, because some of the films here are more of a one-time-viewing-only types (for me anyway), but I still very much appreciate the artistry and passion that goes into making them.

Last year I did something different where I posted my Top 10 of the First Half of 2013 back in July, though only one of the films I listed there made it to this FINAL list. Yeah, I’m quite surprised by that as well, but I guess a lot of great films were released in the latter half of the year. 2013 has been a pretty good year for movies so I couldn’t resist actually making a Top 20 (scroll down to read it), as well the unfortunate WORST list that we moviegoers are likely to be subjected to year after year [sigh].

So without further ado, I present to you my TOP 10 list (in reverse order):

10. Captain Phillips (full review)

Ten_CaptPhillipsUnder a lesser director than Paul Greengrass, this film could’ve easily been a run-of-the-mill action film. Fortunately, even when you already knew the story did end well for the Captain, Greengrass and screenwriter Billy Ray managed to deliver one heck of a thrill ride.

Tom Hanks once again proved he’s one of the most consistently accomplished actors of his generation with his astute portrayal. The genius casting doesn’t stop there, as  newcomer Barkhad Abdi is quite a revelation in portraying a villain that’s so much more than a caricature. The direction, performance, cinematography and score all made for a taut, cerebral thriller from start to finish.

9. August: Osage County

Nine_AugustOsageCounty It’s especially challenging to adapt from a stage play, but somehow director John Wells did an admirable job making it work. The ensemble cast worked wonderfully and it manages to be both hilarious and moving. There’s beauty amidst all that chaos and it’s quite amusing that at times the madness of the Weston family actually hits pretty close to home. It’s no surprise that Meryl Streep can pretty much play ANYONE, and as the pill-popping matriarch Violet, she made even the Prada-wearing Miranda Priestly seems warm and fuzzy! I’m especially impressed by Chris Cooper, Margo Martindale and Julianne Nicholson are especially worth-noting. Oh and Benedict Cumberbatch also proved his versatility playing a role that’s a complete opposite of Sherlock. Plus he sings, too!

8. The Act of Killing (review + interview w/ director)

Eight_TheActOfKillingIt’s truly one of THE most harrowing films I saw in a long time and not only because it involved my home country’s history. As if all the re-enactments of the gruesome genocide wasn’t enough, the perpetrators went even further in making an elaborate theatrical performances of their past that’s as surreal as it is disturbing. Major kudos to director Joshua Oppenheimer for tackling a subject matter that not many people know about, and made it in such an inventive way. Though it’s really tough to watch, I still would recommend people to give it a shot. It’s an essential viewing in that this incident isn’t just about Indonesia, but it speaks volumes about our humanity and what we humans are capable of

7. Nebraska (full review)

Seven_NebraskaThis film was an absolute surprise when I saw this at TCFF as I hadn’t heard much about it. Like August: Osage county, this one also deals with a quirky family. I feel that this one has a more compelling character development as I felt an odd kinship with Bruce Dern‘s Woody and his son David (Will Forte). I think the ending is one of my favorites of the year as it’s hilarious but also full of heart. This is one family road movie that you’d be glad you tag along.

6. The Hunt (full review)

Six_TheHuntFew films I saw last year got me as riled up as this one. It’s another film festival gem that I’m glad I got to experience, though not something I’m keen on seeing again. The way the story unfolds is most unsettling, made even more eerie by director Thomas Vinterberg‘s minimalist but atmospheric style. He found the perfect actor for the protagonist in fellow Dane Mads Mikkelsen who also subscribed to the less-is-more principle in delivering maximum impact with subtle nuances. Superb in every sense of the word.

5. 12 Years A Slave (full review)

Five_12YearsASlaveI finally get what the fuss is about with British director Steve McQueen. This is only his third film but he’s certainly made an indelible mark in the filmmaking industry. The story of Solomon Northrup, a former free man who was tricked and sold into slavery, made the darkest chapter of human history so hauntingly personal. Glad to see the talented actor Chiwetel Ejiofor getting much-deserved attention for his eloquent and stirring performance. A powerfully-breathtaking work of art, in more ways than one.

4. MUD 

Four_MUDThis is the film that got me so upset I couldn’t see it at the MSP film fest as it was snowing so hard. I’m glad I finally saw it when it’s out on rental and what a gem it is! Like McQueen, this is my intro to Jeff Nichols which is also his third film. I really like the story of unlikely friendship and this is one of the roles that brings about Matthew McConnaughey‘s career transformation. I also got to discover Tye Sheridan as one of the boys who befriended Mud. The stunning cinematography of Arkansas’ Mississippi river banks could be a character in itself, it definitely adds to the beauty of this film.

3. Frozen (full review)

Three_FrozenIt may seem like a traditional Disney princess movie as it’s also set in a Kingdom in a far-away land, but fortunately there’s more to it than that. I absolutely adore the story and the characters, with the funny and kind protagonist Anna being one of the most enchanting character that kids and adults alike can look up to. There are much fun to be had watching this film, but it’s also got so much heart. It’s certainly one of my favorite 2013 films I’ll watch over and over again.

2. HER (full review)

Two_HER2013 turns out to be full of surprises in terms of movies, and this one is at the top of the GREAT surprise. There’s barely any buzz surrounding this when I saw it, but it absolutely mesmerized me. It’s the most bizarre exploration of love in the modern world, but also one of the most emotionally-gratifying. It’s the kind of film that makes you ponder about the possibilities and effects of technology in our daily life, but more profoundly, it makes us reflect in what really makes us human. I’ve only seen one film by Spike Jonze but after this I’m real curious to see what he’ll tackle next. As for the performances, Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson made the most arresting couple in recent memory despite the latter not being physically present in the film.

1. Gravity (full review)


I saw this last October and I knew it would top my Best list. I kept wondering though if in the next two months there might have been another film that might dethrone it. Well, as of today, it still reigns as THE best film of 2013 for me. Her comes pretty darn close but overall I think Alfonso Cuarón‘s work is still more deserving to take the top spot. I have always loved Sandra Bullock and her outstanding performance here has become a career’s best even in her long filmography. As I said in my review, I ran out of adjectives to describe this film. It’s an exceptional kind of work that people will be talking about for years and people study about in film schools. A pretty simple story set entirely in space, yet it’s a feast for the eyes, ears, mind and soul. Plus, it boasts a finale that makes you want to get up and cheer. Can’t top THAT!

These 10 would likely make my Top 20:

It’s a testament to a pretty strong year of movies last year was that I have a long list of Honorable Mentions. Now, before I get to the general list of Honorable Mentions, I should prioritize films that I thought were excellent but for one reason or another, they just didn’t make it to my top 10 (in random order):

  1. Lee Daniels’ The Butler
  2. RUSH
  3. The Kings of Summer
  4. American Hustle
  5. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
  6. Pacific Rim
  7. Saving Mr. Banks
  8. Stoker
  9. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
  10. Man of Steel

You might be surprised that Man of Steel didn’t make my Top 10 considering how much I had been anticipating it. Well, upon third viewing (3rd time being on Blu-ray), somehow I just wasn’t wowed by it anymore. In fact, I found myself picking faults with it that I either overlooked or didn’t mind at the time. Don’t get me wrong, I still like the film and I probably will watch it again, but I just don’t think it deserves to be on my Top 10.


Now some of these films are on my list from the first half of 2013. They’re definitely worth your while when you’re looking for something good to rent:


The Wolverine (full review)

It’s not quite a terrible movie so I don’t think it deserves to be on the WORST list, but I was expecting SO much more from this. It’s not enough that it’s better than the original Wolverine movie. Plus it had so much promise the fact that it’s set in Japan and we’re supposed to get a compelling back-story into one of X-Men’s most bad-ass mutants. Alas, apart from a few exciting scenes, I find myself feeling quite bored by this movie. I expected a great deal of emotional gravitas from the story, but I didn’t connect with Wolverine’s Japanese journey as much as I had hoped.



Ok I’m glad that at least my bad list is shorter than my good list and thankfully I saw less horrible films in the latter half of the year. In any case, my initial Top Five Worst List from last July still stands (listed first), with two more that I saw after that. So avoid these if you can help it, you’ve been warned!

So that’s my Best/Worst list of 2013. Thoughts on my picks here? I’d be happy to discuss ’em with you 😀

96 thoughts on “TOP 10 FILMS of 2013 and The Worst/Most Disappointing Films of the Year

  1. Great post, Ruth.

    First, your best: we have a remarkable amount of overlap, and I wouldn’t call any of your choices bad. All are high quality movies with loads of merits.

    Second, your worst. Don’t disagree with any of those either. I don’t think any of them particularly great.

    I like some of your honorable mentions and runners up to it less than you do (Man of Steel, Kings of Summer, probably Rush and Disconnect), but we won’t focus on that. 😉

      1. Hi ya James! Thanks man, I agonized over this Top 10 for some time but now that it’s out there I’m kind of relieved. The thing about Top 10 list is nobody is ever going to have the exact same picks, and that’s the fun part about it 😀 So you’re not a fan of Man of Steel eh? I’m such a huuuge Superman fan so it pains me not to have that be in my Top 10.

        1. Not a fan, no. I think it had potential, but winds up pursuing every plot development it possibly could have, which renders the characters basically undeveloped. And, by extension, ineffective.

          1. Yeah, that’s kind of how I felt too after the *excitement* wore off, hence I couldn’t find it in me to even put that on my Top 10. In fact, it almost fell off my Top 20 as well, though there are parts of it that I really love so it went back up the list 🙂

  2. I haven’t seen a lot of bad 2013 movies though I am aware that they’re coming on TV so the films that are likely to be in that list are: A Good Day to Die Hard, Grown Ups 2, and Pain & Gain. Those are films for me that if they’re here right now, I would take a huge shit on them.

  3. Ted S.

    I like your list there Ruth, haven’t seen all of them but I really enjoyed the ones I did see. (Mud and Gravity).

    I feel like the last couple of years were pretty weak when it comes to films and this year is no different. I haven’t a film yet where I thought it will a classic in 20 or 40 years from now. Good thing didn’t ask men to come up with my top ten list, I wouldn’t be able to come up with 5 for this year, LOL.

    BTW, you didn’t see Jonze’s “Where the Wild Things Are?” It’s kind of frustrating film but I think that’s what he wanted to be.

    1. Ted S.

      Wow, I totally suck at typing, here’s what I meant in this paragraph: ” I haven’t SEEN a film yet where I thought it will a classic in 20 or 40 years from now. Good thing YOU didn’t ask men to come up with my top ten list, I wouldn’t be able to come up with 5 for this year, LOL.”

      I should read my typing before hitting the POST button.

      1. No biggies Ted, I think you meant ‘me’ instead of ‘men’ right? 😉 I’d think Gravity could be a modern classic though I never know what films would get such a status, though some would probably gain cult following, I can see Wolf of Wall Street becoming that, though as you know, I’m not as fond of that film as you (& a bunch of others), hence it’s not anywhere on this list. No, I haven’t seen “Where the Wild Things Are?” but I might give it a shot at some point.

        1. Ted S.

          Ha ha, see there I go again, should’ve checked my spelling before I hit the POST button. Yeah I meant “Me” not “Men. ha ha.

          I don’t know if Wolf of Wall Street will be in the same league as other Scorsese’s pictures like Taxi Driver or Goodfellas, I thought it’s great but I don’t think I would want to sit through it again for more than 3 times. I needed to take a shower after seeing the film, it’s great that he showed all the ugliness of how these people lived but I don’t think it’s something I want to see over and over. I guess time will tell if it’s going to be a classic or not. I can see Gravity become some sort of high points for a space adventure flick but some people, like myself, will always compare it to a film that came before it, 2001: A Space Odyssey.

          Another film of Jonze’s you should see if you haven’t yet is Being John Malkovich, it’s such a weird and funny film.

  4. Awesome list Ruth! Some really good movies there and a couple of surprises. REALLY glad to see Gravity held off Her even if it was by a slim margin! 😉 It was my #1 also. And I applaud every time I see Mud on someone’s list. It’s early release hurt it some but it really stuck with me.

    Good stuff!

    1. Hey thanks Keith! Yeah I kept wondering if Gravity would fall off my #1 but at this point I still think it’s the BEST of the year. I do really, really like ‘Her’ a lot, as you already know. Mud is fantastic, that’s perhaps my fave performance from McConnaughey in a long while.

  5. Nice list Ruth! We have the same #1! 🙂 Thrilled to see The Hunt so high. I still need to see The Act of Killing, but I’ll probably get to it in the next few weeks.

    Haha, I actually like 3 of your worst picks (Beautiful Creatures, Gangster Squad and Now You See Me). 😉

    1. High five Josh! Wow, considering how many more films you saw than me, that’s quite a feat that Gravity still tops your list. It is a stellar piece of work. The Act of Killing truly is an unusual film, needs to be seen to believe it.

      Ahah, sorry! But I just found those three to be insufferable, esp. Gangster Squad, but maybe ’cause I can’t stand Ryan Gosling, he..he..

      1. Oh, I just watched The Act of Killing, and it definitely deserves to be seen. The scene where Anwar is “strangled” is one of the most powerful movie moments of 2013. It doesn’t make my top 10, but I really hope it gets an Oscar nod.

        1. Glad you saw it. It’s indeed very disturbing isn’t it? I really hope it gets an Oscar nod too, it was overlooked at Golden Globes which is a bummer!

  6. Tom

    Inspired choices, Ruth! And very very interesting to see you have got The Armstrong Lie in your Honorable Mentions list, I was convinced I was the only one in America who write film reviews and saw that one! I thought it was quite good as well, but so much other stuff got in the way it got bumped wayyy down.

    Love the way you explain yourself in the opening paragraphs, this is a very open and considerate list of nominees, and I have to agree with 90% of them. These lists always vary so much, but for the most part, I think our top 10s (and bottom 10s) align.

    1. Hi Tom! Inspired? Why thanks sir. The Armstrong Lie is one of the best and most insightful doc, amazing how much access Gibney got into Lance’s life.

      Hey thanks for reading the post, most people usually just go to the list. I really appreciate your thoughts man. I feel like with Top 10 list, there is an accounting for taste and your general worldview as a moviegoer when you choose the films. Glad to hear we’re generally in agreement 😀

    1. Hi Joseph! Thank you, man. Yeah I was fuming as I was watching The Globes that The Hunt didn’t win, but worse of all Mads wasn’t even nominated! 😦

      1. GaryLee828

        Ruth, watch this one and reserve a space for it in your top 10. How dare you underestimate the great Ryan Gosling! Trust me. 🙂

        1. Well sorry man, but I’m actually not a fan of Gosling. I’ve made that pretty clear on this blog, I think he’s overrated. I still might check the film out, and who knows perhaps it might change my mind.

    1. Ahahahaha, well it’s never too late to rectify the situation Mikey 😉 Well usually, a lot of the *bad* films are the really mainstream ones or the sequel/remake, etc. that are far more accessible to moviegoers. So can’t say I blame you man.

  7. Great list! I haven’t seen all of these yet, but I must say I’m pleased to see Gravity and The Hunt in your top 10! Those are both best of the decade if you ask me. Act of Killing is unlike any documentary I’ve ever seen before, and is also in my top 10 right now.

    1. Yeah, I’d agree those two could be the best of the decade. Glad you have seen The Act of Killing, it’s not an enjoyable viewing to be honest, but definitely one that leaves an indelible mark for a long time.

  8. Great, great list, Ruth!! I think we have some similar choices 🙂 But I have to wait until I get to watch several other films, though, before I release mine… So happy to see the love for ‘Mud’, since it’s pretty much overlooked during this awards season. Overall, love your picks 😀

    1. Hi Fariz! I was thinking of waiting until end of the month but looking at the screening list, I don’t think there’s any more films of 2013 I’d be seeing in the next 2 weeks. Mud seems to have gotten off people’s radar, it’s a shame as it’s such a great film.

    1. Hey there Chris! I hope Nebraska is released on dvd soon, I actually will rewatch it again as my hubby hasn’t seen it. In fact, half of my list here my hubby hasn’t seen so I’d probably rewatch ’em when they’re out on rental. Glad you love The Hunt and Mud too!

  9. Very nice list Ruth. I’d have some of these in my favourites too. I really want to try and make a list this year as I’ve never done one before but I have to see Her, Rush, The Wolf of Wall St and Inside Llewyn Davis before I can even compile it. I like to make my list, not from January to December but from the Oscar year so that I can include some 2014 films (or when they’re released in the uk)

    1. Hi Mark! Yeah it’s tough to make a Top 10 list when you felt like you haven’t seen the *essential* movies. I’m VERY curious to see your list whenever you have it up though. Yeah, just use the UK release date as I use the US one for mine.

  10. Have not seen all those films (9,7,5). The director is Greengrass for number 10, you have the wrong name there 😉

    Surprised to see Frozen making it to your top 10 list, have not seen it mentioned in other lists. Have to admit though that it was very good, so I can understand. Her is amazing, can’t wait to watch that one again. You have the same number 1 as I and for good reason.

    Happy to see The Wolverine in you disappointing list. I was not as crazy about either even though generally everyone seem to love it.

    1. Ha..ha.. yeah, I realized that as I was reading it on my phone but couldn’t fix it until I get to a computer. Thanks for correcting me.

      I LOVE Frozen, it’s such a beautiful movie that’s entertaining but also heartfelt. Glad to hear you love Her as well, that one was such a huge surprise as I had only seen the trailer once and nothing else. So I should do that more often like you, not reading so much about a film I mean.

      I really wanted to love The Wolverine as I love that character, but it was meh all around.

      1. No problem, that’s my QA background taking over.

        Her is released this year over here so I’m pretty sure it will end up high in my end of year list. Good to hear you went in almost completely blank and enjoyed that and want to do that more in the future.

        1. Ha..ha.. well thank you again for that 😀

          Yeah I should try to do it more and more. Besides Her, Mud and Frozen viewings were similar in that I hadn’t read much about it beforehand and went in with neutral expectations. I don’t know if I can be as disciplined as you and NOT read anything about upcoming movies though.

  11. Nice lists, Ruth, can’t say I was surprised since your reviews linger in my head. Only surprise is that Superman fell from grace–I remember how psyched up you were. Wolverine for me was quite disappointing, too. Your top 20 is roughly mine. 🙂

    1. Thanks Cindy! Yeah, I was disappointed too about Man of Steel, believe me. I’m still a HUGE Superman fan, the character I mean, but I think the Richard Donner version remains the best one. Glad we’re in agreement w/ a lot of these girl, right on!

  12. Awesome list! Thanks for reminding me again that I need to see The Act Of Killing. almost forgot to see that one. I’m still not sure what my top 10 is… I’ve enjoyed so many films this year.

    As for worst… I’ve avoided most, but from the ones I’ve seen, I’ll say “Mama” and “Beautiful Creatures”…. both were real bores!

    1. Hey Asrap, as it’s your neighbor country, The Act Of Killing should be an intriguing watch for you. It’s a surreal experience and really tough to watch at times, but so worth it.

      I’ve read a lot of bad reviews of Mama, too bad as it’s got Jessica Chastain whom I love.

  13. jackdeth72

    Hi, Ruth:

    Well thought and laid out collection of Bests!

    And you’ve Obliquely created another reason to find the DVD set for season two of FX’s ‘Justified’ on DVD or Netflix. To enjoy Margo Martindale’s Emmy winning performance as back woods Kentucky Matriarch, Mags Bennett. The actress whom I knew nothing about absolutely rocks her role as a sometimes overbearing mother who will do anything to protect her less than rocket scientist, criminal sons.

    Also nice to see Matthew McConnaughey rising up to roles worthy of his yet untapped talents!

    Good stuff!

    Note: Check your E-mail.

    1. Hello Kevin!! Oh Margo Martindale is in Justified? She’s such a great character actress. Ppl kept raving on about Meryl’s performance but I think Margo’s equally excellent in August: Osage County. I’m planning to do a Top Performances list (male and female) at some point and she’ll get a mention.

      I hope Matthew McConnaughey continues his career renaissance!

      P.S. I did and replied, THANKS!! 😀

  14. Nice list, Ruth! I only recently saw August: Osage County, but I was surprisingly VERY impressed with it, so I’m glad to see it here. Also, I’m actually a bit surprised that Gravity beat out Her on your list, tho it’s not a bad pick by any means!

    As for most disappointing, I actually debated making a list of such movies myself, rather than a “worst of”, and The Wolverine definitely woulda ranked high on that list. So much potential wasted with a just few too many missteps.

    1. Hi Chris! Glad to hear you’ve seen August: Osage County and liked it. Her and Gravity are practically neck and neck but the latter deserves the top spot I reckon.

      It’s really a shame about The Wolverine, I mean I was truly bored watching it and the romance is so lame. But still I’m excited for Days of Future Past! 😀

  15. Ruth, I’m glad to see Mud so high on your list. I caught up with it last month and really enjoyed it, especially the performances. I’m sad to admit that I haven’t seen Gravity, but I just read that it’s coming back to the theaters. I’m definitely going to check it out on the big screen this month. I liked The Wolverine and thought it was a nice counterpoint to the over-the-top shenanigans of Man of Steel and Star Trek Into Darkness. It’s a pretty basic story, but I appreciated its focus on character over style.

    1. Hi there Dan! Mud left a big impression on me so I had to put it on my list. YES Gravity is gonna be re-released on the big screen and so is 12 Years A Slave.

      As for The Wolverine, I like how it started out and the focus on the character is good in theory, though I didn’t think they did a compelling job. The romance was supposed to be a big deal in the story (which was what I expected) but it felt so forced and they cast such a weak actress with no chemistry w/ Hugh Jackman at all. Ah well, sorry but I wish I could say I dug it.

      1. I’ll agree that the love story was the worst part of the film. The lead actress was pretty flat, and that didn’t help matters at all. Still, I found a lot to like with it.

  16. Ruth i think you meant Paul Greengrass instead of Barkhad Abdi (in the first mention of his name) in the paragraph of Captain Phillips 🙂
    I am still compiling mine and found it quite hard to narrow it down to a top 10 XD Although i think some of my choices are quite similar to yours.
    I’m glad to see Frozen so high up on your list too!

    1. Thanks again for correcting me. I put the finishing touches late into the night, but still that’s no excuse, ha! It was tough narrowing down to just 10, that’s why I ended up doing a Top 20 with additional 10 for Honorable Mentions. Even so I almost missed on a couple of films on there. Frozen is so adorable, I can’t possibly not put that on my Top 5.

  17. I was absolutely blow away by FROZEN. I went into it expecting the typical cutesy princess movie and was pleasantly surprised to discover it was so much more. Great writing! Disney is turning things around.

    I totally agree with on you THE WOLVERINE and NOW YOU SEE ME. I’m still mad I wasted the time and money.

    1. Hey Ashley! You had the same reaction as I did about FROZEN but it’s nice to be proven wrong in this case isn’t it? Yes, I’m glad Disney didn’t go with the predictable story, but yet it still has all the elements you expected like the great musical numbers!

      Yeah, I think Now You See Me is just terrible, so much promise but the payoff is sooo lame!

    1. Hello Mark! He..he.. I knew I’d have a few people disagreeing about The Wolverine, but well, it is what it is man. Trust me, I REALLY wanted to love it and I had been anticipating it for some time, alas…

  18. I see I forgot to post my comment earlier! I can be so distracted sometimes!

    At any rate, beautiful post Ruth! Some solid films on here. The Hunt was absolutely excellent, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I must admit, I haven’t even seen Gravity, though I would like to!

    I have yet to see The Wolverine. It garnered such a bad rep and that saddened me, but I have it here, must just watch it… Problem is Star Wars takes precedence at the moment. 😛

    Started watching Man of Steel again recently and I was simply not so swept up (except the score, Zimmer is a genius). I think I was not in the right mindset. I ordered a limited edition with a figurine recently (such a geek I know) which arrived yesterday, and I’ve been contemplating seeing it again so I can see how it holds up again. Will definitely get back to you on how I feel after official viewing number two 🙂

    Truly enjoyed this post!

      1. I LOVE your essay, you can leave that in anytime 😀

        High five on The Hunt & Gravity! Two brilliant films I can’t recommend enough. You should try to see Her too when it opens where you are.

        Curious to hear what you think about The Wolverine. Are you a big fan of the character? He’s my fave X-Men characters in the ensemble but somehow this film adaptation, with sooo much promise of a compelling origin story, just left me cold. Ahah, you’re doing a Star Wars marathon now?

        I think I was sooo gung ho watching Man of Steel the first n second time that I think my excitement ended up clouding my judgments. On third viewing somehow it fell flat and the things that didn’t bother me before ended up being so irritating! I might do a post on it but it really pains me to do so as I LOVE LOVE Superman. Yes, do let me know what you think after you see it again.

        Thank you dearest, that means a lot coming from you!

        1. 🙂 Much appreciated!

          Her I will get to should I come across it, I have read so many amazing things about it!

          The Wolverine is my favourite X-Men of them all, and, to be geeky to the core, the one with the power I would choose if I could have some funky cool superhero powers! 😛 I LOVE him! Hmmmm… that is SO disappointing to hear. I am going to have to look into this and soon, too, but I will do an X-Men marathon of it while I am at it.

          Yes, a Star Wars marathon I am doing 😉 My other half got them for me for Christmas and I haven’t had a single minute alone to myself since like the 13th of December, so I am finally getting to watch them now. BIG FAN.

          Hmmmmm, that can happen. I enjoyed it (flaws and all), but I know I didn’t go in with nearly the same expectations that you did! 😛 A post sounds like a good idea!

          But of course, fair friend!

          1. I’m thrilled that Her gets an Oscar nom, yay!!

            Yeah that’s why it’s so disappointing as Wolvey is my fave X-Men too, though I probably would rather have Prof. X powers, though I’d rather be able to walk as well, ahah. Let me know what you think of it, I know some people quite like that but I guess I expected it to be a lot more compelling.

            Ha..ha.. I know how you feel! Good for you to tackle such a massive marathon! I haven’t even been able to do one for LOTR. Glad to hear we both are big fans 😀

            Do let me know when you do a post on Man of Steel, you’ve done such a good job critiquing Harry Potter posts so I’d love to read it! 😀

            1. You loved that one!

              LOL! So many ifs and buts there! I love it! I am hoping for compelling. I will check it out and let you know!

              Thank you, thank you. It was agreed one day I will come there and then we will do a marathon!

              Hahaha I am glad that you enjoyed it. I wrote a review when it came but I haven’t really watched it since… hmmm, maybe we should do a post together about what we thought about it and the way it holds up! 🙂

  19. There’s a couple of films I want to see before I compose my own list (The Past, The Great Beauty, Blue is the Warmest Color), but that’s a good selection. her would be my favorite on your top 10.

    1. I REALLY want to see The Great Beauty, that sounds very intriguing. Glad you’re a fan of ‘her’ as well. I read your review on it, we’re in agreement about that one 😀

  20. Great post Ruth!!
    Love seeing Gravity as your number 1 🙂
    I will post my top 5 next Monday.

    I actually have most of the movies in your list but haven’t got time to see it yet.

    1. Glad we’re in agreement about Gravity Nov! Looking forward to seeing your post. You gotta see The Act of Killing, no need subtitles for that one 🙂

        1. I still use subtitles for some British movies as sometimes the accents are too strong. Well technically The Act of Killing is a *foreign* film as it’s not produced in Indo, it’s just that the subject matter speak Bahasa. Even the director can be heard speaking Indo in the background 🙂 You can’t miss that one Nov.

          1. I am so used to British accent now, I didn’t even use subtitle when watching Peaky Blinders with their Brummie accent.

            Hahaha The Act of Killing is foreign for other country 😉
            I want to watch that when the moment is right because it’s not an easy movie to watch.

    1. Yes, I’m thrilled we share our #1 spot Sati! I LOVE Mud and The Hunt, it’s too bad neither Matthew nor Mads were recognized for their work in both films.

  21. Heard lots of good things about Frozen Ruth so it’s reassuring to see it so high on your list. Great call on Gravity, I’m not surprised to see it at number one but expected Captain Phillips to be higher. Anyway, great to see it up there (it was one of my top films of 2013).

    I’m looking forward to seeing Mud and The Hunt – McConaughey is on fire these days. I recently watched Killer Joe and he was brilliant in that. I also want to see The Act of Killing after all the good word.

    Nice to see Good Day To Die Hard on the bottom pile – that was rubbish. But I would also take Pacific Rim from the favorites and deposit it in the worst-of-the-year list too!

    1. Frozen is all around lovely Dan! Glad it’s got an Oscar nom, yay!

      Glad we agree on Captain Phillips! You’ll see my gripe on my Oscars post that Greengrass didn’t get a nom!

      McConaughey is brilliant in Mud, too bad it’s overlooked over DBC where obviously it’s more sensational w/ the weight loss thing.

      Die Hard 5 is *robbed* of a Razzie!! Awww, but I LOVE Pacific Rim, yes it’s cheesy but it’s cheesy good fun! 😀

  22. “It’s not enough that it’s better than the original Wolverine movie.” I haven’t seen the new one yet, but I love this explanation. It’s like the way I frequently say “that’s a low bar to clear” about various “it’s better than…” statements. Better is just better; it’s not automatically good enough.

    1. Hi Morgan, thanks! I just had to write that as I read so many critics say ‘oh it’s so much better than the first movie’ Well, be that as it may, considering how bad the first one was, this one still isn’t a GOOD film.

  23. Good stuff! It looks like we will be sharing about half of the same films in our top tens. Really glad to see The Hunt listed, especially. Also, props for including Disconnect as an honorable mention — that film surprised me with how good it was.

    1. Yeah, The Hunt is the only one that sticks from the earlier list from the first half of 2013. It’s such an unforgettable film. Disconnect is surprisingly competent, I was so impressed by Andrea Riseborough.

  24. Great list, Ruth. Some cool picks that I think are going to appear on mine, and love seeing Gravity take the top spot. The Counselor would be my most disappointing and, as you know, I was quite the fan of Now You See Me. I think that will be one of my honorable mentions.

    1. Looking forward to seeing your list Fernando! Love that we’re in agreement about Gravity n Cuaron. Ahah yeah after reading your review of it, no doubt The Counselor will get your top DIShonor 🙂

  25. I haven’t seen Nebraska, Frozen and Captain Phillips. I didn’t like Gravity as much as you, but maybe in my second viewing I could like it more. Act of Killing surely is a memorable documentary. If it won at the Oscars, that is surely something! My current #1 is 12 Years a Slave

  26. Nice list! Gravity was great and good to see captain Phillips, saw Frozen a few weeks back and wasn’t as impressed as others! Yet to see Nebraska unfortunately and Osage County has just been released here! Great list though and considerations for close calls, and I agree with the worse!

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  28. Pingback: » Movie Review – 12 Years A Slave Fernby Films

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