Superman: A History and a New Hope

Yet another SUPER post on my favorite superhero!

Special thanks to Terrence for taking part on the Man Of Steel Countdown festivities. I love this post and especially his closing statement…

Is Man of Steel the beginning of a new era for Superman? I think so. It brings in a new era and with it a new hope. That is, afterall, what the “S” symbol stands for!


A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, a mother and father on a doomed planet called Krypton sent their one and only son, Kal-el, on a crash course to Earth in an attempt to save him from the impending doom of their homeworld. With the similar appearance of the inhabitants of Earth, young Kal-el differed in a very remarkable way from those who took him in as one of their own: powered by the rays of the sun, Kal-el (now living under the pseudonym “Clark Kent”) began to exhibit and harness powers of a super nature. Under the direction and guidance of his adopted parents, Clark learned that with great power comes great responsibility and as he grew he quickly learned just what that lesson would mean for him in his futuremanofsteelquote

Not only would Clark (soon to be known to the world as Superman) have a…

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Everybody’s Chattin’ – Vol. 26

Happy Friday everyone! It's the last day of May but sadly I'm still wearing jackets these days... with umbrellas in tow!! It's been a pretty lame Spring, and it looks like it's gonna be slow going Summer too 😦 But hey, I'll be seeing Man of Steel is exactly 11 days, so THAT definitely puts …

Continue reading Everybody’s Chattin’ – Vol. 26

Superman: The Movie in 1978, The Year

An excellent historical perspective of my favorite superhero film. Putting Superman: The Movie in the context of that era made me appreciate this a whole lot more!

THANK YOU, Michael!

It Rains... You Get Wet


My generous colleague, Ruth of Flixchatter, kicked off her countdown this week for likely the most anticipated film of the year, Man of Steel.


She offered moi a chance to participate in the endeavor since we’re both big fans of the progenitor for the modern comic superhero film, Superman: The Movie. Here is my contribution.

“Ever since ancient times, humanity has sought to use stories to explain the world in which it lives. Just as ancient man used stories of gods and monsters to explain the world, modern man uses stories of godlike heroes and monstrous villains to do the same. Comic books are modern mythology, in that they are modern man’s method of explaining the world around them through the fantastical.”

The above quote, written by the blogger known as witnessing101 in his Modern Mythology: What Superheroes Can Show Us About Humanity piece, eloquently expressed what comic…

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Man of Steel Countdown – Superman and me

In just twenty four days (well 21 days for me :D), THE most anticipated movie of the year will arrive in theaters. There have been few movie events in the past decade, but for me, THIS would count as the one of the biggest one to date. In preparation for Man of Steel, I'll be …

Continue reading Man of Steel Countdown – Superman and me

Five for the Fifth: November 2012 Edition

Hello folks, welcome to another 2012 edition of Five of the Fifth! As is customary for this monthly feature, I get to post five random news item/observation/poster, etc. and then turn it over to you to share your take on that given topic. You can see the previous five-for-the-fifth posts here. So let's get started, …

Continue reading Five for the Fifth: November 2012 Edition

Random Thoughts: Man of Steel casting ideas

Upon hearing news last week that Zack Snyder & co. are looking for a middle-aged Superman (though he specifically mentioned 35-40, now since when is that middle aged??!), I immediately conjured up a list of actors previously starring in Snyder's movies worth considering. But before I posted that list, my blogger friend Sam from Banana …

Continue reading Random Thoughts: Man of Steel casting ideas

Scene Spotlight: Superman rescues Lois – Superman: The Movie

This might seem like a completely random choice today, but in fact I'm sort of inspired by Kick-Ass' err... kick-ass box office this weekend. The movie tells the tale of a high school student and a comic book die hard fan who decides to be a superhero himself. The action comedy also stars Nicolas Cage, …

Continue reading Scene Spotlight: Superman rescues Lois – Superman: The Movie