Everybody’s Chattin + Spotlight on ‘Macbeth’ First Official US Trailer


Hello hello! How is this only Wednesday? I feel like I’ve been at work all week. Well, here in the States we’re anticipating a three-day weekend with Labor Day on Monday. YES!!

Well, I was gonna do this community blogging post last week but somehow time ran away from me so I made sure I do it this week.

So about those links…

Horror maestro Wes Craven died this past Sunday, Rodney said his farewell, while Dan posted a top 10 tribute.

Katy posted a bunch of awesome artwork of Summer movies, what a great find!

Abbi reviewed a book she REALLY loved, see if it’s something you should pick up.

As it’s back-to-school week for a lot of you, Jay posted two uplifting movies just in time for that time of the year.

Khalid paid tribute to the FX series THE SHIELD, which premiered 13 years ago.

Woo hoo!! Brittani reviewed the Scottish rom-com Not Another Happy Ending, which launched my current obsession on the French Adonis Stanley Weber

Now a few reviews of movies I haven’t seen yet but will definitely rent…

Keith reviewed Z For Zachariah | Josh reviewed Testament of Youth | Tom reviewed Straight Outta Compton

Trailer Spotlight

I can’t believe I haven’t talked about this film on this blog much. I also thought we’ve seen a trailer but what we got a few months ago was just the teaser, so we finally got an official one. Behold…

Heh, after the high of watching this comes the agonizing wait. Hey at least folks in the UK only has a month to wait when in opens on Oct 2 but this film doesn’t come out until December 4 in the US. WTF??!!

Macbeth, a duke of Scotland, receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders his king and takes the throne for himself.

You probably sneered why I even put the film description here but hey, not everyone has the privilege of studying Shakespeare growing up or even see this play live on stage. Wish I had, but I’m not wholly familiar with this story even though it’s been adapted on screen multiple times. So this feels fresh to me, and boy is this going to be an eerily-gorgeous film. I read somewhere that it’s as if the entire film was shot in Instagram, ahah well, it IS rather somber & gloomy looking but it does fit the subject matter which isn’t exactly a sunny, cheerful story.

In the Summer we had Mad Max and in the Fall/Winter, we’ve got Mad Mac!

All that cunning, deceit and treachery set against such a lush panorama and stylistic slo-mo… a cross between Braveheart + 300 in the battle scenes… lest we forget Michael Fassbender was quite memorable as Stelios in 300, who died alongside King Leonidas and said ‘It’s an honor to die at your side.’ Boy, the career trajectory of Fassbender & Gerry Butler is enough to make one pause doesn’t it? But then again, Fassy certainly is one w/ the chops and he’s much wiser in his film role choices.

In any case, another main draw for me here is Marion Cotillard‘s casting as Lady Macbeth. The French actress can do no wrong in my eyes… and she looks positively radiant in this trailer. I’m also curious to see Jake Reynor who plays Malcolm, the elder son of the slain King Duncan. I interviewed him last year for the latest Transformers movie and really, I wish I could just ask him all about THIS film instead.

David Thewlis as Duncan & Jack Reynor as Malcolm

I don’t usually say this to many movies, but this one does have that epic quality about it. Reviewers have hailed this film from the film festival rounds, though I try not to read many of them at this point. I haven’t seen anything the Aussie director Justin Kurzel‘s done, but he’s one got one feature film under his belt. Yet he’s working with BOTH Fassbender and Cotillard again in Assassin’s Creed.

So are you excited for MACBETH?

38 thoughts on “Everybody’s Chattin + Spotlight on ‘Macbeth’ First Official US Trailer

  1. Yup, pretty excited to see MacBeth. Of all the Shakespeare’s plays that we had to read back in high school, MacBeth was the only one I got into, probably because it’s quite violent. This adaptation looks brutal and kind similar to early 70s version.

    1. Hi ya Ted! Did you see Coriolanus? That’s quite a violent play too from Shakespeare, though not as well known. I think the Macbeth story is more intriguing because he had been so trusted by Duncan y’know. Yeah it does look VERY brutal.

    1. Hi Andrew, welcome to FC!! That’s awesome that you actually DIRECTED a Macbeth play, wow that’s quite an accomplishment. It is one of those classic stories that people would always be intrigued by.

    1. Hi Cindy! I’ll be VERY surprised if I don’t see Fassy nor Cotillard’s name come Oscar time. I mean like you said, the acting can’t be wrong. EVERYONE looks phenomenal here, David Thewlis is another one of those underrated actors too. Yes miss Cotillard has always been good but she looks magnificent here. I posted a review of my film of the month in my last post, it’s the role she’s nominated for Oscar and I’d have rooted for her if I had seen it.

  2. Tom

    I think this has all the hallmarks of a classic, if it’s executed right. The trailer has me pretty excited now for sure. It’s been awhile since I’ve come across this play so you including that brief film overview helped. Shame on me for forgetting! 😛

    Oh, and thank you again for another link! Much obliged.

    1. Hi Tom! Yeah let’s hope it doesn’t disappoint, I mean the HYPE has been astronomical for this. Hey, glad that brief helped you, I figure I can’t be the only one who might need it 🙂

      My pleasure about the link!

  3. I’m crazy excited about this and I wish Weinstein was backing this in Oscar season instead of focusing on JOY. I know Academy has some sort of weird aversion to Shakespeare, which is just crazy because his work is filled with so many amazing character and great source for actors to build their performances around, but this one seems just destined to be a big awards player and this weird release thing – UK first, direct to video in US along with theatrical release – does the movie no favors

    1. Hi Margaret! I honestly have no interest in seeing JOY. That’s crazy if the Weinsteins would rather focus on that one instead of Macbeth! Yeah, I’m always baffled by the decision to distribute films, I mean why the heck is there such a wide gap between US and UK release, I mean considering EVERYONE seems excited to see this film, it just makes no sense.

  4. Hmm… Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard do MacBeth is money! I just bought a copy of Macbeth by Roman Polanski last month which I’ve seen before but it’s been a very long time as I’m going to watch that and Orson Welles’ version later this year.

  5. Thank you for the link Ruth!
    Sweet, I guess I’m seeing MacBeth on my birthday (Dec. 4 woop woop)! I’m excited! The reviews that came out were fairly good.

  6. I’m looking forward to MacBeth. I don’t remember the story at all, so I could use a refresher and I love Cotillard and Fassbender so much.

    Thank you for the link! 🙂

    1. I think the casting is just superb for this and Fassy + Marion must get on so well w/ this director they’re working together again in the next one for Assassin’s Creed!

  7. Oh goodie! I’m also very excited about this and more so when this newest adaptation uses the talents of Cotillard and Fassbender. It should be stupendous even though it comes from a relatively unknown director, but if one only judges from the trailer, I say it clearly has the clout of an Academy Award contender.

    1. Hello Niels! Yeah I think Macbeth might be one of the most highly anticipated film by an unknown director but w/ THAT cast, hard not to get noticed. Yeah the trailer sure looks promising!

  8. Am am intruiged by Macbeth, will probably see it in October. haha hows that, we get a film release before the US!! 😛 Though its an Aussie director (that I’ve never heard of actually) so that might explain it.

    1. Hi Jordan, seems that everyone will get to see this before the US audience does :\ I don’t think many people have heard of Justin Kurtzel but he’ll be known after this one.

  9. abbiosbiston

    Thank you so much for the shout out. I really did love that book! I am also very much looking forward to Macbeth. It is one of my favourite Shakespeare plays and I recently very much enjoyed The Globe’s theatre production of it. Michael Fassbender seems perfect to play the role.

  10. The Macbeth trailer is just…wow. I cannot wait for it to open. One of my most anticipated films of the year. HUGE fan of both actors, especially Cotillard, and the imagery is so striking.

    1. Yeah I’m actually more intrigued by Marion here than Fassy. He’s so overexposed now I’m tired of him actually, but miss Marion is always lovely.

  11. Thanks for the link, Ruth! I’m so excited for Macbeth, and I’m also looking forward to seeing Jack Reynor in it. He deserves a great career. It looks like he’s off to an excellent start.

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