The Avengers Initiative: Profile on Agent Phil Coulson

Happy Sunday all!

It’s The Avengers Week over at The Focused Filmographer blog as part of the countdown to the Marvel movie’s US release. My pal Terrence asked me to participate in The Avengers Initiative, so today I present you the profile on the least likely hero of all — but certainly just as valiant — the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson. Find out more about the actor who portrayed Coulson, Clark Gregg, what Joss Whedon said about the agent’s man-crush on Captain America, and much more!

Read the full post on Terrence’s blog by clicking the banner below!

Are you as excited as I am for this movie? What are your thoughts on Agent Coulson?

17 thoughts on “The Avengers Initiative: Profile on Agent Phil Coulson

  1. themadlabpost

    I haven’t been too excited about The Avengers because comic books aren’t my thing, however, the trailer did look like it’s going to be action-packed. I can understand the draw of The Avengers and why many people are into it. If I do go see it, it will be because of Jeremy Renner and Scarlett Johansson.

    1. Hi there, welcome to FC! Glad that you’re now anticipating the movie despite it not being your usual cup of tea. Hope it’ll meet your expectations!

  2. I finally saw Captain America a couple weeks ago, and I didn’t like it at all. It made me lose interest in the Avengers, though it is reassuring to see all of these positive reviews trickle in. I will see it anyway, but I don’t have too terribly high hopes.

  3. Wow! First time seeing a post dedicated to Agent Coulson 🙂 . But I have to say that I now have a better opinion of him since seeing The Avengers (no spoilers!)

  4. Pingback: 10 Reasons why I think The Avengers rocks |

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