Most Anticipated 2012 Movies – Part II (April – June)

The first week of March has come and gone, so it’s time for Part II of this year’s most-anticipated flicks.

Can you believe it I still haven’t seen Coriolanus from my Part I which had been screening all over the world but here in Minnesota!! And one of the movies I listed under March, Gerry Butler’s Playing The Field, is pushed back all the way until Christmas day 😦

January and February have been a super slow movie-watching month for me. I haven’t gone to the cinema for about a month now, but I might venture out this weekend or the next to catch some March releases. So anyway, here are a list of movies that I’m hoping to catch between the months of April – June (release dates are for USA – info from IMDb unless otherwise noted):


The Cold Light of Day (April 6)

A young American (Cavill) uncovers a conspiracy during his attempt to save his family, who were kidnapped while on vacation in Spain.

Ok, I gotta admit that if the lead actor wasn’t Henry Cavill this movie might’ve flown right past me. But y’know, the trailer looks pretty good and I like the supporting cast too. Bruce Willis as Henry’s mysterious dad and Sigourney Weaver as the villain. I’m definitely game to see the future Man of Steel in an action-packed International thriller.


Movie 43 (April 13)

I’ve heard about this movie for quite a while, but given that it’s to be released in about a month, there’s barely ANY buzz for it. It’s quite odd since the Farrelly Brothers are fairly well-known and it boasts a spectacular ensemble cast that’ll put the recent ensemble-cast rom-coms like Valentine’s Day or New Year’s Eve to shame. Here’s a sampling in alphabetical order:

Elizabeth Banks, Gerard Butler, Kieran Culkin, Hugh Jackman, Johnny Knoxville, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Chloe Moretz, Liev Schreiber, Sean William Scott, Tony Shalhoub, Emma Stone, Matt Walsh, Patrick Warburton, Naomi Watts, and Kate Winslet.

Photo courtesy of

As I mentioned briefly in this post two years ago, this feature film is in the vein of ParisJe t’aime in that it’s comprised of interconnected short comedy segments with multiple directors. Back in February, Collider interviewed the Bobby & Peter Farrelly and Peter gave a glimpse of what the plot is about, which centers on “…two 15-year-old stoners and their 11-year-old egghead brother/computer whiz, who are trying to find the elusive Movie 43. It’s the most banned movie in the world. It was banned in all countries because it’s so subversive. They have heard about it and they are trying to find it on the Internet. They keep breaking into other banned sites and movie archives, and finding these other shorts…”

Leslie Bibb revealed via ComingSoon that she’s playing Wonder Woman and sounds like one of the segments could very well be a spoof of DC’s Justice League… “[In my segment] is me, Jason Sudeikis and Justin Long and Bobby Cannavale and John Hodgman is the Penguin… Cannavale is a jacked up Superman who smokes and we all are these f**ked up superheroes. Like, I’m sleeping with Batman. He won’t call me back. I’m kind of crazy.  Kristen Bell is Supergirl and Uma Thurman is Lois Lane or something. And we’re all just dysfunctional superheroes, like superheroes who can’t get a date. We’re all at this speed dating.

Apparently the movie was made for $5 million, and it’s a hard R. Well naturally, right? I can’t wait to see the trailer for this!


The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (May 4)

British retirees travel to India to take up residence in what they believe is a newly restored hotel. Less luxurious than its advertisements, the Marigold Hotel nevertheless slowly begins to charm in unexpected ways.

When I first saw the trailer I was just in glee, it just looks so delightful and chock full of my favorite seasoned actors: Judi Dench, Tom Wilkinson, Maggie Smith, Bill Nighy, and that kid from Slumdog Millionaire Dev Patel. Just check out this fun trailer, nice to see these fine thespians looking like they’re having so much fun making this movie.

The Avengers (May 4)

Nick Fury and the international agency S.H.I.E.L.D. bring together a team of super humans to form The Avengers to help save the Earth from Loki & his nefarious army.

Well if you don’t know anything about this one then you probably have been living under a rock. I’ll go out on a limb that this could very well be the Hulk-smash of a hit this coming Summer. Check out the latest trailer if you haven’t already.

Moonrise Kingdom (May 25)

A pair of lovers flee their New England town, which causes a local search party to fan out and find them.

I’m not too familiar with Wes Anderson’s work, apart from The Royal Tennenbaums, but this delightfully hilarious trailer just won me over. It’s so quirky that one just can’t help but be curious enough to find out. The cast is awesome as well, there’s his muses Bill Murray and Jason Schwartzman (who happens to be the cousin of this movie’s co-writer Roman Coppola), Edward Norton, Tilda Swinton and Bruce Willis, among others.

Check out the wacky trailer below:



Snow White and the Huntsman (June 1)

Out of the two Snow White adaptations battling it out this year, I’m more inclined to see this one on the big screen. I’m still not sold on Kristen Stewart‘s casting but I do love Charlize Theron as the evil queen and Thor’s Chris Hemsworth looks pretty bad ass once again as the huntsman sent to kill the fair princess.

Check out the trailer »

Prometheus (June 8)

A team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race.

There’s been much hullaballoo all over the geekosphere about the connection between this and Ridley Scott’s 1979 sci-fi horror classic. Well I think all the evidence seems to point out that it is indeed a prequel to that movie. I read over at i09 site that Guy Pearce‘s role is the likely connection between the two films. This is what Scott said: “When the first ‘Alien’ movie and ‘Blade Runner’ were made, I thought that in the near future the world will be owned by large companies. This is why we have the Tyrell Corporation in ‘Blade Runner’, and Weyland-Yutani in ‘Alien’. They sent the Nostromo spaceship. The Prometheus is owned by an entrepreneur called Peter Weyland, and is played by Guy Pearce. That’s the connection between the two films, and nothing more. Prometheus is a new film, a new world, and is full of new ideas. And of course new monsters as well.”

Besides Pearce, the cast is full of today’s brightest & easy-on-the-eye talents: Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Idris Elba, and Noomi Rapace. This eerie teaser trailer is marvelously cryptic, giving sci-fi fans enough to salivate over what Mr. Scott has in store.

Pixar’s BRAVE (June 22)

Determined to make her own path in life, Princess Merida defies a custom that brings chaos to her kingdom. Granted one wish, Merida must rely on her bravery and her archery skills to undo a beastly curse.

I think you know by now I’m super excited for the latest Pixar’s movie. I’ve been blogging quite a bit about this movie, so just follow the linkage to check out the poster, US trailer and the Japanese version.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (June 22)

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, discovers vampires are planning to take over the United States. He makes it his mission to eliminate them.

Here’s another case where the casting first caught my attention when Rufus Sewell was cast. But the idea of for this is just so freakishly bizarre that I just had to find out more about it. The first teaser trailer was cut in such blinding speed that you barely see anything but the International Trailer is a bit better and you can also check out the featurette on that post.

It’s got super stiff competition with BRAVE and I doubt it’ll stand a chance against that one at the box office, but I still might catch this on the big screen depending on the reviews.

Well, those are my anticipated list for the next three months. Any one of these on your must-see list?

63 thoughts on “Most Anticipated 2012 Movies – Part II (April – June)

  1. I feel like shouting from the rooftops that we get The Avengers (and Prometheus too, apparently) before America. Hey, it is only two weeks, but you know how bad it is in NZ!!!! I’m interested to see most of these – it’ll be interesting to see which Snow White movie comes out on top!

    1. Woo hoo, well I’m happy for you Stevee! Yes I totally understand as I grew up in Indonesia where all the movies always came much later than in the US.

  2. Dev was the only actor in the Last Airbender who was consistently good…everyone else seemed hit or miss.

    Anyways, out of this list Avengers, SNow White and the Hunstmen, Bra,e and Abraham Lincoln vampire Hunter are the ones that pique my interest the most

  3. Prometheus and The Cold Light of Day are most exciting to me. Very interested in Movie 43 though, hadn’t heard of that one. Will definitely be keeping an eye out for that one! After watching that Japanese trailer for Brave, I’m more excited about that again now too! Great list!

    1. Oh glad to be the one telling you about Movie 43. I’m surprised for the lack of buzz for that, I mean there’s hardly ANY at all. And totally agree about BRAVE, that Japanese trailer really sold me, too.

  4. PROMETHEUS!!!!! I am doing a little dance in the office at the prospect of seeing that soon!! (well in a few months anyway)

    Great post. I hope you see Coriolanus soon Ruth, and Best Exotic… I think you will love it!

    1. Well I’m even more psyched about Coriolanus & the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel after reading your reviews, matey. But yeah, Prometheus should be a treat for sci-fi movie fans!

  5. I definitely want to see some of those movies you listed such as The Avengers and Snow White and The Huntsman. Looking further out, my most anticipated movie of this year is The Dark Knight Rises!

  6. Definitely Prometheus, The Avengers and Moonrise Kingdom. Ruth… Wes Andersons movies can be pretty dry, even for me, but of all his films I’d definitely recommend Rushmore. One of my favorite films. Great soundtrack. Then maybe Bottle Rocket or The Fantastic Mr. Fox.

    The Farrelly brothers are hit and miss for me. Man what a cast though. The premise sounds pretty interesting. Sure I’ll check this one out.

    The Brave has Kelly Macdonald in it and I could listen to her speak all day as I said before. So I’ll be paying attention to this one. I first saw her in Trainspotting where she was fantastic but I really became a fan after I saw her second movie Stella Does Tricks.

    One you didn’t mention was The Hunger Games. I’m not put off by the hype. My girlfriend read the books and really loved ’em. She said the casting is dead on.

  7. It’s been a real long time since I’ve wanted to see a Ridley Scott movie. ‘Gladiator’ put me to sleep and I’ve stayed away from his films ever since, so I sure hope ‘Prometheus’ is worth the hype.

  8. There are some epic films coming out in the next few months. Out of those Prometheus, Avengers and Brave are really exciting me. Though I have a feeling we’ll be waiting here a bit longer for Brave and Prometheus 😦

    Funny you should mention The Cold Light of Day… it appeared on my radar for almost the same reason it appeared on yours! I haven’t seen Henry Cavill in anything else, of note. So, wouldn’t mind seeing what the new Man of Steel is like onscreen.

    1. Why do you think you have to wait longer for Brave and Prometheus?? You’re in the UK right?

      I’ve been a Henry fan for some time so naturally that movie is on my radar 🙂

  9. Uhmm…I kind of want to watch all of the movies! I haven’t heard of Movie 43 before, but it sounds good, so thanks for telling us! I want to see Moonrise Kingdom, Avengers, Abraham Lincon, Movie 43, Snow white- the rest I can catch on DVD, I guess!

  10. I’m totally pumped for Prometheus, Moonrise Kingdom, Brave, Snow White and the Huntsman and The Avengers. I would have a hard time telling you which one of the five is my most anticipated ahah. Yea, the year at the movies is totally heating up soon 😀 No interest in the others mentioned though.

  11. Ted S.

    The Avengers and Prometheus are the two I’ll definitely check out on the big screen and apparently both will be shown on the biggest screen of all, IMAX. I just laugh every time I hear Ridley Scott saying that Prometheus is not a prequel to Alien, even though we all know Peter Weyland is in the film. If you are a fan of the Alien franchise then of course you know about The Weyland Corporations. I assume it’s just part of marketing since the last Alien film was so bad and tanked big time at the box office, they don’t want this new film tie to the franchise.

    1. Oh I think Mr Scott is just such a big tease 🙂 It’s interesting how Alien wasn’t well-received back then but now everybody just can’t wait for this one. I think having the right cast also would help the box office of this one. I mean, everyone just LOVES Michael Fassbender!

      1. Ted S.

        Yeah, the first two films were hits for their time but the last two were huge disappointments, then they decided to make those awful Alien vs. Predators films. I think Fox is doing a good job of marketing this one, it might not earn $200 or $300 mil but I think it will be a success.

  12. I’m excited for Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, The Avengers an Moonrise Kingdom.

    I’ll be waiting to see the reviews before deciding on Movie 143. I usually don’t like the big ensemble pieces, and some of the humor sounds like it’s just not my cup of tea. It will probably need to translate into “Can’t miss” reviews to get my dollars.

    I never really enjoyed the Alien franchise so much, so I’m not sure whether I’ll get around to Prometheus or not. I’m also not sure about the Hunting movies (Snow White & Abe Lincoln). But it probably also depends on what happens to be showing on a given day that I want to go to the theater.

    I usually don’t see the animated films in theaters, but Brave might be an exception for me.

    1. I hear ya about ensemble cast movies, especially in comedies. But this one just sounds so outlandish I might have to see it out of curiosity, and that cast too, wow!

      Yay for Brave, I do think a lot of people who aren’t into animated features might make an exception with that movie.

  13. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel looks kinda adorable! Gotta love some Judi Dench 🙂 I also really wanna see Moonrise Kingdom, but I’ll have to check whether the release dates are the same!

  14. Paula

    Cold Light of Day, The Avengers, Prometheus & Movie 43 all look good. I won’t lie though, Abraham Lincoln is my favorite president, I’ve read a few biographies of him, & I can’t get my mind around it yet. But overall another good year for movies I think 🙂 Thanks for putting this all together in one place!

    1. That’s cool that Abe Lincoln is your fave Prez, then you really must see him kick ass, ahah. Yeah, it’s shaping up to be quite a year at the movies, stay tuned for part III and IV in the coming months!

      1. I just need time I guess LOL if you can hold a nation together and lead it through civil war, a vampire wouldn’t be much of a challenge 😉

  15. PrairieGirl

    Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter on the big screen for sure, if only for Rufus Sewell, of course. Others sound promising for DVD. LOVE the cast for Moonlight Kingdom ;-D. Great list.

      1. It’s downright palpable. I love that he’s using people like Tilda Swinton and Bruce Willis and especially Ed Norton. I love his usual troupe- Bill Murray, the Wilson brothers, Schwartzman- but it seems like he’s doing something a tiny bit different this time, and that excites me… palpably.

  16. I think the only ones I am interested in are Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter and the The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel but also hoped to see Pride and Prejudice and Zombies in that lineup as I have posted an update on the Jane Austen Centre Online Forum about it’s upcoming production it has taken a long time to get going. I am hoping with the success of Abraham that it will wake them up. As for the others how could anyone want to miss that the best of British acting in one film and will line up to see that. Maggie Smith and Bill Nighy are my personal faves and have featured this film on the forum for it’s Austen connections. Richard Armitage is one smouldering hottie even I can’t resist Vampire flick or not. Though I had hopes he would play Lord Osborne in The Watsons if it ever gets onto film on BBC but I won’t hold my breath as BBC and ITV have let us Austen fans down as of late.

    1. Hi Stella, oh yeah I’m curious about that P&P & Zombies adaptation. That sounds just as wacky as the Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter one for sure. I hope that gets made soon. Btw, is there a newer development than this one on the forum?

      Yes yes yes on Richard Armitage. It’s really about time he does an Austen adaptation. I think there are tons of Austen hero he’d be perfect as.

  17. For being a completely “new” story like they have tried to portray it as, the Prometheus trailer seems to have the flavor and style of the very famous trailer for the first of the Alien films.
    I personally can’t wait for the new film, especially considering the great cast at hand, all of whom I would think would not have signed up to this if the project did not promise a great deal. However, I have seen some disappointing Ridley Scott’s works before, so I hope this is not the case.

    I am definitely waiting for Moonrise Kingdom too, mostly because of the excellent cast. How could I miss Tilda Swinton, Bruce Willis, Ed Norton and Bill Murray together? not to mention Wes Anderson at the helm. If it is as funny as the Royal Tenenbaums, I am definitely going to enjoy it. Plus I think the concept sounds interesting and potentially hilarious.

    As for the rest, I am not completely sold on any of them, but maybe I will be by the time they are released.

    1. Which of Ridley Scott movie(s) are you referring to Niels? I didn’t like Kingdom of Heaven and I know lots of people didn’t like Body of Lies which I haven’t seen yet. I am optimistic about Prometheus though.

      Yeah, the concept for Moonrise Kingdom is definitely intriguing, but the cast really sold me.

  18. I’ll probably end up seeing The Avengers and Prometheus. Maybe Chapter 43 and Moonrise Kingdom. Wes Anderson still hasn’t clicked with me yet, but that cast is pretty impressive..

    1. Truthfully, I’m with you about Wes, but I think they did a good job with this trailer as it looks absolutely delightful and peculiar all at the same time.

  19. Glad to see that you are game for Snow White & the Huntsman as opposed to Mirror Mirror. I too am ready for that one along with many others you listed here. Moonrise Kingdom is another that I am ready for.

    I’m still waiting to see Coriolanus too though. don’t worry. Not too sure about Movie 43 for me, btw. Usually, the more stars in the film, the worse it is.

    1. Yeah, the Huntsman looks like it could be an exciting action-packed adaptation for the beloved fairy tale.

      I’ve given up hope on Coriolanus, I’ll just wait for the dvd. Ahah, well I hope that your theory about ensemble cast doesn’t translate to Movie 43 🙂

  20. Prometheus is my only anticipated one from your list.
    The rest are DVD material or even TV 😉
    Thanks for the sum up Ruth. wish Prometheus will get here on time

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