Everybody’s Chattin’ + John Wick: Chapter 2 trailer


Happy Tuesday, or if you’re an eternal optimist, happy-three-more-days-until-Friday! 😀 My hand is still not well yet, apparently it’s NOT Rheumatoid Arthritis, it’s something w/ a fancy name: Extensor Tenosynovitis. Heh, it’s really annoying, I have to wear a splint daily which makes typing a chore. I might have to do MRI in a couple of weeks if it’s still not better by then.

In any case, it’s time for some community links… so here we go!

Ahhh I love Autumn… it’s my fave season. That’s why I LOVE Alex‘s latest quiz post

Michael reviewed the classic Hitchcock Strangers On A Train

… whilst Keith just reviewed the New Zealand comedy I can’t wait to watch: Hunt for the Wilderpeople

A new blog I recently discovered, The Double Take, just reviewed Deepwater Horizon

Jenna & Allie reviewed Bridget Jones’ Baby which I also enjoyed (my review should be up later this week!)

The latest HBO show Westworld has got everyone talking, check out Margaret‘s recap of episode 2 (we’re gonna binge on it in November when most of the episodes are available!)

Speaking of TV, Getter just posted about The Fall season 3.

Since it is Halloween month, lots of sites are dedicating a month of horror…

Dell just reviewed Scouts Guide to Zombie Apocalypse which actually sounds like a hoot…

… and Steven just reviewed Bride of Frankenstein

Now on to the sequel I can’t wait to see…

Though generally I prefer new, original stories, once in a while came a movie so fun I can’t help wishing for a sequel. Well, John Wick is such a movie and it seems that people are quite um, taken by this action franchise as there’s reportedly John Wick 3 in the works even as the first trailer just dropped!

Well, you don’t mess with Keanu, the seemingly meek and mild-mannered man who can spontaneously combust whenever his beloved dog is threatened. The trailer promises even more action and Keanu being as lethal as well as bulletproof as Neo! We’ve got the same director, Chad Stahelski, as the first one, and the movie looks just as stylish done on a modest budget (reportedly the first film was done for only $20 mil). Oh and speaking of The Matrix, gotta love the Neo + Morpheus reunion w/ Laurence Fishburne, woo hoo!

johnwick2_laurence johnwick2_keanu

I love the teaser poster of the hero being measured for a suit. Per HitFix, Keanu told the New York Comic-con crowd that “I really liked putting this suit back on and doing what John Wick gets to do… He’s a guy that’s really fighting to be free.” He’s just so perfect for the role and he makes John Wick so watchable!


The Rome scenery looks gorgeous too. Not quite a Roman Holiday though… no rest for the wicked I suppose. Well let’s hope John gets a bit of some relaxing vacation in the Eternal city before all hell break loose and he puts an end to his enemies’ dream of an eternal life on this earth.

John Wick Chapter 2 is out a day before my birthday on February 10, so hey, nice to see something exciting released in the *dead months* of Winter!


What do you think of the John Wick 2 trailer? Are you as psyched as I am? 

42 thoughts on “Everybody’s Chattin’ + John Wick: Chapter 2 trailer

  1. Thanks so much for the link. Always appreciated and always among good company. John Wick was a really nice surprise, wasn’t it? I’m definitely looking forward to February.

  2. Stefano Kimber

    God it’s good seeing Fishburne and Reeves on set together again. I’m hoping for some subtle nods to the Matrix universe in the next chapter. Great article, seeing the trailer for chapter 2 inspired me to do a write up on the first John Wick.

    1. Hi Stefano, welcome to FC! I’ve been chattin’ w/ your buddy Michael a while back. You should do a write up on John Wick, I gave it a glowing review when it came out 🙂

      1. Stefano Kimber

        Hey Ruth, thanks for the welcome. I’ll actually have the review up at some point today! Been writing about it on and off for the last couple of days and I’ve nearly finished it. Would love to know what you think of it when it goes live. Cheers.

        1. Let me know when it’s up. I’ve been quite busy on film festival stuff but will check it out when I hv time. Btw, in case you missed it, my blog has a monthly series I put up on the fifth of every month, check out the latest one and take part 🙂 http://wp.me/pxXPC-bfU

              1. Stefano Kimber

                That would be fantastic, Me are Michael are quite new to this concept but we’re having a blast so far. We have some pretty cool ideas lined up and would love to collaborate with you in the near future.

                1. I just left you a comment!

                  Glad you love blogging. I always enjoy the discussions w/ fellow film lovers, and that’s what my monthly series is all about!

  3. Sorry to hear about your hand Ruth, hope it’s nothing too serious.

    I’ve been watching Westworld and so far I’m kind of underwhelmed by it. Hopefully the upcoming episodes will get better, currently it’s just too much going on and seems to lack focus. There are some good stuff on the show but I wish it focuses on certain character or storyline. It sure does look great, it better since they spent close to $100mil on the show!

    As for John Wick part 2, can’t wait to see it! Hope it will be as fun as the first one and won’t take itself too seriously.

    1. Yeah so far it hasn’t improved much but the hand therapist wants me to wait before I get an MRI, so we’ll see.

      Hmmm, underwhelmed by Westworld? I think you’re the first, seems that everyone is blown away by it. I can’t wait to judge it for myself once I get around to seeing it, I prefer to binge on shows now.

      Yep, I think the key to John Wick is just keep the story simple and just have fun!

    1. I wish Fishburne would be in more movies! I think he’s just as awesome as Samuel L. Jackson who seems to be cast in far more things. Oh I think we can expect Keanu to kill a ton of bad guys! 😉

  4. Hope your hand gets better, soon, and you avoid the dreaded MRI.

    Even without seeing the trailer, I was already pumped to see John Wick 2.

    Thanks for the link!

    1. Thanks Dell, I hope I’d never need to get an MRI.

      Yaaass! Glad you’re as pumped about JW2, and seeing Fishburne just made me even more excited to see this sequel!

  5. Thank you so much for the mention Ruth! Really can’t wait for John Wick 2, as Stefan mentioned in response to the new trailer he will be writing a review of John Wick which will be up shortly on our blog! Hope you like it.

    Hope your hand improves soon! 🙂

    1. Hi Michael, sure thing, glad we’ve discovered each other’s blog! I really enjoyed John Wick, it was such a crazy, stylish, fun action flick. It’s violent but more of a quick shots instead of a bloody/gory flick.

      1. It was incredibly stylish, the bluey tones throughout added a lot of depth to the scenes. So pumped for the next one! Keep an eye out for our John Wick review which will be posted in the next hour! 🙂

    1. Ahah yeah, I wonder how many people would actually fire up John Wick (pardon the pun) this week after watching the sequel. I haven’t rewatched it in a while but I definitely enjoyed the heck out of it.

      1. I just watched it, goddamn it is awesome. You can tell that stuntmen made the thing, its so stylishly violent. It made me wanna go out the back and smack my boxing bag as hard as I could!! Such an adrenaline rush. Cannot wait for the sequel

        1. Yeah, I think the fight scenes and shootouts are so well choreographed, esp the scenes in the club/lounge, with the neon lighting, it’s indeed an adrenaline rush! The sequel is filmed in Rome so that’s another reason to be excited for it. Plus, who doesn’t love Laurence Fishburne? He needs to be in more movies!

          1. Fishburne is great, loved him since The Matrix. And yeah, those scenes in the dance floor were probably the best part. All of it was just .. yeah, a total adrenaline rush. Got me all kinds of pumped up! I had to take it out on my boxing bag and my drumkit!!!

            Rome, nice. Though that doesn’t mean it will be good – Inferno is is Rome at times, and that has to be one of the worst major films I have seen in quite some time. I think Ron Howard is going senile

            1. Hey Jordan, he is indeed! He’s got such gravitas, and that VOICE, wow! Ha..ha.. I love that you’re so pumped you gotta *released* it on drums!

              I have no desire to see those Da Vinci code stuff, what a load of rubbish. Not surprised the sequel is terrible, not even Hanks would get me to see it!

              P.S. Hey I just posted about some of the indie films playing at TCFF later this month, surely there are some you might be interested in.

    1. Yay, that’s my girl Zoë! It wasn’t released on the big screen where you live?? That’s a travesty, I hope you get to see the sequel at the cinema this time.

  6. Brittani

    I feel like I’m the only person that doesn’t care about John Wick at all. I was expecting the movie to be fun, and it just wasn’t :(. I’m glad it was for you though, and that you have something to be excited about. I love that feeling.

    1. Oh really? Bummer you didn’t enjoy John Wick, I thought it was indeed fun. But then again I love Keanu and this role is tailor-made for him. You’re right though, it’s a good feeling to be excited about something, movies or otherwise 🙂

  7. Thanks so much for the link! john Wick 2 looks very cool loved the first movie! i cannot think of a better reason to go on a rampage for than a dog

    1. You’re welcome Margaret! Glad you have another show you’re enjoying aside from GoT. Ahah yes, looks like John Wick’s got another dog this time around, it’d be stupid for the bad guys to mess w/ it!!

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