FlixChatter Review: Wonder Woman 1984

There are few 2020 movies that are as anticipated as WW1984. No wonder, it's apparently got seven release dates, as far back as last December 2019, then it got moved around several times mostly due to Covid, then Warner Bros shifted its entire upcoming movie schedule until it's got its dual premiere in theater and …

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FlixChatter Review: Wonder Woman (2017)

I started writing this review just a day after seeing it. It has become a rarity for me to be able to write reviews so soon after I saw it but I felt… compelled, yeah that's the right word, to get my thoughts out as the film opens. Thankfully the embargo ends Wednesday night! I'm …

Continue reading FlixChatter Review: Wonder Woman (2017)

Everybody’s Chattin’ + Trailer Spotlight: WONDER WOMAN (trailer 3)

Hi everyone! Hope all is well in your part of the world. Well I don't have to tell you that my life's been practically consumed by my short film now. As they say, writing is pretty much rewriting and that's where it's at now… constant script revisions. It's a very exhausting, humbling and also fruitful learning …

Continue reading Everybody’s Chattin’ + Trailer Spotlight: WONDER WOMAN (trailer 3)

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Review – The good, the bad and the ugly

By the time I sat down to write this, I’ve actually seen BVS twice in a week. Yup, you probably think I’m a masochist and I don’t blame you. But hey, it’s really out of solidarity with my dear hubby that I saw it again a second time, as we weren’t allowed to bring guests …

Continue reading Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Review – The good, the bad and the ugly

Five for the Fifth: JANUARY 2016 Edition

Welcome to FlixChatter's primary blog series! As is customary for this monthly feature, I get to post five random news item/observation/poster, etc. and then turn it over to you to share your take on that given topic. You can see the previous five-for-the-fifth posts here. 1. Well, since it's the first Five of the Fifth of 2016, …

Continue reading Five for the Fifth: JANUARY 2016 Edition

Five for the Fifth: JULY 2015 Edition

Welcome to FlixChatter's primary blog series! As is customary for this monthly feature, I get to post five random news item/observation/poster, etc. and then turn it over to you to share your take on that given topic. You can see the previous five-for-the-fifth posts here. 1. Well, since this is Fourth of July weekend, a lot …

Continue reading Five for the Fifth: JULY 2015 Edition