Weekend Viewing Roundup: Ghostbusters (1984) & Superman Returns (2006) rewatch + The Adventurer: Curse Of The Midas Box (2013)

Well this weekend's viewing turns out to be pretty eclectic. Given that I saw the screening of the new Ghostbuster movie (review up later this week), I was inspired to re-watch the original. I honestly can't remember when I saw that one, probably when I was a teen years ago, so my memory of it is hazy. …

Continue reading Weekend Viewing Roundup: Ghostbusters (1984) & Superman Returns (2006) rewatch + The Adventurer: Curse Of The Midas Box (2013)

Spotlight on indie sci-fi 400 DAYS – Q & A with writer/director Matt Osterman

400 Days is a psychological sci-fi film centering on four astronauts who are sent on a simulated mission to a distant planet to test the psychological effects of deep space travel. Locked away for 400 days, the crew’s mental state begins to deteriorate when they lose all communication with the outside world. Forced to exit the …

Continue reading Spotlight on indie sci-fi 400 DAYS – Q & A with writer/director Matt Osterman

Brandon Routh’s major starring role post Superman is another comic-book hero

With the casting of Henry Cavill as the new Superman, I often wondered how the previous big-screen Kryptonian hero Brandon Routh feel about this. Is he upset? Disappointed? Relieved? I know that various news reported that he was vying to be invited back to reprise his role of man of steel, but he just seems …

Continue reading Brandon Routh’s major starring role post Superman is another comic-book hero

Superman franchise – dead once again?

It's been three years since the Man of Steel reboot and the word is, Bryan Singer is no longer interested to direct. Now with the time lapse, Brandon Routh's contract has also expired. According to this article, Routh admitted in a Portugese interview that he didn't know what Warner Bros plans with the franchise. He …

Continue reading Superman franchise – dead once again?