Everybody’s Chattin + Music Break: SPECTRE’s Instrumental Theme


Happy Wednesday everybody! Can you believe it it’s almost mid December? It’s been quite a balmy Winter in Minnesota (thanks El Niño!), with lows in mid 30s which is warmer than the highs in a typical Winter. Hey, I ain’t complaining!

Well, I’m still working daily on my script. As they say, it’s 10% writing and 90% rewrites and so that’s pretty much what I’m working on now. But I’m never too busy to do some community blogging post, so this is my last LINKS post for 2015 😉

Let’s get to those awesome blog posts…

Michael is on the lookout for books and movies parallel post and so take a minute to vote on his poll!

Josh took it upon himself to list 100 top performances of all time, surely you all have an opinion on the topic.

I always enjoy music-related posts, and one can count on Chris for those. He just posted a new Christmas song by Phoenix featuring Bill Murray!

Speaking of Christmas, Vinnie lists what he’ll be watching over the holidays

As some of us might be traveling over the holidays, surely you can relate to Jay‘s post about watching movies on an airplane

Margaret just did an awesome list of top 10 trailers of 2015.

Paula gave us a handy guide to follow the 2015/16 awards season

I have only seen the pilot of Jessica Jones but Eddie talks about how season 1 is off to a strong start.

Now here are some great reviews:

Keith reviewed Beasts of No Nation, Steven reviewed Room, Brittani reviewed Trumbo and last but not least, Zoë reviewed Spectre.

Music Break

Ok so I think most of you know I abhor Sam Smith’s voice and his SPECTRE‘s theme song The Writings on the Wall. But you know what, I listened to the instrumental version of the song lately and I actually LOVE the melody. It’s a rather melancholy tune but it has the mysterious and seductive vibe that one would expect from a Bond flick. The opening sequence is pretty cool, though not exactly my favorite amongst the 24 Bond movies over the years, I think the Casino Royale with the cards one is still one of my faves.

I still find the movie itself disappointing, but I remember liking this theme song as I was watching it. I really think the melody is so much better without Smith’s whiny voice. Thomas Newman is an awesome composer, I’ve enjoyed a lot of his work. I also enjoyed the end title track below:

Well, I hope you enjoyed today’s music break, folks!

14 thoughts on “Everybody’s Chattin + Music Break: SPECTRE’s Instrumental Theme

  1. I’m honored to be included in your last links post of the year! Hope the Awards Season guide will come in handy for my fellow awards junkies 🙂 What a revelation listening to the SPECTRE title song without the vocal…maybe they should have just used that. Love both these tracks.

  2. Thanks for the mention! The instrumental for that song is awesome. That’s what I thought when watching – so dramatic and awesome and so Bond. But then there was all that yowling drowning it all out! Ugh.

  3. I also prefer the instrumental version of Writings on the Wall. The end credits music didn’t do much for me, I’m glad you are enjoying it though. Thanks for the link!

  4. Thanks for the link, Ruth!

    I already like the regular version of “Writing’s on the Wall”, so the instrumental is a nice choice. I thought the opening title sequence was kind of gross, though.

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