Musings on Django Unchained First Trailer

So the trailer of one of my most anticipated movies of year has arrived, Django Unchained. In case you didn’t know what it’s about, here’s the basic plot:

With the help of his mentor, a slave-turned-bounty hunter sets out to rescue his wife from a brutal Mississippi plantation owner.

So what do I think of this trailer? To be honest with you I’m a bit underwhelmed by it. I hate to judge a film base solely on its first trailer but somehow I wasn’t as excited as I thought I would be. Some of you may have already read my script review of the movie. From what they’ve shown so far in the trailer, most if not all of the scenes from the script are there. I love the look of the film, even though it’s referred to as a western, most of the film actually took place in the south. Christoph Waltz looks exactly as I had envisioned him when I read the script, although I’m still not sold yet on Jamie Foxx as the hero Django, maybe because when the script was “leaked” Will Smith was being sought for the title role so I pictured him in that role instead. Leo DiCaprio looks like he’s having a blast playing the villainous Calvin Candie, if he’s as good as the role that was written in the script, I predict he’ll get an Oscar nomination.

Now the reason I was underwhelmed by the trailer is the tone of the film. To me it looked too cheesy, I expected the tone to be more of a serious western like The Outlaw Josey Whales or The Wild Bunch. Now I know Quentin Tarantino is paying a homage to the cheesy spaghetti westerns of the 60s and 70s but I didn’t expect to look this cheesy. It looked more like a comedy/western than a serious action/western. Another reason I wasn’t too excited about the film is that QT is working with a new editor since his long time editor/collaborator, Sally Menke, passed away two years ago. He’s now working with Fred Raskin and I’m not sure if he could translate what QT wanted out of the movie. As some of you know, editing is one of the most important parts in filmmaking and if the editor doesn’t have the same vision as the director then the film could be a disaster.

Even though I was a bit underwhelmed by this trailer, I’m quite sure the actual film will be great, heck they’re still shooting it so hopefully when they’re all done, we’ll get a new great trailer. In the mean time, we can all discussed what they’ve shown us so far.

Check out Ted’s profile and his favorite Tarantino movies

So what do you think of the first trailer folks? Are you looking forward to this movie?

28 thoughts on “Musings on Django Unchained First Trailer

  1. I think Jamie will do fine.And as for the tone…well i guess i generally don’t expect serious from him. I figure this will be in the same tone of Inglorious Bastards. And i would think tarantino would want to make sure to find a editor that knows what he wants.

    1. Ted S.

      I guess that’s the negative side of reading the script before the film was made, I had my own vision and of course QT has his. I have faith in QT so I’m quite sure the final film will be great.

  2. I cannot freakin’ wait for this flick after seeing this trailer. It’s everything I have come to expect with Tarantino and I only hope it gets better.

    1. Ted S.

      Same here, even though I was a bit underwhelmed by this first trailer, I’m still there opening night.

  3. jackdeth72

    Hi, Ruth and company:

    Interesting looking cast. Pleased to see Tarantino find a place for Don Johnson. Though, the trailer really doesn’t do much for me.

    1. Ted S.

      Ha ha, nice catch on Don Johnson there Jack. His character is not that significant but I think that sequence with him in it should be fun to watch.

  4. I’m the same. Not ridiculously excited by the trailer but just glad I am glad to see it coming together. I can’t imagine Tarantino doing a very serious film, no matter how dark and violent the subject, he always reminds you that you’re watching a film and not to take it all too seriously! Looking forward to seeing more of DiCaprio in this role!

    1. Ted S.

      Yeah, like I mentioned before, it’s the negative side of having read the script before the film was made. I had envisioned it differently so when I finally see those scenes came alive, I was kind of disappointed. DiCaprio’s character is quite despicable so yeah I can’t wait to see more of him.

  5. I don’t give trailers that much credence but I agree Ruth. A little underwhelming. I also have to agree on your opinion of Foxx. I’ve never really been convinced. I know he’s maybe a bit old but I would loved Denzel to have been given this role.

    1. Ted S.

      I don’t hate Jamie Foxx, I was hoping someone else would get the part when Will Smith turned it down. Someone like Anthony Mackey or Idris Elba. In the script, the character was described as young, tall and muscular; Foxx doesn’t really fit that description. But then again, DiCaprio’s character was written as a man in his 50s, not a 30 something pretty boy. So I trust QT can make them believable in their respective roles.

      1. You make a good point there Ted. Tarantino very rarely gets his casting choices wrong. Travolta was frowned upon for Pulp Fiction and look how that turned out. He has a keen eye for an actor in the right role. Here’s hoping anyway.

  6. There’s bound to be excitement when it comes to QT because he takes such a long time between movies. I like the look of this and it was a nice surprise given I’d almost forgotten about it during the Prometheus/Dark Knight Rises hype.

    1. Ted S.

      Oh I know, I’m a huge QT fan so anytime he makes a new movie, I’m super excited.

      The film doesn’t open till Christmas so I guess most people probably doesn’t know it’s coming, I’m pretty sure by the fall season, the hype for the movie will ramp up.

  7. I liked the trailer, although I see why you say it is a little bit cheesy, I agree with the weird tone of it, I was expecting something different, too, but I like what I saw so far. For me, the highlight of the whole thing was Leonardo DiCaprio- he is genius and funny and I think he will kill it, I am excited to see this movie because of him. Jamie Foxx seems to be doing a good job, too!

    1. Ted S.

      I’m really looking forward to see Leo as the villain too, his character in the script is pretty despicable, we’ll see if Leo can pull it off.

  8. PrairieGirl

    Hi Ted, didn’t know anything about this movie, so thanks for putting it on my radar, I’m looking forward to it now. Agree with you about Foxx, Elba would have been my choice too. BTW, I’ll have some farm/out building pics for you soon… went up to Mora on Monday and had a great time scouting…

    1. Ted S.

      Thanks Becky, that would be great if I could see some photos of the area and if I like it, then I’ll just drive up there and have a look for myself.

      I’m a big QT fan so I’ve known about this movie for a while now, it’s definitely a film people will talk about and might even garner some controversies.

    1. Ted S.

      You know that’s why I was a little bit underwhelmed by the trailer, the script was so brutal and violent, it threw me off for a bit. Maybe QT decided to switch it up and make it more of a lighter movie.

  9. I didn’t know that about QT’s previous editor. Sad! I would completely agree with you regarding editors though. I think the editor is the second most important person involved in the movie-making process, and he/she really needs to have the same vision as the director.

    I’ll be curious to check out your post about the script. I did hear that Django’s role had Will Smith sought after. I love me some Jamie Foxx, but even I’ll agree that he looks a little misplaced in the film. Guess we’ll have to wait and see!

    As for DiCaprio – I think he looks perfect in this. I would love to see him FINALLY get a Oscar nod. He has such great range.

    I enjoyed reading your thoughts, Ruth!

  10. I was also underwhelmed by the trailer. It’s a little too much of a standard trailer. I was hoping for something a little different. I’ll still watch it, of course.

  11. This is such an awesome trailer but a little underwhelming; agree with Ted (also with the tone thing). I actually prefer Foxx to Smith, beacuse I find Will too annoying! Waltz is always dependable and I’m predicting a stellar performance from DiCaprio. This is HIS year. Besides, the movie will look beautiful, I’m sure. At least, Django Unchained will be very violent and very fun. Looking forward to it! So many great movies opening on Christmas (Django, Great Gatsby, Les Miz).

  12. Definitely excited for this! I can understand feeling underwhelmed but considering that actors keep dropping from this movie I’m wondering if this is all that’s been filmed lol. Either way QT looks to be in his element and I cannot wait to see Leo play a villain!

  13. Castor

    I’m enjoying the trailer. It’s Quentin Tarantino so it’s obviously going to be offbeat and not overly serious at all. I’m sure we won’t be disappointed when the final product comes 🙂

  14. Not the most amazing trailer, but I’m still pretty psyched to see this! Tarantino always delivers so this should be a blast as well.

  15. It seems I wasn’t the only one surprised by the trailer! Yes it is a lot less dark than I envisioned when news about the movie emerged. Jamie Foxx does look handsome, but the best part was seeing Leo Dicaprio! He looks very suave.

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