August Blind Spot: The Philadelphia Story (1940)

Instead of a straight review, this post is more of my reaction of the movie and the cast, so I'm going to include some observations as well as trivia from IMDb. There's been a lot of 'firsts' with some of the Blindspot movies I saw. Well, with this one, it's a lot of 'seconds.' It's the second George …

Continue reading August Blind Spot: The Philadelphia Story (1940)

Classic List: The Women of Howard Hawks

Greetings, all and sundry. After finishing my three post 'arc' highlighting the career of Jack Lemmon, I've decided to delve and poke around a bit in the arena of Classics. And cast some light upon the easily known and often unsung heroines. Who plied their beauty, moxie and craft to make their often secondary roles …

Continue reading Classic List: The Women of Howard Hawks

The Ten Best Actress Of All Time Relay Race

Remember the Ten Best Actors of All Time Relay Race I did back in March? Well, The King of Blog Series Nostra @ at My Film Views is at it again, this time with the female counterparts of the race. Here are the entries from the other participants so far in the Actresses Relay Race: My Filmviews » The …

Continue reading The Ten Best Actress Of All Time Relay Race