FlixChatter Review: DUNE Part Two – Denis Villeneuve’s magnum opus is even more mesmerizing than the first

After a three-year wait, the sci-fi cinematic event from Denis Villeneuve is here! I’m a huge fan of Part One, which was my #1 film of 2021, so I couldn’t wait for Part Two. Because this is a continuation of the first, not a sequel per se, I knew I could safely expect the same kind …

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FlixChatter Review: Being The Ricardos (2021)

I didn't grow up watching I Love Lucy, but you would be living under a rock if you don't know about the show or the stars, Lucille Ball and her then real-life husband Desi Arnaz as Lucy & Ricky Ricardo. I knew the show was popular but in case you didn't know just how popular …

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Cheers Virtual Cinema! Minnesota Film Festivals go online

In this strange and difficult times, it's particularly tough for movie fans everywhere as movie theaters are closed and new movies are being delayed as we're all in lockdown mode. But hey, I just thought how we should still be grateful we live in the age of the internet! Imagine if this happened in a …

Continue reading Cheers Virtual Cinema! Minnesota Film Festivals go online

Guest Review – Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell no Tales (2017)

Directed By: Joachim Rønning, Espen Sandberg Written By: Jeff Nathanson Runtime: 2 hrs 9 minutes When I saw the first trailer for the fifth Pirates of the Caribbean movie, I nearly sprained my eyeballs from rolling them so hard. While the first movie was enjoyable and still holds up as a fun adventure flick fourteen years later, …

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FlixChatter Review: The Gunman (2015)

Sean Penn has been out of the limelight for a few years, so in order to get people talking about him and promotes his new movie; he decided to tell some lame joke at the Oscars. Kudos to his PR team, after the so-called “offensive” joke, Penn is relevant in Hollywood again. Now it remains …

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Casting and Misc. News: FlixChatter’s Highlights

Happy Friday, everyone! I haven't done a news post in a while and there have been some interesting developments of late, so let's get to 'em, shall we? Terrence Malick's Untitled Love Story The notoriously reclusive and meticulous director Terrence Malick is reportedly been gathering up a cast for his yet untitled love drama. And …

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