FlixChatter Review: Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024) – They’re no spring chickens but this buddy cop duo still got some life left in them

Let me start this review with a confession: I haven’t seen the previous three Bad Boys movies, and my introduction to this franchise is via Edgar Wright’s zany action comedy Hot Fuzz (2007). Can’t believe it's been almost 30 years since the first Bad Boys came out, not that you’d know it from looking at …

Continue reading FlixChatter Review: Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024) – They’re no spring chickens but this buddy cop duo still got some life left in them

Weekend Viewing Roundup: Ghostbusters (1984) & Superman Returns (2006) rewatch + The Adventurer: Curse Of The Midas Box (2013)

Well this weekend's viewing turns out to be pretty eclectic. Given that I saw the screening of the new Ghostbuster movie (review up later this week), I was inspired to re-watch the original. I honestly can't remember when I saw that one, probably when I was a teen years ago, so my memory of it is hazy. …

Continue reading Weekend Viewing Roundup: Ghostbusters (1984) & Superman Returns (2006) rewatch + The Adventurer: Curse Of The Midas Box (2013)

DVD Pick: The TV Set

With the workplace comedy Extract opening today, I somehow feel like bringing up this movie I saw quite a while ago. It's got one of the most fitting and clever tagline: "A place where dreams are canceled." The TV Set, as it's aptly named, is a satire about the journey of a TV pilot as …

Continue reading DVD Pick: The TV Set