Remembering Alan Rickman – Seven favorite roles of the iconic British thespian

It's with a heavy heart that I write this post… I had planned on highlighting his career on his birthday later next month, as I had written this piece six years ago as a tribute. I have always loved British actors and Alan Rickman is certainly at the top of the list of those iconic …

Continue reading Remembering Alan Rickman – Seven favorite roles of the iconic British thespian

Somehow JJ Abrams & co. made me interested in the Star Trek universe

Well, one of my most anticipated movies of the first half of the year has come and gone. I finally saw Star Trek Into Darkness Wednesday night and you know what, despite the huge hype machine working overtime for this film, this film somehow lives up to it. So yeah, I really enjoyed it.  Instead …

Continue reading Somehow JJ Abrams & co. made me interested in the Star Trek universe

Monthly Roundup: May Movie Watching Recap

Happy June everybody! Summer is officially here, yay! Summer blockbuster months are definitely upon us. I think starting this weekend there'll be a movie worth seeing on the big screen practically every weekend! But this month is quite lackluster for me. I only went to the cinema once the entire month, and even catching up …

Continue reading Monthly Roundup: May Movie Watching Recap

Memorial Weekend Viewing Roundup and LAMMY 2012 Updates

LOVE a four-day work week, don't you? Well for us Americans, we enjoy an extra weekend day as Monday was Memorial Day. The weather was glorious on Monday so my friends and I spent most of the day outside picnicking at a small park. I did do some blogging over the weekend as I got …

Continue reading Memorial Weekend Viewing Roundup and LAMMY 2012 Updates

Happy Birthday Alan Rickman!

Mr. Rickman turns 64 today. Thought I'd give a short tribute to him as he's one of my favorite British actors. I first saw him as the captivating villain Hans Grubber in Die Hard, stealing scenes from action hero Bruce Willis. He also plays another memorable villainous role as the tyrannical Sheriff of Nottingham in …

Continue reading Happy Birthday Alan Rickman!