Liebster’d once again…

Firstly, THANKS to Jay, Vinnie, Paskalis and Anna for kindly nominating me this lovely award. I've done this once before in 2012, but hey, it's always fun to do these kinds of posts.    11 things about myself: I originally wanted to be a journalist, that was initially my major in college (Mass Communication with emphasis in journalism). But after taking …

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Music Break: Five Favorite JOHN POWELL Scores

John Powell is one of the most versatile composers working today. Just looking at his filmography, his work spans multiple genres: animation, romantic dramas, action/adventure, thrillers, etc. I've been a fan of his work for some time, but for some reason I don't always recognize that it's him behind the great music I enjoy. So …

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Music Break: ‘How To Train Your Dragon’ Themes by John Powell

It's been way too long since my last Music Break post and this is one I've been wanting to feature for a long time. Well tonight I'm going to How To Train Your Dragon 2 screening and it's definitely a perfect time to feature this. I LOVE LOVE the first movie, which has become one of …

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Music Break: Cinema Paradiso (1988)

I'm not feeling too well today so naturally I turn to lush, gorgeous music to make me feel better and this one just immediately came to mind. In fact, as I said in my Cinema Paradiso review, I had fallen in love with Ennio Morricone's soundtrack long before I finally saw the film. Of course …

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