FlixChatter Review: RYE LANE (2023) – the perfect junction where comedy, heartbreak, and romance intersect beautifully


Rom-coms get a bad rap as a genre that’s plagued by unrealistic situations, unrelatable characters, and a fanciful narrative of love and romance. Well, a bunch of them do fit that category, but once in a great while, a delightful movie emerges that break through the mold.

Rye Lane, directed by Raine Allen-Miller and based on a script by Nathan Bryon and Tom Melia is a slice of life of two young strangers, Yas and Dom, connecting on an eventual day as they’re both reeling from bad breakups. I love movies set in a real place, and the title refers to a real street in Peckham and Brixton areas in South London. There are so many movies set in London but it’s nice to see a different side of the city I don’t see often. Time Out London describes it as ‘… one of the most aesthetically varied, culturally mixed and unique streets’ and the movie allows us to experience the neighborhood vicariously through the characters.


Every rom-com has to have a memorable character intro, a meet-cute as the rom-com lingo says. Rye Lane kind of flips that on its head a bit, we actually first see the characters in a unisex bathroom of all places. It certainly is unexpected, which is exactly the point as the two characters do not expect their encounter would turn up the way it did.

Vivian Oparah as Yas and David Jonsson as Dom are relative newcomers, with some shorts and TV projects on their resumè so far, but they’re well-cast and well-matched. Yas has that bubbly, vivacious personality that perfectly contrasts Dom’s glum, forlorn mood. His wound is still fresh from a recent break-up and he still can’t shake it out of his system. You know when you’re consumed with something, everywhere you look and turn, you’re constantly reminded of that person/event that affects you so intensely.


The beauty of Rye Lane is its specificity (its location and the small Black British community), but also the universal theme of its story that anyone of all backgrounds can relate to. I enjoy getting to know these two youngsters walking around the neighborhood as they get to know each other over the course of the day. Both characters are so relatable as they process the ups and downs of relationships, specifically getting over a bad breakup. I’m far older than Yas and Dom but hey, we’ve all been on that road before at one point in our lives. 

Allen-Miller certainly has a talent for world-building as the world the characters occupy feels so authentic and ‘lived in.’ In her feature debut, she’s crafted her own brand of rom-com with her own unique voice, while at the same time paying homage to iconic romantic movies we know and love. Before Sunrise certainly comes to mind as the characters bond over their leisurely stroll. There’s even an obvious nod to one set in London, Richard Curtis’ ensemble holiday rom-com Love, Actually. Let’s just say there’s a hilarious cameo of a famous actor at a taco street stall named Love Guac’tually. I’ll let you guess who it is based on that info. 


I truly adore the whole playful vibe of the movie–the infectious energy, dynamic camerawork, colorful clothes, and lively music make for such a fun and enjoyable ride. Rye Lane is definitely the perfect junction where comedy, heartbreak, and romance intersect beautifully that you just want to pause and bask in the vibrancy of this modern-day love story.

4.5/5 stars

Have you seen RYE LANE? I’d love to hear what you think!

11 thoughts on “FlixChatter Review: RYE LANE (2023) – the perfect junction where comedy, heartbreak, and romance intersect beautifully

  1. I’ve heard about this film. I really want to see it as I’ve heard great things from it including a glowing praise from Mark Kermode on his podcast in Britain as he was amazed by the film.

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