Thanksgiving Special – THANK YOU for your support!


Hello everyone! I want to wish you a blessed thanksgiving to all who are celebrating Thanksgiving today. In a couple of hours, I’ll be traveling about 35 miles north from my home to spend Thanksgiving with one of our old pals who’s coming home for the holidays from Arizona. He’s kindly invited my hubby Ivan and I to dinner at his aunt’s house, so I guess we’ll be having a turkey feast after all 😀 Y’see, Thanksgiving has become sort of an adopted tradition for Ivan and I as we don’t have this tradition in our home country Indonesia. So even though the place where I work give out a free frozen turkey every single year, I never ever cooked the bird before in my life and I wouldn’t even know where to begin, ahah.

In any case, I’ll be taking a few days’ blogging break but before I do that, I’d like to take the time to say my gratitude to those who’ve been kindly supporting my blog. Your readership and comments mean so much to me.

VERY SPECIAL THANKS to 25 most generous commenters!

Michael – It Rains You Get Wet
Mark – Three Rows Back
Cindy – Cindy Bruchman’s Blog
Kristin – All Eyes on Screen
Margaret – Cinematic’s Corner
Steven – Surrender to the Void

Fernando – Committed to Celluloid
Dan – Top 10 Films
Chris W – This is Madness!
Melissa – Snap Crackle Watch

Nostra – My Film Views
Josh – Cinematic Spectacle
Chris – Music and Song
Stu – Popcorn Nights
Mark – Marked Movies
Novia – Polychrome Interest
Natalie – Writer Loves Movies
Chris – Terry Malloy Pigeon Coop
Andrew – A Fistful of Films
Dan – Dan the Man Movie Reviews
Keith – Keith & Movies
Tom – Digital Shortbread
Jack – Lights Camera Reaction
Zoë – Sporadic Chronicle of a Beginner Blogger
Rodney – Fernby Films


I also want to give a shout out to those who’ve liked my posts, as well as left comments from time to time:

Paula, TerrenceBrittani, Katy, Wendell, MikeAlex, CkckredJames, NielsTimIrene, JosephRob, Nathan, Elina, Eric, Abbi, MelissaMikey, Kim, Ronan, Iba, Paul S, Mariah, Jenna + AllieRyan, Dan and Sidekick Reviews Blog (sorry I don’t know your name!)
Also thankful to meet some new blog friends, especially another Indonesian blogger Paskalis, so welcome and hope to see you around here more 😀

THANK YOU to all my awesome blog contributors!

Ted, Ashley, Josh, Kevin, Dave, Becky and Sarah

The blogging community is what keep me blogging the past five years. I mean yes, I LOVE movies, but it’s far more fun to share that love with others who love them as much as I do. I’m so blessed to have known you all and I don’t hesitate to call some of you my personal friend.

So once again, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving and weekend. Cheers!

68 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Special – THANK YOU for your support!

  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Ruth! Have a great one! I get out of work at 10 tonight but some friends will be waiting for me and they’ll save some turkey! Did you know we met one year ago? I reblogged that post a few minutes ago.

  2. Thank you, Ruth! I regard you as a personal friend and the time we have spent over the blogosphere has meant a lot to me. You always come across as very loving and respectful and your personality shines in your words and interaction! As you know, Thanksgiving isn’t something that I celebrate but I still wish you all the best on this day! 🙂

    1. Awww thank you Michael! Really appreciate your support all these years, all the comments and RTs on Twitter, etc. I’ve been enjoying being *disconnected* from the blogosphere for a while, I didn’t even see anything the past few days. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving too.

  3. I personally thank you, Ruth. Really, I feel so appreciated here, since I’m new in this ‘business’… Sure I’m gonna come out often here and there, you will see me quite often.
    Even we don’t have Thanksgiving back here, I wish you a happy Thanksgiving day, Ruth (and family)!

  4. Ted S.

    Happy Thanksgiving Ruth! And thanks for letting me share my useless knowledge of movies to the readers of this site, LOL!

    I ate way too much today so more extra hours at the gym this weekend. Hope you’ll enjoy the turkey!

    1. Hey Ted, hope you had a great Thanksgiving man. Ha..ha.. I went to gym early on Thursday so I feel less guilty pigging out afterwards. Thanks again for all your awesome contributions!!

  5. jackdeth72

    Happy Thanksgiving, Ruth:

    Thank you for your very gracious invitation early on to add critiques and opinions to one of the most fun and positive film blogs around!

    Had our Thanksgiving this past Sunday and its far easier to bake a ham or turkey roast than a frozen bird. Lots of leftovers and a fairly decent green bean casserole from my niece. Also the makings (spiral cut ham’s knuckle) for the stock of future bean soup!

    Enjoy you Tryptophan coma!

    1. Hey Kevin! It’s been a lovely couple of days spent with friends and eating lots of good food, including a yummy green bean casserole my friend’s aunt made.

      Well thank YOU for being part of Flixchatter and sharing your immense wealth of film knowledge and criticism. I’ll be posting your second part of David Mamet post, again THANK YOU for that and looking forward to more posts from you 😉

  6. Thanks Ruth! Hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving! We don’t celebrate it here, but I have eaten Turkey – though, like you, I have never cooked it! 😀

  7. Yours is still one of my absolute favourite film blogs Ruth, so keep up the good work. I apologise for not getting around here as much as I used to but I’ll always try and make time as much as possible. Hope you’re having a lovely long Thanksgiving weekend.

  8. Cook that bird!

    And you’re very welcome, it’s always a pleasure to visit your site. A big thanks to you for being awesome and embracing me into your blogging family.

    1. Holla Queen Mel! Hey that’s ok, hope you got a decent break for the holiday though. Wish we had been able to spend time together this Thanksgiving but hey, there’s always next year right? 😉

  9. Belated Thanksgiving wishes andthanks to you for the shoutout, Ruth. I have not been able to blog as much as I used and so I appreciate your support all the more. All the best to you, doll.

  10. Aw, hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend as well. I will look to stay a little more involved with your blog and others this coming year (even though I always say that). I want to crack the group of the 25 top commenters lol

    Anyway, I’ve been taking my Xth blogging break, but hope to come back soon. Look forward to many more years sharing our experiences with film.

    1. Hi Niels! I’m always glad to see you around here, and as you know, there’s no such thing as a late comment. Ha..ha.. I hope you do get to crack the top 25 commenters next year 😉

  11. Aww, what a great idea for Thanksgiving! Love your blog, Ruth, and I’m so happy to consider you a friend outside of blogging. I’m thankful to have met you, and I’m thankful to always talk movies with you! 🙂

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