Six Degrees of Separation Blogathon: Hitchcock to Transformers Movies

Nostra, aka The King of Blog Series is at it again! This time in association with dutch movieblog “De Protagonisten” (who inspired him to do this). Check out the main blogathon page on My Film Views blog. Surely you’re all familiar w/ the concept of Six Degrees of Separation, but here’s the idea in his own words:
This blogathon is based on a theory that in only six steps you can link anyone to any other person in the world. It will test your knowledge of actors, movies and directors. You will get two names of either actors/actresses/directors or movies and what you will have to do is make a link between them in a maximum of six steps.

So how does this blogathon work?

As you know I have done several relay races in the past and have heard from several bloggers that they wished they would get a chance to participate as well, but since there was only one baton the chances would be small to get it assigned. So to go with the theme of this blogathon I decided to increase those chances sixfold and assign this blogathon to six bloggers who can then each hand over the baton to another blogger with a new end-goal for that blogger.

Well, Nostra assigns six of us with the initial task, I have to connect Alfred Hitchcock to the Transformers movies in six steps or less. I was able to do two different versions for this, and none involving Shia LaBeouf, yay!

Alfred Hitchcock to the Transformer movies

Alfred Hitchcock directed Marnie (1964) starring Sean Connery
Connery was in The Rock (1996) which was directed by Michael Bay
Bay directed all of the Transformers movies
Alfred Hitchcock worked with Bruce Dern in The Family Plot (1976)
Dern co-starred with Jon Voight in Coming Home (1978)
Voight was in the first Transformers movie (2007)

So I’m handing over the baton to Natalie from Writer Loves Movies blog. So Natalie, your task is connect the Transformers movies to… Gary Cooper.

Good luck Natalie! 🙂

Thoughts on this blogathon and/or the films/actors mentioned here?

42 thoughts on “Six Degrees of Separation Blogathon: Hitchcock to Transformers Movies

  1. Ted S.

    Haha fun stuff Ruth. I still remember stories of Connery and Bay got into verbal arguments during the shoot of The Rock and some said they almost got into fist fights. Even though he’s way older, I still think James Bond can kick Bay’s butt, lol!

    1. Hi Natalie! I figure since you have a penchant for classic films too, I figure you could find a way to connect Transformers to Gary Cooper somehow. Good luck!!

  2. Very cool to see you managed to make the connection is only a few steps. Just shows that had Hitchcock lived the Transformers movies might have been very different 😉

    1. Well I think if Hitch had lived he’d be aghast by how terrible Transformers movies are and yet they continually got made!! Thanks for including me in the first round Nostra, that was fun!

  3. jackdeth72

    Hi, Ruth:

    Bruce Dern is going to figure heavily in this investigation. Mr. Dern also had a small but pivotal role in ‘Marnie’. Yet another jumping off point for a stream of connection(s).

    This is going to be tough but rewarding Blogathon. Requiring lots of back checking through IMDb and Wikipeia.

    1. Ooooh really?? I didn’t know that, very cool!! I REALLY want to see Marnie soon, believe it or not I’ve only seen one of Dern’s earlier film, The Great Gatsby (1974), so I need to see more. Really enjoyed seeing him in Nebraska!

      I think you’d ROCK this blogathon way better than me, Kevin!

      1. jackdeth72

        Hi, Ruth:

        Once upon a time. A young writer/actor named Jack Nicholson played a masochistic dental patient in ‘The Little Shop of Horrors’ directed by a young upstart, Roger Corman..

        Who would later produce a car theft comedy, ‘Grand Theft Auto’ starring in and directed by a young Ron Howard..

        Who would later direct Roger Corman as a visiting Senator in ‘Apollo 13’. Which also starred Tom Hanks and Bill Paxton..

        Who would direct Shia LeBoeuf in a decent golf film titled ‘The Greatest Game Ever Played’.

        Leaving Mr. LeBoeuf free to later to inflict serious damage his own career as Sam Witwicky in the awful ‘Transformer’ franchise.

  4. You are clever and I like the poser you’ve set for Natalie. You set me thinking and I’ve actually managed to nail that one down. But I’m not one to spoil the fun.
    Have a great weekend Ruth!

      1. OK here goes.
        Gary Cooper worked with Katy Jurado in High Noon.
        Katy Jurado starred in Pat Garret and Billy the Kid with Kris Kristofferson.
        Kris Kristofferson and Frances McDormand had cameo roles in Lone Star.
        Frances McDormand appeared in Transformers Dark Side of the Moon.

        1. WOW, I didn’t even know McDormand was in Transformers but I skipped the 2nd & 3rd movies. Nice job Paul, and you also didn’t use Shia LaBeouf! 😀

    1. Hey Josh! I’m curious to see how YOU would connect Transformers to Hitchcock. Well now Natalie has to connect Transformers to Gary Cooper so I’m curious how she does!

      1. 1. Transformers is executive-produced by Steven Spielberg.
        2. Spielberg directed Amy Adams in Catch Me If You Can.
        3. Adams worked with Alan Arkin in Sunshine Cleaning.
        4. Arkin worked with Eva Marie Saint in The Russians Are Coming the Russians Are Coming.
        5. Saint worked with Hitchcock in North by Northwest.


  5. Pingback: Six Degrees Of Separation Blogathon: Transformers to Gary Cooper | Writer Loves Movies

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