Five for the Fifth: April 2012 Edition

Hello folks, welcome to the April 2012 edition of Five of the Fifth!

It’s a bit early this year because tomorrow we’ve got a very special tribute post planned 😉 As is customary for this monthly feature, I get to post five random news item/observation/poster, etc. and then turn it over to you to share your take on that given topic. You can see the previous five-for-the-fifth posts here. So let’s get started, shall we?

1. When I was watching The Hunger Games a couple of weeks ago, I kept wondering just where has Wes Bentley been all these year? He played Seneca Crane, the Panem official who ran the games, y’know the one with the awesome looking beard.

I first saw Bentley in American Beauty, which was back in 1999, and nothing else since. He was 21 then and according to this Reuters article, the Juilliard dropout apparently struggled with his newfound fame with the success of that film, and became addicted to drugs and alcohol. The article said ‘he finally overcame his addictions in 2009 and is now happily married again.’  

Well, I’m glad to hear he found his way back, as I thought he’s a pretty good actor and he’s quite good looking, kind of a cross between Jake Gyllenhaal and Christian Bale.

Well, what are your thoughts on Wes Bentley? What movie(s) of his have you seen?

2. Just a few days ago, I read a report that the inevitable movie adaptation of another DC superhero The Flash might be getting closer to production. With Batman and Superman being the two most bankable franchises, surely DC would want to add a third one after Green Lantern tanked. Now, almost two years ago I posted that I actually would love to see The Flash getting a proper feature film. At the time, the writers of Green Lantern were reportedly doing initial concepts for it. I was quite excited to hear that, I even listed my wish list as to who should don the red suit: Lee Pace, Adam Brody, Zachary Levi, Hugh Dancy and Matthew Goode. 

I do think Lee Pace would be awesome in the role. He’s tall, lanky, and has the charisma and comic timing to be able to pull off such a role. Plus, he’s not a household name yet, but a lot of cinephiles probably know who he is and average moviegoers will recognize him from the TV show Pushing Daisies.

What do you think of this particular superhero adaptation? Any thoughts on who should play The Flash?

3. This past Monday, Whitney Houston’s last film Sparkle debuted its first trailer. I mentioned that film in my Houston’s memorial tribute last February.

It’s a remake of the 1976 film by the same name, which centers on three Detroit sisters who form a successful Motown-era singing group, but quickly get swallowed up by drugs, abuse, and other pitfalls of celebrity. Houston, who’s also the film’s executive producer, plays the girls’ mother, a former singer who suffered the same plights. Given what’s happened to the real singer, to hear her say the line “Was my life not a cautionary tale for you?” is utterly heart-wrenching! Sounds like Houston’s part is actually quite small, and that the star is really Jordin Sparks, but surely

What do you think folks? Would you see this on the big screen this August?

4. Ok, I just saw the Italian poster of Woody Allen’s latest, To Rome With Love at Impawards.

It’s a decent enough poster I suppose, but what I’m wondering is Woody’s preoccupation with ensemble casts set in European cities. It stars Alec BaldwinPenélope CruzRoberto BenigniJesse EisenbergJudy Davis,  Greta GerwigEllen Page and Alison Pill. Check out the premise:

A story about a number of people in Italy, some American, some Italian, some residents, some visitors, and the romances and adventures and predicaments they get into.

Now, I’m not as familiar with his earlier works but do you think he’s being overly indulgent of late? Or maybe he’s always been that way with his films, after all, he was obsessed with New York City as a setting for most of his earlier films, and now it’s European big cities like London, Paris and now Rome. It also marks his return to acting since Scoop in 2006.

Thoughts on Woody Allen’s latest? Are you looking forward to this film?

5. Ok, last but not least… since tomorrow is Gregory Peck‘s birthday, I thought I’d throw in a GP-related question 😀 Well, I mentioned here that I have seen 28 of his work (out of a possible 57 if we’re counting TV and miniseries). Well, I think that’s a record from just one particular actor, and the time it took (just under 6 months) sets a whole new record in itself, ahah. Check out these DVD cases that this guy Paul Champagne made, apparently he made a ton of these for different actors and directors. I’m so tempted to order a few for my GP collection 🙂

Anyway, I started counting how many films of my other actors I have seen. It’s no surprise that Gerry Butler comes second with 25 films seen, followed by Tom Cruise22 (I guess the only explanation is that the guy is now 50 and I grew up watching a ton of his movies), then Russell Crowe – 20, and Christian Bale19 to round up the top five. As far as actresses go, I think Cate Blanchett is the one actress whose work I’ve seen the most of with 17.

So which actor/actress’ works have you seen the most of? Come on, fess up folks!

Well, that’s it for the April edition of Five for the Fifth, folks. Now, please pick a question out of the five above or better yet, do ‘em all!

72 thoughts on “Five for the Fifth: April 2012 Edition

  1. 1. Wes Bentley? No real thoughts. He was in American Beauty and the other movie I saw him in was P@, some pretty terrible horror flick. I guess he can play the creepy guy allright lol

    2. I seem to remember some TV show revolving around the Flash as a kid but seriously, I don’t know if it’s a good idea to bring him to the big screen.

    3. Sparkle: It looks pretty decent unlike most movies trying to hit the African American demographic. But no, I won’t see it in theater.

    4. I posted the trailer last night if you haven’t seen it 😉 It looks pretty run-of-the-mill and nothing like Midnight in Paris. This movie will be a set of vignettes and I’m disappointed he has Ellen Page play some Italian young woman and wasting her. Juno could have had mad dialogue with the founder of Facebook!

    5. I really have no idea as I don’t really count these things…I would think Russell Crowe, Denzel Washington and Tom Hanks are all the way up there

    1. Oh I’ll be over shortly to check out that ‘Rome’ trailer. Yeah, the premise doesn’t seem as enchanting as ‘Midnight in Paris’ surely and frankly I’m a bit tired of the same old ensemble cast thing.

      Sheesh, I forgot about Russell Crowe! I’ve updated my post to include him, turns out I’ve seen about half of all his movies.

    1. Ahahaha, so you’ve seen about 26 of Cillian’s films! You’re almost catching up w/ my GP resume, Nov! But as I said, it took me about 6 months to see that many, but that’s ’cause I don’t have to wait to see his next one. But of course the down side is there won’t ever be another new movie starring Gregory Peck! 😦

  2. Ted S.

    1. Yeah I was wondering the same about Bentley, Hollywood was ready to embrace him as their next big name leading man but he pretty much disappeared after American Beauty. I think the last film I saw him in was the first Ghost Rider which he played the villain. I guess some people just can’t handle the sudden fame that comes with being in the show biz, similar to Dave Chapelle, he sort of disappeared too.

    2. I’m with Castor on this, I don’t think a big screen version of The Flash will work, might work better if they make it into another TV series. If Warner Bros. pour another $200mil into this project, it might turn out to be like Green Lantern. These characters aren’t well known to the general audiences like Batman or Superman.

    3. Nope, I have no interest in seeing Sparkle on the big or small screen.

    4. I still haven’t seen Midnight in Paris but this one looks interesting, not a big fan of Woody Allen. I couldn’t remember the last film I saw that he made.

    5. Wow I could go on forever for this one but here are some names, Tom Cruise (still my fave actor), Leo DiCaprio (second fave actor), Sly Stallone, Arnold S., Steven Seagal, Chuck Norris, Daniel Day-Lewis, Julia Roberts, Jackie Chan, Chow Yen-Fat, Denzel Washington, Mel Gibson and Bruce Willis.

    1. Ted,

      As far as Dave Chappelle goes it’s not that he couldn’t handle fame. It’s that he actually knew when it was time to walk away from that crazy, crazy place that we know as Hollywood. Comedy Central’s $50 million dollar contract offer wasn’t even enough to make him stay in that corrosive place. Check out this fascinating, exclusive interview he gave on Inside The Actors Studio with James Lipton right after he came back from his hiatus in South Africa. Very enlightening. You can’t help but having a profound respect for the kind of man Dave Chappelle is after seeing the video. So impressed was Dustin Hoffman and Norman Lear that after seeing the show they called Lipton’s office the next day requesting Dave’s phone number so they could both speak with him. At 1hr 20min it’s well worth your time. My highest recommendation Ted:

      Lipton and Chappelle became such good friends (who knew?) after the interview that James allowed Dave to interview him for a segment of the Actors Studio on his own life.

      1. @ Dave – yeah I heard that about Chapelle, I think he’s the one who willingly walked away from the glitz of Hollywood and I respect him for that. I’ve only seen him in You’ve Got Mail though, but he’s quite funny in that movie.

      2. Ted S.

        Thanks for that clip Dave, I’ve been wanting to hear what really happened to him. I wish he comes back and revive his Chappelle’s Show on Comedy Central, I love that show. Ever since he left, they’ve been trying to replace it with one crappy show after another.

        I’m Rick James bitch! LOL.

        1. I don’t think he’ll be coming back to CC. He was pretty angry that they aired and released season 3 on DVD. He disavowed the whole thing stating that the sketches weren’t very good and CC was just in it for a cash grab. Other than some secret standup shows I’m not really sure what he’s up to lately.

          Other than Stewart and Colbert CC’s not the place to go for comedy. I’ve had to go across the pond the last few years for some really funny sketch shows. Granted I grew up on PBS, of all places, that showed Benny Hill, Monty Python’s Flying Circus and I think Fawlty Towers so I’m pretty versed in British comedy. Check out Little Britain,That Mitchell and Webb Look and Big Train (Pegg). Also sitcoms like Peep Show (Mitchell and Webb), Spaced (Pegg, Frost and Wright), The IT Crowd and Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace . Then there’s Canadian fare like The Newsroom and The Tournament if you like the documentary style of The Office (UK) or The Larry Sanders Show.

    2. What? He was in the first Ghost Rider?? I missed him completely! But I might’ve been *admiring* Nic Cage’s hair, ahah!

      Yeah, you guys might be right about The Flash, though I’m still hopeful that under the right people it could still work. I mean when I first saw the idea about Iron Man, I was like, seriously?? But I ended up loving the movie. I quite enjoyed the TV show so who knows it might still happen.

      So how many Tom Cruise movies have you seen Ted? I have to admit I saw a ton of his movies when I was younger. He’s not my fave now but he certainly was back when I was growing up. I think I saw a lot of Bruce Willis movies also.

      P.S. Perhaps you could do a post on your fave actors in the future? 😉

      1. Ted S.

        Yeah, I didn’t know he was in the movie until I saw it.

        I actually been waiting for an Iron Man movie for a long time, I watched a lot of the cartoon version and I also love the his suit. I was so excited when Tom Cruise was set to play Tony Stark/Iron Man back in early 2000s, unfortunately the studio didn’t have enough money to finance it and the film never got made until 2008.

        I like The Flash tv show from the early 90s too but just wondering what else does his character have to offer on the big screen and his super power is just he’s super fast. But I’ve never read the comics so maybe some writer can come up with a good storyline for him.

        I pretty much saw all of Cruise’s films except Lions for Lambs, I’ll prob watch it someday but as of now I don’t really care to see it.

        1. Oh I didn’t know Tom Cruise was up for Tony Stark role. Yeah I could see him do it well, though having seen RDJ I don’t think I want anybody else play Stark now, ahah.

          Yeah, the key for The Flash is in the script and casting I think, who knows if it’ll work out for DC, they could use another franchise besides Batman and Superman.

          Wow, you’ve seen pretty much all of Cruise movies? Perhaps you could do a top 10 fave in the future then.

  3. ratzo318

    All three of the young ‘American Beauty’ stars – Bentley, Mena Suvari and Thora Birch – looked at the time like they would go on to have careers beyond that movie, but I believed Bentley had the most potential. I remember reading about his drug problems and how he appears to have overcome them, and I, too, was glad to see him in action again.

    1. Yeah you’re right, they all did, but I thought at the very least Bentley could be more of an indie star or at least get consistent work like Tobey Maguire. He’s got the looks certainly, and he’s not a bad actor. Oh well, he’s still young, he still might have another shot at stardom.

  4. PrairieGirl

    3. Will be seeing Sparkle for sure, it’s totally right up my alley, and I KNOW I’ll be owning the soundtrack too. But it’s just sad to see Whitney and know she’s no longer around.
    5. I’m sure I’ve seen more of Rufus Sewell’s movies than anyone else, and Gerard Butler is a close second. But as long as Flixy keeps loaning me Gergory Peck DVDs or asking me to get them in my Netflix queue, I may be closing in on her with him!

    1. Yeah, I might even see ‘Sparkle’ on the big screen if the reviews are decent. I LOVE Whitney’s voice and this will be bittersweet for sure.

      Ahah, well of course Rufus is #1 but he..he.. GP might outpace him if I keep loaning you my DVDs! I still have to watch Cape Fear, The Gunfighter and The Stalking Moon from GP.

  5. jackdeth72

    Hi, Ruth and company:

    Being slightly less of a DC comics fan than Marvel. I seriously doubt that a movie devoted to The Flash. One of, if not the most least known and weak, (besides Aquaman) heroes in the DC lineage. Will break even. Very possibly far, far less.

    Still think that ;Green Lantern’ is still the worst movie of the super hero genre from last year, Followed very, very closely by Zack Snyder’s ‘Sucker Punch’.

    I’m with Ted. I’ll either pass or wait for DVD on ‘To Rome with Love’ and ‘Sparkle’.

    Still waiting for a big budgeted Romantic Comedy with an older leading man pursuing an older leading lady!!!

    I’ve been catching up on Tom Hardy and Benedict Cumberbatch. Both rocked out loud in their small roles in ‘Tinker, Tailor…’ Russell Crowe needs another ‘Master & Commander’ film under his belt. Badly!

    1. “Still waiting for a big budgeted Romantic Comedy with an older leading man pursuing an older leading lady!” Oooh, good one Jack! I could see a movie like that made with Helen Mirren and someone like Christopher Plummer or ehm, Timothy Dalton as the leading man? I’ve cast Dalton and Mirren in my fantasy romantic thriller but both could certainly do more of a comedy drama. I’d LOVE to see that!

      Hardy & Cumberbatch were terrific in ‘Tinker Tailor.’ They had a couple of scenes together and I could really watch both of them the entire movie!

      1. jackdeth72

        Hi, Ruth:

        Either Chrostopher Plummer or Timothy Dalton would work well opposite Helen Mirren.

        I was thinking more of Alan Rickman, Gary Oldman, Kenneth Branagh or Clancy Brown opposite Helen Mirren or Emma Thompson.

        Anything but a May-December romance!

  6. 1) On Wes Bentley, I LOVED American Beauty, and he was a big part of that. He was incredible. But youre right, he did basically disappear after that… to the point where, when watching the Hunger Games I was like… I know that guy… who IS that? LOL

    2) I like the Flash a lot. I hope he gets his day on the screen. That said… none of those guys do anything for me. I only know Adam Brody. :shrugs: I am so far unimpressed…

    4) After Midnight in Paris? Hell yeah… I’m totally up for whatever Woody whips up next!

    5) I’ve seen plenty, Gregory Peck is pretty great. But LOL… I dont count ’em!!

    1. Hey Dan, glad to see you participate in Five for the Fifth!

      I think a lot of people were wondering about who the actor was playing Seneca, but maybe that’s a good thing then as people would probably go to IMDb and then figure out who he is.

      So who would you like as The Flash then? I do think it’s inevitable the film will get made.

      Glad to hear you have seen plenty of Gregory’s films! But not as many as I do right? 🙂

  7. 2. SIGN ME UP for Lee Pace as The Flash. Yes, indeedy.
    5. I’ve seen 25 of Russell Crowe’s movies, and 24 of Robert Downey, Jr’s (whose birthday is today, btw!). Feels like maybe I’ve forgotten one of Crowe’s somewhere in there, but you get the point. 🙂

    1. Woo hoo! Finally someone agreeing w/ my pick of Lee Pace. That guy just isn’t working nearly enough, what’s wrong w/ Hollywood casting agents??!

      Yes I realize today’s RDJ’s b’day. I went to your blog thinking you might have something special for him 😀

      1. I’m a slacker. I re-tweeted my “Top Five RDJ Movies,” but I don’t have much to say about him these days. One of these years I swear I’ll do a big thing for the first week of April, since it contains the birthdays of not one, not two, but THREE current members of the Top Five.

        1. Oooh, you should do it Sam! I didn’t realize a lot of my faves are having a b’day today. But tomorrow is the b’day of my absolute favorite that seems to have surpassed even Gerry Butler!!

            1. Ahahaha, too funny Julian! I never thought I’d say that but imagine if Gregory’s still alive, I think GB would have been surpassed a million times over 🙂

  8. 1. I barely remember American beauty, though according to imdb he is going to have a bunch of stuff coming out this year
    2. I’m not clamouring for a Flash movie, but i’m not against it either. And as for Lee Pace, i’ve seen a few movies with him but never really stood out to me. But i have drastically changed my opinion of actors/actresses based on a particular role so that could change.
    3. The trailer didn’t catch my interest to be honest. I think i’ve gotten bored of the music biopic, or at least the standard ones anyway
    4. Perhaps he finds cities creatively inspiring?
    5. Angelina Jolie

    1. Glad to hear that Wes is getting more roles, I do think he’s still got a chance at a fruitful acting career yet.

      Ah, so how many Jolie movies have you seen? I think I’ve seen about a half dozen but have lost interest in her lately.

      1. 12 if i’m counting right. I’ve even checked out a little known movie called Original Sin with her and Banderas…unfortunately the movie itself was kind of average. I wouldn’t mind seeing that pairing in a better movie tho. It also helps that most of her stuff is pretty mainstream, which makes them easy to find. In fact while working on my post on her i’ve found almost all her roles are either biopics/based on true stories or action roles…although her role in Maleficant looks like a departure from that pattern

        1. Oh yeah, I heard about that movie, but the subject matter doesn’t interest me. Plus the reviews aren’t good. I might check out her directorial debut ‘In the land of blood and honey’ though.

  9. Netflix used to track the actors and directors you’d seen the most (they stopped doing it, making the site less fun). Anyway, I think I’ve seen Johnny Depp the most, and it’s purely on accident. I like and respect Depp a ton as an actor but I certainly didn’t try to watch all of his movies only because he was in them. It just sort of happened that way, and he’s happened to have starred in a lot of movies that intrigue me. I’ve seen 27 Depp movies (28 if you count a few episodes of 21 Jump Street).

    Robert Deniro is in second place. I’ve seen 25 of his movies.

    1. Oh really? That’s too bad they took it down, you’d think they’d ADD instead of subtract their features [shrug] WOW, that is a lot of Depp movies you’ve seen. I think I counted less than 20 but hey, if I counted a bunch of 21 Jump Street episodes, it’ll be double that, it was one of my favorite TV shows growing up.

  10. 1. I think I saw him in Heroes. I don’t think he is charismatic enough to become a household name.

    2. I don’t know about the Flash, he is quite limited for a action hero. He is just really fast.

    3. That film actually sounds intriguing but I’ll await the DVD release.

    4. It will be interesting to see Benigni in a Woody Allen flick. I know that the Swedish film kommissioner (the one working to attract intl. productions) is working really hard to get Woody to shoot in Stockholm.

    5. I normally don’t track actors like this but I know I’ve seen more or less everything Amy Adams have been in! (Surprise there huh!), I’ve also seen a ton of stuff with Swedish actor Michael Persbrandt but thats mostly because he’s been starring in the Swedish/German Beck crime franchise that consists of 20 films.

    Really interesting news this time around! Those actor cases look awesome by the way!

    1. I don’t think he was in ‘Heroes’ Joel, it’s not even on his IMDb resume. He might look similar to the guy who played the cheerleader’s boyfriend.

      Ahah, well being super fast does have a lot of advantages Joel. I mean he could grab a gun and kill someone before that guy even realizes what happens.

      I’ve only seen Benigni in ‘Life is Beautiful’, so I’m slightly curious to see him here.

      Ahah, Amy Adams, no surprise there. But she’s only been in like a dozen films or so, right?

      1. Yes he does look like the guy on Heroes. I could swear its the same guy.

        Yeah Amy hasn’t done that many films but she has been really hardworking for a long time doing very small parts for a bunch of years and many of those films sucked! =)

  11. paulaguthat

    1. Completely off my radar. Interesting facial hair.

    2. Those all sound like good suggestions.

    3. Sparkle looks like a combination of the stories of the Supremes, the Ronettes and Ike & Tina Turner. Probably a rental. I think they should have named it something else though because it’s so close to Glitter.

    4. Torn, so torn…Allen I like, Benigni not so much.

    5. I guess I should be keeping better track! I have no idea…

    Great questions as always Ruth!

    1. Hey you’re so right about ‘Sparkle’ being so close to that Mariah Carrey’s ‘Glitter’ Sheesh, who wants to be associated with THAT movie?? Ahah.

      How many Cary Grant movies have you seen? Perhaps he’s the answer? 😉

      1. paulaguthat

        I just went over to IMDB & counted…i’ve seen 33 Cary Grant movies! So yes doll, you’re right, that is the answer 🙂

        Whatever was going wrong with my site seems to have been fixed now. Npo clue why everything was redirecting to Russia!

  12. FLASH could be the first superhero I’m actually interested in, since I loved the show with John Wesley Ship and Amanda Payse 🙂 Lee Pace or Luke Wilson is my vote 🙂
    I loved Wes Bentley in THE FOUR FEATHERS, one of my fave films from my fave director ever Shekhar Kapur!

    1. Yeah, the TV show was fun indeed, Dez. I like Amanda Paynes, I think that’s her name. She was also in Leviathan. Luke Wilson?? I think he’s a bit um, pudgy these days. Unless he’s going on a major diet I don’t think he’d be able to fit into ANY superhero spandex suit, ahah!

      Oh I need to see The Four Feathers, that’s got Heath Ledger too I think, right?

      1. no, no, she’s Amanda Pays 🙂 She’s married to Corbin Benser. The last time I saw her in anything was in NIP/TUCK where she had a small role.
        No, no, Luke Wilson, you know I meant Luke Evans, my one and only 🙂 There was my mistake with the name 🙂
        You’d love FOUR FEATHERS, such an amazing film.

  13. 1. I quite liked Was Bentley in American Beauty. Although in The Hunger Games I couldn’t decide which was more distracting… Wes Bentley’s beard or Stanley Tucci’s teeth! LOL.

    2. For anyone who hasen’t seen Lee Pace may I recommend TV’s Wonderfalls and especially Ruth’s suggestion of Pushing Daisies to get a really sense of him.

    4. I think almost all of Woody’s films were ensemble casts except maybe the very early stuff. As far as European cities go he was offered backing to shoot Match Point in London. He said that he loves shooting tin Europe because they welcome you so much more there than in America (New York). Besides his more serious films have always had more of an european sensibilty probably due to his undying admiration for the films of Ingmar Bergman.

    Fun Fact: Woody and his longtime manager, Jack Rollins, have such a great working relationship they’ve never signed a contract. They only have a handshake deal between them. Also Woody is one of the few directors who’s actually had “final cut” on his films for his entire career. Check the impressive list of names of other directors with final cut in this write up.

    For those who don’t know the power of final cut read up on these films where the studio ruined the director’s vision – Touch Of Evil, where the director actually won out over the studio vision- Brazil or where the director actually brought down the studio – Heaven’s Gate. Interesting reading for film buffs.

    5. To be honest Ruth I’ve always gone by directors. I’d take me forever to figure out actors. If I had to guess it would probably be De Niro, although not recently. Let’s see… I’ve seen
    27 of Scorsese’s films
    22 of Eastwood’s films
    20 of Spielberg’s films
    19 of Soderbergh’s films
    17 of Lumet’s films
    14 of von Trier’s films
    and all of Gilliam’s, Kubrick’s, and Lynch’s films.

    Probably the most is Woody Allen at 32 films. He practically puts out a film a year and the last one was really good… Midnight In Paris.

    1. Nice trivia about Woody Allen there Dave, thanks. I do think Allen is one of those rare directors who are able to get his own vision out there without studio’s interference.

      So you almost matched your Scorsese’s viewing there w/ 27 films! As far as directors’ go, I think the only director’s work I’ve seen in its entirety is Christopher Nolan, but he didn’t have very many movies yet. I think I’ve seen a lot of Spielberg and Michael Mann’s work, haven’t counted them though.

      1. I read a good biography on Woody by Eric Lax a while ago. This was published back in ’91 before all his troubles.

        The studios pretty much let Woody do what he wanted because his films only cost a couple million to make and he always came in on time and on budget.

  14. Having finally seen The Hunger Games just last night, I will admit I did not realize until quite a ways in that that was Wes Bentley. (I also did not realize that was Lenny Kravitz right away either.) But MAN, did he rock that beard! That beard was one of the best parts of the movie!

    1. Ahah, I don’t know about it being the best part, but yeah it certainly was memorable. Wes has the perfect bone structures to pull off such a beard!

  15. 1. Not a Wes Bentley fan. He was great in Hunger Games, but if I don’t see him again i won’t shed a tear.
    2. I don’t really want to see a FLASH film, but Chris Pine could do it.
    3. Not really interested in Sparkle
    4. I like Woody Allen’s stuff as of late. I’m willing to give it a shot.
    5. I don’t really keep count on how many films of a particular actor I have watched, but I have seen almost all of Scarlett Johansson’s movies! 🙂

    1. He..he.. I don’t need to ask you about #5, I already know the answer 😉 Y’know I never thought that the one actor whose work I’d seen the most would be a classic actor, but then again I hadn’t been completely blindsided by Mr. Peck 😉

      Oh I think I’d rather see Chris Pine than Milo as The Flash, but he’s already Capt. Kirk.

  16. I’ll just answer number 3-5

    3. I’ve heard about Sparkle. I’ve only interested to see more from Whitney, but hearing the summary not so much interested.
    4. Well, I love movies with great scenery. I love Ellen Page and Jesse Eisenberg, and Penelope Cruz. Benigni is a nice addition. So I am looking forward to the movie.
    5. I don’t really remember what actor I’ve seen the most. Probably Tom Cruise, and then Keanu Reeves 😉

    1. The cast of that Allen movie does sound good, but I’m not as enthused about it as I was w/ Midnight in Paris. Oh Keanu! I forgot to count his films, but I bet it’s right up there w/ Cruise. I like that guy!

  17. I’m more of a Marvel fan than DC, but I like the idea of a “Flash” movie. Brings us one step closer to a “Justice League” film, haha….

    1. Ahah, I don’t think we’ll be seeing that for a while. It remains to be seen if Man of Steel is even gonna be a hit. I hope it does though.

  18. 5. Not surprising that the performers I watch frequently the most are mostly men. I’ll just rank off the top 10. (* means favorite actor)

    #10 w/ 4 films:
    Clive Owen
    Daniel Day-Lewis
    Ingrid Bergman*
    Jake Gyllenhaal
    Jamie Foxx
    Janet Leigh*
    Jason Schwartzman
    Jeremy Renner*
    Joanne Woodward*
    John Cusack
    Julia Roberts
    Kevin Costner
    Kim Novak*
    Lee Remick*
    Marcello Mastroianni*
    Patricia Neal*
    Rock Hudson
    Ryan Gosling*

    #9 w/ 5 films:
    Adrien Brody
    Ava Gardner*
    Barbara Stanwyck*
    Cate Blanchett*
    Clark Gable*
    Colin Farrell
    Don Cheadle
    Edward Norton*
    Frances McDormand*
    Gary Oldman
    Gregory Peck*
    Heath Ledger*
    Jean Simmons*
    Kevin Spacey
    Liam Neeson
    Matt Damon
    Michael Fassbender*
    Nicole Kidman*
    Olivia de Havilland*
    Peter Sarsgaard*
    Sam Rockwell*
    Sidney Poitier*
    Spencer Tracy
    Tim Robbins

    #8 w/ 6 films:
    Bette Davis*
    Colin Firth*
    Deborah Kerr*
    Elizabeth Taylor*
    Gene Hackman
    Harrison Ford
    James Cagney*
    Joan Crawford*
    Laurence Olivier*
    Marilyn Monroe*
    Mark Ruffalo*
    Meryl Streep*
    Natalie Portman*
    Tom Cruise

    #7 w/ 7 films:
    Audrey Hepburn*
    Joaquin Phoenix*
    Kate Winslet*
    Lauren Bacall*
    Michael Caine
    Michael Douglas*
    Morgan Freeman
    Ralph Fiennes*
    Richard Burton*
    Russell Crowe*
    Tom Hanks

    #6 w/ 8 films:
    Al Pacino*
    Bill Murray
    Brad Pitt
    Christian Bale*
    Ed Harris
    Gwyneth Paltrow*
    Joseph Gordon-Levitt*
    Julianne Moore*
    Kirk Douglas*
    Laura Linney*
    Leonardo DiCaprio*
    Peter O’Toole*
    Sean Penn*

    #5 w/ 9 films:
    George Clooney*
    Henry Fonda*
    Jack Nicholson*
    John C. Reilly
    Montgomery Clift*

    #4 w/ 10 films:
    Johnny Depp,
    Katharine Hepburn*
    Robert Downey, Jr.*
    Robert Mitchum*
    William Holden*

    #3 w/ 11 films:
    Humphrey Bogart*
    Jack Lemmon*
    Jude Law*
    Jimmy Stewart*
    Tony Curtis*

    #2 w/ 12 films:
    Burt Lancaster*
    Cary Grant*

    #1 w/ 13 films:
    Paul Newman*
    Robert De Niro*

    Whoops, sorry for taking up so much space. Just bragging, I suppose. These are just according to the tags on my site and my own common knowledge.

    1. WOW, that’s awesome! I guess I could see now why you said the GP bug ate me alive, ahah. I did go overboard w/ 28 Greg’s movies (and counting) in just a half a year! Btw, a lot of your favorites are mine too, especially Crowe, Bale, and of course Peck 😀

  19. Great to see Bentley back on track, (not that I realized he’d been gone) he was great in American Beauty.

    Before I can get at all excited about Woody Allen’s next, I still need to see Midnight in Paris!

    I’m afraid to say I’ve probably seen most of Keanu Reeves of Bruce Willis’ films. Not that they are the greatest actors, I just find myself drawn to their films!

    1. Oh, you should see Midnight in Paris, Pete. It’s so enchanting. He..he.. I’ve seen quite a few of movies of those guys as well. They’re not the greatest but their movies are fun to watch.

  20. I got distracted when you brought up Lee Pace for The Flash. Perfect! Though I remember a few years back when the film was just about entering development hell and Ryan Reynolds’ name had been thrown about for it. He’d have been great, but now? Think he’s got one too many comic book characters under his belt!

    Which actor have I seen the most of? Wow… tough question! I honestly don’t know. It’ll be someone fairly prolific, who does a lot of films. Probably end up being someone like Tom Cruise! Shamefully admitting that. I can’t think of any actors off the top of my head.

    1. Yay, glad you like Lee Pace! He got my attention in The Fall, but he also wowed me in a rom-com he did w/ Amy Adams.

      Yeah, Reynolds probably won’t do another superhero movie anymore, especially for DC, ahah.

      He..he.. no shame in seeing tons of Cruise movies, he’s in my top 5 too, but that guy is so darn prolific!

  21. I don’t really want to do this Ruth. I am going to look like a great big grumpy pants!! As well as an un-educated fool

    1) He has a face that I recognise but can’t place in any film i have seen
    2) I like Lee Pace – But I am so over Super Hero movies now. (Hoping Avengers can save me)
    3) No
    4) I hate woody Allen films, I enjoyed Midnight. But generally I dislike his bumbling wit. Sorry. I am grumpy
    5 ) If you take this over my life time probably I have seen the most of Arnie. I loved him as a teen ager! HAHA

    1. Ahah, you didn’t really wanna do it but you did it anyway? You’re a pal matey!

      Oh, there’s always room for another superhero, come on! 🙂

      Hey, I’m not a fan of Woody either generally, apart from Midnight in Paris. Yes his bumbling wit IS irritating!

      Who didn’t love Arnie as a teenager? Even I was obsessed w/ Conan the Destroyer at one time!

  22. Sam Fragoso

    Woody Allen is Woody Allen. He’s an artist, naturally relatively self indulgent.

    But I don’t think obtaining wonderful casts and placing them in big, beautiful cities, while creating a series of romantic stories, is necessarily indulgent.

    I find all of his films to be at least, interesting. I’m sure this won’t fail to do that.

    If you haven’t seen a lot of his films, here are some:


    Annie Hall
    Crimes and Misdemeanors
    Match Point


    Hannah and Her Sisters
    Vicky Cristina Barcelona
    Midnight In Paris


    Stardust Memories
    Broadway Danny Rose

    I could go on.

    Keep up the great work.

    1. I’ve got a great Woody Allen story. One Saturday afternoon a long time ago I was watching Annie Hall on TV in Pittsburgh and it’s the scene where Woody is offered cocaine in a little box to try. Never having tried it he goes to smell it and puts his nose up close to get a good whiff. Of course he proceeds to sneeze and blow several thousands of dollars of cocaine around the room much to the dismay of the people who offered it to him. Right then they cut to the local news person who’s supposed to give a weather update. She was watching the monitor and bust out laughing so hard that she laughed through the entire 10-15 seconds of the break. Funny stuff.

    2. Hi Sam, thanks for the rundown on Woody’s resume. The thing is, I’m not fond of seeing him acting to be honest, so I’ll find those where he’s not IN the movie, ahah.

  23. Wes Bentley- love the beard and I was asking myself the same thing when I heard he was cast in Hunger Games! Where has he been?
    Woody Allen is Woody Allen- With Love from Rome looks like a typical one from him, but still, it might be good. I like Jesse Eisenberga and Ellen Page, plus Penelope Cruz’s character looks fun! I will see it!

  24. FUNK

    Good day, and a Happy Easter to you.
    1. Have seen him in American Beauty and The Four Feathers.
    2. Was never a fan of the Flash, would like to see this DC character come to life at the big screen and that is Sgt Rock!
    3. Will pass on 3 & 4.
    5. Sean Connery, Steve McQueen, Fonda, Peck, John Wayne, Clint, Pacino, , the list is just endless.

  25. Pingback: Duke & The Movies :: With A Little Help From My Friends

  26. 1) I swear that I have seen him around, but I’m not recognizing much from his IMDB profile. I saw American Beauty quite a few years ago, but I honestly don’t remember much about it.

    2) I am pretty indifferent when it comes to superhero films. Lee Pace looks like he could be a good fit for the Flash, though.

    3) Might be worth a rental.

    4) I still haven’t seen a Woody Allen film that I really enjoyed. I don’t know if I will bother with his new one, but you can be guaranteed that there will be some stunning shots of Rome.

    5) Wow, interesting question, but unfortunately it’s one that I have no idea about. I have seen probably eight or nine Hitchcock films, but that’s barely scratching the surface of his filmography. I’ll have to think about this one some more. 🙂

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