FlixChatter Review: THE BEEKEEPER (2024) – Not the most buzz-worthy action flick but Statham is still the bees’ knees in the action genre


May 20th is World Bee Day so I thought I’d post a review of a movie called The Beekeeper 🐝 

This was one of the movies I watched on a recent long flight to Croatia. I wasn’t initially enthused about this, as Jason Statham’s last two movies I saw (Wrath of Man and MEG 2) were awful, but both my hubby and I thought this would be a fun distraction to pass the time on the plane and it was.

Stratham plays Adam Clay, a beekeeper living a peaceful life in the country. He’s friendly with his neighbor Eloise (Phylicia Rashad), a retired educator who rents out her barn to Adam. But it’s a Jason Stratham action movie, so of course that serenity wouldn’t last long. When Eloise falls for a phishing scam and ends up losing everything she has in the bank, she commits suicide out of desperation. Though Adam is arrested briefly by Eloise’s daughter Verona (Emmy Raver-Lampman) who happens to be an FBI agent, he ends up helping the Feds track down this elusive criminal group that’s been scamming people.


Director David Ayer doesn’t waste much time in giving action fans what they want, that is Statham going ballistic and hellbent on vengeance. Statham is best as a taciturn, no-nonsense vigilante mode, a la The Transporter. As the movie goes on, it’s revealed that Adam was part of a classified government program code-named Beekeepers (natch) that even the FBI doesn’t know about. He’s since retired from that program, but oddly enough he takes a job as an actual beekeeper??


In any case, the movie makes Adam like a superhero-type agent who’s way more badass than most security agents/soldiers sent by the criminals to bring him down. All the violent fight scenes that leave his opponents seriously injured or dead while he remains unscathed make me recall THIS hilarious monologue Statham did in SPY as I watched him take down one baddie (or several) without breaking a sweat… “I’ve swallowed enough microchips and shit them back out again to make a computer. This arm has been ripped off completely and re-attached with *this* fuckin’ arm.” Ha!


The supporting cast is filled with an odd mix of talents. Josh Hutcherson (whom I haven’t seen since The Hunger Games) is deliberately hammy as a brash, cocky, and wildly irritating tech exec Derek Danforth whose real identity is revealed in the third act. I’m surprised to see Jeremy Irons in this movie as he is barely given much to do as a former CIA director Wallace Westwyld turned head of security for Danforth Enterprises, the company behind all the scam operations. Same with Minnie Driver in a blink and you missed it cameo as a CIO director. The reason why Wallace is tasked to protect Derek at all costs is revealed towards the finale, though it’s all quite predictable.

Written by Kurt Wimmer, the script isn’t really all that concerned with realism so your enjoyment depends on how much you’re willing to stretch your suspension of disbelief. Don’t expect even a smidge of character development either, we’re supposed to just accept the enigmatic nature of every single character, including the protagonist. I’m just glad they didn’t bother adding an unnecessary romantic angle to the story. My biggest issue is with Raver-Lampman as Verona who’s grossly miscast as she’s not believable at all as an FBI or anyone in law enforcement. I read in her bio that her roots are in musical theater so she should stick to that genre.


Despite the flaws, I still had a good time watching Statham brutally beat up and maim a bunch of goons + those unlucky enough to be on his bad side. The finale is so bombastic and even more ludicrous than the setup, yet somehow it managed to be quite satisfying. It’s Statham’s answer to John Wick + the Equalizer (his agent probably said, why can’t you be both?) At 56, the British actor is still fit and athletic, and he’s fully aware his strength is not in acting but in performing killer action scenes. The Beekeeper is not the most buzz-worthy action flick but the Stath is still the bees’ knees in the action genre.


Have you seen The Beekeeper? I’d love to hear what you think!



9 thoughts on “FlixChatter Review: THE BEEKEEPER (2024) – Not the most buzz-worthy action flick but Statham is still the bees’ knees in the action genre

  1. I do like Jason Statham but David Ayer is a filmmaker whose work I could never get into as I really hated <i>Suicide Squad</i> (not to be confused with <i>The Suicide Squad</i> by the far-more talented James Gunn).

    1. Yeah Ayer’s Suicide Squad is terrible indeed. This one isn’t a ‘good’ film per se, but entertaining enough to pass the time on the plane and Stath is fun to watch in preposterous action flicks.

  2. Huilahi

    Great reviews as always. I skipped this one in theatres because I’m not a huge fan of the cast/crew. I don’t know if I’m the only one but I have not understood Jason Statham’s appeal as an actor. He has always been typecast in the role of an action hero in every single film. Sure, he’s undeniably good at doing this but he lacks emotional range.

    I’m also not a fan of the director David Ayer. Several years ago, Ayer made the disastrous comic-book movie “Suicide Squad”. I absolutely hated that movie so much. So I think I’ll skip “The Beekeper” for these reasons lol.

    Here’s why I didn’t care much for Ayer’s previous film “Suicide Squad”:

    "Suicide Squad" (2016)- Movie Review

    1. Hey Hassan, I wouldn’t watch this one in the theater. As I mentioned, I saw this on a recent long flight and it was entertaining enough to pass the time on the plane and Stath is fun to watch in preposterous action flicks.

      I didn’t care for Suicide Squad either despite the cast. Margot Robbie is fun as Harley Quinn but I can’t stand Jared Leto as Joker, I generally don’t like him as an actor either. This one is worth a rent mostly for Statham. Did you see SPY? That is a hilarious action movie and Statham’s scene I mentioned in this review is a hoot!!

      1. Huilahi

        Hi Ruth, thanks for the feedback. I agree with you on Suicide Squad. I believe that Margot Robbie was one of the few good things about that movie. Jared Leto isn’t the greatest Joker but he has delivered extraordinary performances in the past. Have you seen “Dallas Buyers Club”? He is excellent in that film as a transgender with AIDS.

        I actually have seen “Spy” and now that you mention it that’s the only movie that I have enjoyed Statham in. He taps into a comedic energy that is missing from his other films. Here’s why that’s a comedy I enjoyed:

        “Spy” (2015) – Movie Review

        1. I agree Statham’s comedic energy is a hoot, wish he does more of those. I actually think the MEG movies (about the giant sharks) are pretty hilarious as the premise is so preposterous, but the movies aren’t billed as comedies.

  3. Ted Saydalavong

    I enjoyed the first half of this movie but once it’s revealed that Hutcherson‘s character is the son of The President, it went downhill from there. I would prefer the villains to just be these greedy corporate creeps and see them get killed the most painful way possible by Statham. Lol! As for Jeremy Irons and Mini Driver, they’re not the most sought after actors anymore and I assume they have bills to pay and this was an easy payday. Ha ha!

    1. Yeah, that is such a preposterous twist and the actress playing the president isn’t believable, though the female FBI agent is even worse!

      Statham makes this an entertaining watch, and yeah you’re right that even veteran actors still have bills to pay, ahah!

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