Five for the Fifth: DECEMBER 2013 Edition


Hello folks, welcome to the last 2013 edition of Five for the Fifth!

As is customary for this monthly feature, I get to post five random news item, observation, trailer, actor/director spotlight, etc. and then turn it over to you to share your take on that given topic. You can see the previous five-for-the-fifth posts here.

1. Today happens to be Walt Disney‘s birthday. He would’ve turned 112. As Disney’s animated feature FROZEN (read Terrence’s review) broke box office record over the five-day Thanksgiving period with $93 mil and I’m going to Saving Mr. Banks screening next week, Mr. Disney is never far from Hollywood and moviegoers.


I grew up watching Disney Princess movies and to this day I’m still fond of Disney films, with Tangled being the latest one. Though there are awesome animated features now from Pixar and Dreamworks, I still love watching those classic Disney movies, especially Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella and my all time fave: Sleeping Beauty.

What are YOUR favorite Disney (not-counting Pixar) movies?

2. Inspired by my recent viewing of Spike Jonze’s HER, I initially wanted to make this as a Question of the Week post but it works here too. I was blown away by how affected I was by this film. I’ve mentioned in this post that I really dug Joaquin Phoenix’s soulful performance, but I also have to give Scarlett Johansson credit for her voice acting. You can hear her in the trailer below:


I think most people often associate voice acting in animated films and surely there have been some terrific ones year after year. But in the case of Scarlett as an operating system in HER (as well as Benedict Cumberbatch as the Dragon Smaug in The Hobbit 2), they’re lending an indelible presence in a live-action film with just their voice. I’d think that voice acting is as challenging — if not more — than normal acting. This is what the actress said about the voice acting process per Indiewire:

” … what I thought was going to be four days of recording turned into a really involved process. At times, I would even record with Joaquin, who really made himself available in an amazing way … Then sometimes I would do sessions with Spike where I would act opposite him, or I would act opposite the playback just to see how that was. But it was a very different experience from being on set.”

It made me think that perhaps there should be a separate award category for this as it really takes a special skill to pull this off and it not only enrich a film but it could be a crucial factor in the film’s success.

What do you think about this? Should voice acting be considered by major awards like Oscar?

3. A movie marketing campaign can be relentless in an annoying way but in the case of Anchorman 2, I think it’s fun and hilarious!


Will Ferrell as Ron Burgundy joined the KXMB evening newscast in Bismarck, North Dakota in character. I don’t know how the real anchors can keep a straight face throughout, but it was a hoot! Clad in his signature burgundy suit, Ferrell didn’t even crack a smile or giggle in the entire 30-min segment. Check it out:

What do you think about Anchorman 2’s marketing campaign? Are you excited for the movie?

4. I came across a couple of British film projects that piqued my interest this week. One is a short film and the other a period drama set in Cornwall. Both of them feature some of my fave Brits, natch!

OutOfDarkness_Short_PosterOut of Darkness is a short film by Manjinder Virk (check out this interview w/ the director). It won Best Drama & Best of Fest at ASFF2013 and it’s also made Official selection at 57th BFI London Film Festival. Naturally the casting of Tom Hiddleston got my attention, but it’s also got Riz Ahmed who impressed me in The Reluctant Fundamentalist. Check out the trailer below:


A true tale of love, liberty and scandal amongst the Edwardian artists’ colony in Cornwall

I just found out about this project two days ago, but I’m glad I did. It’s SO my kind of movie! I’ve grown to like Dominic Cooper over the years and Dan Stevens is yet another Jane Austen alum I’ve been hoping to see more of. He’s won me over since that chopping-wood-in-the-rain scene in BBC’s Sense & Sensibility [girls you know which one 😉 ]. Oh and his co-star Hattie Morahan who played Elinor in that miniseries is in this, too. I’m a sucker for these kinds of films, especially set on location in the UK. This movie is released in January in the US, boy I’d wish that Summer would arrive in February! The only thing is this trailer gives a bit too much away.

Thoughts on either one of the projects above?

LoveActuallyPic5. Now for the last question, I’m going to focus on Holiday movies. To be honest with you, I actually don’t have a movie tradition that I watch during any holiday, whether it’s Christmas, Easter or whatever. I don’t know why but I just never have such a tradition at any point of my life.

I think the only Christmas-themed movie I wouldn’t mind watching once a year is Love, Actually. There are just so many memorable scenes in that movie and the music is lovely. Thankfully it’s on Netflix so maybe this month I might get my hubby to see it with me as he’s never seen it!

Well, now my last question to you is: Favorite holiday-themed movie?

That’s it for the last 2013 edition of Five for the Fifth, folks. I invite you to take part & answer at least one of the questions above.

98 thoughts on “Five for the Fifth: DECEMBER 2013 Edition

  1. 1. My favorite Disney movie… wow… that’s a tough one… I’m going to say The Sword in the Stone

    2. If it is used in an effective way to tell the story, yes.

    3. I’m trying to get away from the marketing as I just hope the movie is good. I hope Will Ferrell does something new as I’ve been disappointed w/ some of his recent output like The Campaign.

    4. I only heard about Summer in February as I’m aware that Emily Browning’s nude scenes are circulating around the net. I really don’t have interest in either as the poster Darkness looks like something that Godfrey Reggio is doing for his new film Visitors that I want to see. He’s the guy who did the Qatsi trilogy.

    5. Scrooged, Die Hard, Fanny & Alexander, and A Christmas Story. I’m so over Home Alone.

    1. Hi Steven! Oh my, I haven’t seen The Sword in the Stone! Now I have to look that one up!

      Glad you agree about voice acting should be considered.

      I’m not a huge Wil Ferrell fan but I have to admit he’s a hoot as Ron Burgundy.

      Hmmm, I haven’t heard about any nude scene but really that’s not why I’m excited for the film anyway. I just saw the trailer for Visitors, that one is a doc though while this one is a short film. Interesting to see Philip Glass’ involvement in Visitors, love his musical style.

      Great choices! I should watch Scrooged already, I mean I’m a big fan of Bill Murray!

  2. 1. Not counting Pixar films (I still consider them different camps), I’d say Pinocchio/Fantasia for classic animation, Hercules/Aladdin for modern, and Mary Poppins/The Santa Clause in live action.

    2. Sure, why not.

    3. Yes, I want to see Anchorman 2.

    4. Don’t know much about these. But, I’m curious.

    5. Easy, It’s a Wonderful Life. Holiday-themed, with a noir look, and of course, James Stewart, Donna Reed, and an ending that gets to me every time.

    1. I should mention in the question about not counting Pixar films as you’re right it should be in a different category. I’m hoping to finally see Mary Poppins soon!

      Great choice about It’s a Wonderful Life. Certainly a great one to watch at any point of the year, but most especially around Christmas!

  3. I’ve seen so many Disney movies both in my youth, as a young adult, and now again as a father. I really like the modernized/classic humor they use in a lot of their Mickey projects like what I’ve seen of the new Get A Horse. I loved Aladdin, Little Mermaid, Fantasia, Alice in Wonderland, and more recently Wreck It Ralph, Tangled, and Frozen.

    One great little resouce if you’re interested in voice acting is Rob Paulsen’s podcast Talkin Toons. He has a lot of great voice actors on there with him and they tell anecdotes and a lot of inside information on the voice acting business. Rob Paulsen’s been in the business for over 30 years and has worked with a ton of greats.

    I never watched the first Anchorman, but I do think that kind of marketing is a lot of fun. Effective? Maybe not, but a lot of fun. And he’s done this sort of thing in the past as well, he did that Old Milwaukee commercial for Davenport, Iowa last year.

    1. That’s such an interesting perspective about seeing it as a kid and later as a dad. I feel that I probably will appreciate Disney movies even as I grow older. Some of those you mentioned would be fun to watch year after year. I still need to see Frozen but it looks delightful!

      Oh great tip about Rob Paulsen, I’ll look for that. Voice acting is always fascinating to me as I watch a lot of animated movies since I was little.

      Yeah I do think it’s fun too, though it remains to be seen if it’ll translate to big dollars for the studio.

  4. Ted S.

    1. I used to watch many Disney animated movies when I was younger but as I’ve gotten older, I just loss interest in them. But I always have a soft spot for The Lion King and Dinosaur, I think Dinosaur was Disney’s first CG animated movie that has no involvement from Pixar.

    2. If it enhances or a big part of a certain movie then sure it should be consider.

    3. I love Ron Burgundy and can’t wait to see the movie.

    4. Never heard of either of those movies, not sure if any of them peak my interest.

    5. Die Hard 1&2, The Godfather, Christmas Story, Batman Returns and once every other year I like to watch the first Lethal Weapon film.

    1. There are still a ton of great animated features now Ted, some are actually better than live-action 🙂 If you haven’t seen How To Train Your Dragon, I highly recommend it, I know it’s not Disney but it’s one of my all time faves now.

      I think in the case of Scarlett in HER, it’s integral to the plot and the success of the film. That’s why I think it should be considered.

      I haven’t seen Lethal Weapon in years! I forgot that it has a holiday theme. I hope Netflix has it so I can watch that one.

  5. Hi, Ruth. Good questions all. Let’s see which ones I remember without rereading.

    1. My favorite Disney flick is either Tangled or Brave. I know I’m in the minority on the latter, but I like it. A lot. It’s not made for kids, more for grown ups, especially parents, but that makes me its target audience.

    2. Yes. With the prevalence of animated movies and the increased use of voice actors in live action films, it should become a category of its own.

    5. Mine is actually Love Actually as well. And it isn’t close.

    1. Hi James, glad to see you stop by for my monthly feature! 😀

      Oh I LOVE Brave, so high five!! I really, really enjoyed that. It’s got a good message but presented in such a delightful and hilarious way. I’m a big fan of BRAVE and was rooting for it at the Oscars! I loved Tangled too.

      Yeah I feel that an actor’s voice work should be recognized somehow.

      Glad to hear you loved Love, Actually too! That format of multiple storylines have been copied a lot but I still think none is as fun as this movie.

      1. Agreed on Love, Actually! Plus, I think it develops its myriad characters better than the other ensemble, multiple story films that have come out since.

        And . . . glad we agree on the other topics, as well. 🙂

        1. I tried to watch NY I Love You but turned it off after 10 min. Oh man, it’s just awful!! Richard Curtis has a way w/ creating fun stories that’s hilarious but heart-warming. Plus I just love the Brits! 😀

          1. Agreed on Curtis. And a Brit fetish. 😉

            Haven’t tried NY, I Love You, so I can’t comment. Now I won’t be in any hurry to see it. Did see Paris J’Taime. That one had some scenes of good and others of awful.

            1. Oh I did see Paris J’Taime and like you, I like some segments and others just so so. But NY I Love You just looks like carbon copy w/ famous American actors but the dialog is awful! I mean it started w/ Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson who are barely a C actor, it was excruciating that I can’t bear to see the rest of the movie.

                1. I know, right? Or don’t hire the likes of them altogether. But then again only a tiny handful of actors in NY I Love You is actually worth watching.

  6. Great questions this month. You know it’s strange – even growing up I was never just enamored with Disney movies. And now my respect for them has grown but I can’t say I still hold them near my heart. Strange, I know.

    Sigh, Anchorman 2. There have been a few funny advertising bits but I certainly can’t say I’m excited for the movie. I still say the first film is so extremely overrated. Very mediocre to me so I’m not chomping to see part 2.

    1. Hi there Keith! That is strange that you’re not fond of Disney movies 😉 Nah, to each their own I suppose, we like what we like and there’s no right or wrong about it.

      I hear ya Keith! I’m not super excited for it, though I find the marketing quite amusing. The first one is funny but it’s probably something I’d reserve for rental. There are so many other movies I’d rather see on the big screen.

  7. Didn’t realize it was Walt’s birthday! It pretty hard for me to pick a favorite Disney flick…. there’s so many I adore. Both from the classics and the current bunch. Interesting that the animated short, “Get A Horse!” shown before Frozen, blends both old-school and modern elements and eve features Walt’s voice as Mickey Mouse!

    Love the anchorman promo! And Love Actually too (followed closely by Home Alone)!

    1. I always check who’s having a birthday on the Fifth and since it’s Walt’s b’day I knew I had to spotlight him. Oh there’s a short film in front of Disney films now? I guess they’re taking it after Pixar.

      Ah Home Alone! I remember loving that the first time around but haven’t rewatched it since.

  8. Can’t say I am a fan of Christmas movies. I know that makes me sound like the Grinch, but I LOVE Christmas, so that has to count for something. I hear a lot of great things about Her, so I would really like to look into it.

    1. Hi Zoë! Glad to see you take part in my monthly series! Oh no it doesn’t make you sound like the Grinch at all, I mean you LOVE Christmas and to a lot of people it’s not just about the movies 🙂

      HER is really good, an unconventional love story set in the future. Definitely worth a watch.

      1. Haha of course, here I am! 🙂 Yeah the movies really are pretty awful and lame, sheesh.

        Should we come across it here by us I really will check it out, you really, really sounded impressed (saw it on your Twitter now that I am getting the hang if it haha), and it was the first I had heard of it.

        1. But have you seen It’s A Wonderful Life? That’s an excellent and heart-warming Christmas-themed film.

          Ahah, I’m glad you joined Twitter! As you can see I tweet A LOT, pretty soon you will too 😀

          1. Can’t definitively say that I have. Maybe I should dip my toes into the water and try.

            Hehe, no problem with the amount of tweets, and I believe you when you say I will get there!

            1. It’s an American classic! I have just seen it for the first time a few years ago and it really is worth the hype. I guess I prefer my Christmas movies Santa-free, as it’s just too kiddish for me. I’m never even fond of it as a kid either.

              Well I don’t have a personal Facebook (just for the blog) so Twitter and my blog are my only window to social media. I’m kind of addicted to Twitter as you can see 😀

              1. Hmmm, I really might have to look into this then!

                Hahaha! Ah at least you’ve got the socialising thing in there! I have heard Twitter can become quite the obsession.

                1. Twitter is where I get my news these days, I rarely go to traditional news sites like CNN anymore as Twitter is far quicker in getting breaking news. You could say I’m a bit obsessed w/ it, I even wish I’d work there, ha..ha..

                    1. I think if I don’t restrain myself I could easily be on Twitter for hours as there are SOOO many things you can get caught up on. Plus I enjoy *conversing* with people on Twitter sometimes, it’s a lot of fun!

                    2. Clearly I need help, and I don’t mean that just about my Twitter addiction, mwahahahaha. The thing is about Twitter, since I follow a lot of fellow fans of my fave actors, I get so easily caught up on the stuff they posted. Especially concerning actors like Richard Armitage, among others 😉

                    3. Yep, that’s it! Especially when said actor has a movie coming out, it’s REALLY hard to tune out. Perhaps I should be like you and read a book instead 😀

                    4. Yeah that can become distracting, I understand 😛 Maybe… Be clever and get an autobiography on said actor in question at the time prior to the movie and you will DEFINITELY stay interested in the reading material! 😉

                    5. Well some of the actors are too young and not famous enough to have an autobiography.

                      But I did buy Gregory Peck biography last year and it did make me stay off Twitter for a bit, ha..ha.. He’s a beautiful and fascinating man btw, but born waaaay too early (he’s been dead for like 10 yrs by the time I had a crush on him!!)

                    6. Loooooooooooool! No peak in life so we have to resort to such means as Twitter to get the scoop and fill!

                      Oh wow. Yeah I guess that can happen too!

  9. Hey Ruth!

    1. Favourite Disney movie is a tough one. I love Toy Story but that’s Pixar as well, so if I’m going purely for Disney I’d go for Aladdin as that’s one of the first I remember seeing at the cinema.

    2. That’s a really interesting question and a tough one to answer. I think if voice actors were to be recognised they’d have to have their own category but you might be struggling to get many nominees. I can’t see it happening but I do agree that good voice acting is an art in itself.

    3. I loved the first Anchorman but I have big reservations about the new one. I have a feeling it’ll just be a load of rubbish but I really hope not. The marketing campaign is pretty funny though.

    4. Out of Darkness definitely has my interest, I’ll be keeping my eye out for that one. We got Summer in February earlier this year and it got very average reviews from what I remember. Not my kind of film to be honest.

    5. I do enjoy a Christmas film 🙂 I think my two favourites are Home Alone and A Muppet Christmas Carol. Those will be on at some point. I also want to check out a couple I haven’t seen before like Scrooged.

    Great edition of Five for the Fifth again Ruth!

    1. Hello Chris!

      Yes I meant purely Disney (I’ve modified the question now). Aladdin is a good one, I heard a girl singing ‘A Whole New World’ at the Santa Monica pier and now the song is stuck in my head!

      Oh yeah, I think voice acting should be in its own category. Maybe limit it to 3 instead of 5 for traditional acting. It really is an art form!

      Yeah I feel the same about the film itself Chris, but the marketing is genius!

      Bummer that Summer in February doesn’t get much love! I still will rent it though as I’m a sucker for British period dramas 🙂

      I haven’t seen Scrooged either so maybe we both should watch it this year.

      Thanks for participating, as always!

  10. 1. The Jungle Book. For the very catchy tunes.
    2. In a separate category, perhaps!
    3. Can’t wait for Anchorman 2.
    4. Curiosity piqued!
    5. Love Actually happens to be one of very few romantic comedies I can stomach. But my favourite Christmas movie is definitely Die Hard.

    Great post, love it!

    1. Hello V, thrilled to see you stop by! I hope you’ll keep coming back for every edition 🙂

      Hey I heard Alfonso Cuaron is gonna do a life-action Jungle Book! What do you think about that?

      Ahah, you’re an action girl aren’t you? LOVE the first Die Hard because of Alan Rickman, who knew it’d become a Christmas classic, ahah.

      1. I shall most certainly be returning for more Five for the Fifth additions, Ruth!

        The Jungle Book is news to me actually, but with Cuaron on board visually I’m sure it will be a feast for the eyes, so this can be filed in the potentially great news category.

        Total action girl. ;D YES, how awesome is Rickman as Hans? He makes that movie for me.

        1. Awesome, that’s the spirit!

          Yeah I think w/ Cuaron on board I’m intrigued by the project.

          I’m a huge fan of Rickman, he makes ANY movie awesome! LOVE him as Col. Brandon in Sense & Sensiblity too.

  11. Favorite Disney flicks would include The Lion King, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, and yes, Tangled, too. Fitting, seeing as both it and Frozen are complete throw-backs to that particular golden era of Disney animation from the 90s. And honestly, Frozen was so damn good it may well end up among my favorites as well. 🙂

    1. Hi there Chris! Those are all great Disney flicks. I mean The Lion King is just superbly-made all around. I just read your review of Frozen, that’s so cool that you enjoyed it, makes me want to see it real soon!

  12. 1. Not a Disney fan at all as I’ve stated before. It goes back to the stealing of the Mickey character to the handling of The Song of The South to being the only studio to put their films on moratorium. The last one is the one that really gets me. Withholding children’s films to create artificial scarcity driving up demand. Some business model.

    Google “Sunflower, the Centaur Disney Wants to Forget”.and read about this character from Fantasia that Walt vehemently denied existing until the cut footage was dug up. This stuff is just the tip of the iceberg for Disney.

    2. Why not give ’em their own award?

    3. In normally what would be overkill for most films it works for Will Farrell. The Ford car TV spots were pretty great although Peter Stormare’s V-Dubs commercials for VW are hard to beat for sheer hilarity.

    4. I would like to see more of Out of Darkness. If the other trailer showed too much, this one showed not enough.

    5. A Christmas Story is hard to beat but my dark horse would be The Ref. The scenes between Judy Davis and Kevin Spacey at the dinner table are right out of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolfe? Not a perfect movie by any means.but Judy Davis has one of my favorite line deliveries of all time. If you’ve seen the movie you’ll know the line I’m talking about.

    1. I don’t share your view on Disney but I respect yours anyway Dave.

      Yes they should get their own award, that’s what I’m saying. It should be a separate voice acting category!

      Oh Peter Stormare’s a genius, that’s a good one!

      Well it’s a short film, so they can’t have like a long trailer, ahah. Sometimes it’s better to see a shorter trailer than one that gives too much away.

      I haven’t seen Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf yet. I had no idea those two actresses are in the film, too. How old was Kevin Spacey that he’s in a film w/ Judy Davis??

      1. Judy Davis is only four years older than Spacey. The Ref is certainly worth seeing for their performances. The dinner table scene is a classic.

        As far as Disney goes it is what it is. Walt and Disney’s past is so much darker than what people want to believe. It’s really astonishing when you look into it. Anyway… I’d say Aladdin would be my favorite animated film of theirs. Robin Williams would have surely won a voice acting Oscar if there was one at the time. Can’t say I grew up on the animated stuff though. Mostly their live action stuff like Escape to Witch Mountain,The Computer Who Wore Tennis Shoes, The Absent-Minded Professor and even Herbie. LOL. I had such a crush on Kim Richards from the Witch Mountain series. Turns out she’s on The Housewives from Beverly Hills now… and she’s a total spaz.

  13. PrairieGirl

    Voicing and comedies certainly deserve to have their own Academy Award.

    Every time I see Ron Burgundy I’m reminded of the original, ego-inflated comedic anchorman Ted Baxter in the Mary Tyler Moore show (back in the day 😀 )

    1. Glad you agree Becky! Oh that’s probably where Will Ferrell or the Anchorman writers get the inspiration from. I mean it’s such an iconic show.

  14. Love your list, Ruth. My opinions: I hate Ron Burgundy and wish WF would retire. I LOVE Love Actually and will watch this tradition with my daughter along with ‘The Holiday’ for Kate Winslet and Jude Law. Summer in Feb? I’m there! 🙂

    1. Oh you don’t care for Ferrell eh? I can’t say I blame you. I think out of his films I only really like Stranger Than Fiction as he’s not being his usual nutty self. I do think that Ron Burgundy is just so crazy that I can’t help but giggle.

      Oh, I adore The Holiday as well, though I generally am not fond of Cameron Diaz. I do love Kate Winslet and Rufus Sewell (wish there’s more of him in the movie though).

      I knew you’d love Summer in Feb, we love our period dramas! 😉

  15. 1. What are YOUR favorite Disney (not-counting Pixar) movies?

    Tangled, Hercules, The Emperors New Groove!

    2. What do you think about this? Should voice acting be considered by major awards like Oscar?

    I’m honestly not sure, I nominate a few voice performances (Eartha Kitt, The Emporers New Groove. Teri Hatcher, Coraline. Ellen Degeneres, Finding Nemo). Maybe a separate category?

    3. What do you think about Anchorman 2′s marketing campaign? Are you excited for the movie?

    I think it’s a very smart campaign. I’m excited for the film.

    4. Well, now my last question to you is: Favorite holiday-themed movie?

    I don’t really have many. I like Love Actually and A Muppets Christmas Carol.

    Great writeup!

    1. Hi Jack, nice to see you stop by!

      Boy I haven’t seen The Emperors New Groove! I should give it a watch at some point.

      Yes a separate category is what I meant, sorry somehow I wasn’t clear.

      The campaign is really brilliant isn’t it? It helps to have an actor who’s so game on it, too.

      Glad to see we agree on Love, Actually! Seems that a lot of people here share your love for A Muppets Christmas Carol, too!

  16. 1) I’m not really much of a Disney fan anymore, but as a kid I loved The Lion King and Aladdin.

    2) I think that’s a great idea. Voice acting is still acting, so they deserve more recognition.

    3) I’m indifferent toward the film, but the marketing campaign has been pretty impressive. I read somewhere that Dodge Durango sales went up big time after his commercials aired, too.

    4) Out of Darkness looks intriguing.

    5) How about this unlikely duo? It’s a Wonderful Life and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. 😀

    1. Not a Disney fan anymore? How about Pixar?

      Yes I think voice acting is still acting indeed, glad you agree!

      Oh I didn’t even know about the Dodge Durango commercial, boy they’ve got quite a reach!

      Ahah, I LOVE that duo! It’s a Wonderful Life and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation should be watched back to back, that should be fun 😀

        1. Ah I see. It’s funny but I somehow find that quite a lot of the animated characters being more affecting and actually relatable than even live-action ones. I think the key is in the story. It’s ok is it’s not your thing anymore though 😀

  17. 1. Sleeping Beauty, Little Mermaid, Snow White, Lion King….so many 🙂

    2. I think voice performances should be given a separate category, not being campaigned in supporting actor categories.

    3. I like the campaign, it’s pretty great. I wasn’t a big fan of the first film but I’;ll see the second one for the cute dog Baxter 😛

    4. Not very interested in those, I’m very against Stevens after his departure from Downton which was insane. He is not going to have a big career and he is acting like a big shot.

    5. I do watch Love Actually every year just before Christmas 🙂 I also watch Bridget Jones’s Diary around that time, it’s partially set during holidays.

    1. Hi Sati! Yay, I LOVE Sleeping Beauty too, well everything in your list are my faves too, so high five! 🙂

      Yep that’s exactly what I had in mind, separate category entirely.

      Hmmm, I didn’t know about his departure from Downton was his own doing, I thought that was how it was written?? I did hear about him joining some action movie or something w/ Nic Cage? Immediately I thought, oh no!

      Oh right, Bridget Jones Diary is an awesome holiday-themed movie! I just rewatched some clips of that, it’s just hilarious! Whatever happened to Renee Zelwegger now??

  18. A little late to the party Ruth, but I’m here now 🙂

    1: I am subjected to Disney movies on a regular basis by my two daughters so I try to avoid at all costs and having seen so much lately, I feel that the impact has been lessened for me. Still, there are so many classics and I do have a soft spot for Aladdin.

    2: Voice acting certainly is a talent and if done correctly it can have a huge impact. 2001 springs to mind. You could create an award category for it but I reckon there’s still too few films that do it, leaving it hard to amass a collection of nominees.

    3: Eh… Next question. I’m not a fan of anchorman at all. I think it’s absolute garbage and probably the most overrated film since Titanic.

    4: I hadn’t heard of either of these but I would consider giving them a try.

    5: I’m not normally a holiday themed watcher either but I do love watching the animated short The Snowman. It’s a little masterpiece and I’ve been watching it every year since I was wee.

    1. Not late at all, party’s just warming up 😀

      Ahah, I hear ya that when you have kids you try to avoid animated movies if you can help it. I totally understand! I LOVE Aladdin too, so many great songs in there.

      I think if we have a small category of three nominees for voice acting that should suffice. I mean this year alone I could even see at least 3 being considered.

      Oy, not a fan eh? I respect that, though I have a fondness for Titanic for nostalgic reasons 😀

      Oh I haven’t seen The Snowman, now I’m curious to see it! I’m gonna scour Youtube and see if it’s on there.

      Thanks Mark!

      1. You haven’t seen The Snowman? Aww you should really check that out Ruth. I’m wasn’t sure if it was more of a UK thing but it really must be seen. It’s only about 30mins long with no dialogue whatsoever and is a real staple for us at Xmas time.

        1. I’ve never even heard of it, terrible isn’t it? But thanks to you now I know and will watch it soon. It’s like -18º C outside though, we’re talking frigid arctic air for a whole week, so not sure I want to watch anything with SNOW in it, ahah. Just kidding, I’m sure it is delightful!!

          1. -18c? Man, I thought Scotland was cold. We’re about -2c but starting get snow now. In all honesty, I love it. Not too keen on the cold but I love the snow (and The Snowman). If you can’t get it on you tube, you should be able to get it on amazon fairly cheap. Believe me, it’ll be one you’ll want to watch every Xmas season. 🙂

            1. Oh -2º is nothing, ahaha, that’ll be a warm front here 😀 No I think Minnesota is much colder (and without the gorgeous scenery you’ve got there… I’m not just talking about nature 😉 )

              I hope Netflix has it too, I will definitely check on that Mark!

  19. I ALWAYS love Five for the Fifth, Ruth. Thank you for keeping it. And thank you for the kind link to my FROZEN review. 🙂

    1. My favorite Disney movies are Beauty & the Beast, The Lion King, Aladdin, Robin Hood, A Muppets Christmas Carol and A Goofy Movie (Tried to list a few not so common ones with some popular ones)

    2. I was not happy to see the GGs consider Johansson ineligible for HER. I WAS glad to see you give her props as I know you are not the biggest fan of her performances. I think that voice-acting should be considered in my opinion. It’s still a performance and should be recognized.

    3. Anchorman 2 is silly and the fun they are having in marketing is pretty fun to see. I think it is amping up the hype which can be dangerous when setting up a sequel in terms of expectations though. We’ll see. The marketing…escalated quickly!

    4. Out of Darkness has a pretty effective teaser that is intriguing. I’m interested in it. The other one with Dominic Cooper looks like another time-period love story that will be predictable but pretty. I’m not especially interested in it, but I like the feel of it.

    5. Favorite holiday themed movie. Man, this is tough. Really tough. I enjoy as a guilty pleasure Jingle All The Way. But I really love It’s A Wonderful Life,Heidi (starring Shirley Temple), The Santa Clause and Elf.

    1. Hello T! Well I love reading people’s answers for FFTF so thanks for taking the time!

      The only one I’m not familiar w/ is A Goofy Movie, I should look that up. Sounds like a hoot!

      Oh she’s ineligible for Golden Globe already? Well I guess that’s not surprising even if it’s disappointing. I’d think they need to create a separate category as it’s still an art form that some actors either do a good job or not, you know.

      I hear ya about marketing and the hype machine. I for one don’t mind waiting to see it later on rental for R-rated comedies.

      Yeah well the trailer for Summer in February makes it look so darn predictable, it’s a bummer!

      Nice mix of classic and contemporary movies there T, and Jingle All the Way was filmed in my neck of the woods btw 😀

  20. jackdeth72

    Hi, Ruth:

    #1: Favorite Disney (Non-Pixar) film would be ‘Sleeping Beauty’. For its old school cel work and deep, lush backgrounds. Of course, when Maleficent turns into a dragon is pretty awesome, too!

    Live Action?: Still get a kick out of ‘Darby McGill and the Little People with a very young Sean Connery. And ‘The Nine Lives of Tomasina’ with Patrick MacGoohan.

    Favorite Christmas themed film? A toss up between ‘A Christmas Story’ and a very family friendly, multiple caper comedy with Dick Van Dyke, Barbara Eden and Edith Evans. And a superb supporting cast. ‘Fitzwilly’ from 1967.

    1. Hello there Kevin! Oh I LOVE Sleeping Beauty. If I could just have one Disney fave, that would be it! Are you interested in the Maleficent movie btw?

      I haven’t even heard of ‘Darby McGill and the Little People’ boy that sounds like a good one, I should look that up. Btw, if you’re up for it, I’d LOVE to get a review of ‘Fitzwilly’ for around Christmas 😉

  21. 1. I’ve always loved Peter Pan, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. 🙂

    2. I don’t think voice acting should have a separate category, but I’m all for nominating voice acting in the main acting categories. The BAFTAs did it, nominating Eddie Murphy for Best Supporting Actor for Shrek.

    3. Anchorman’s marketing campaign is an interesting one, for sure. I’m not looking forward to the sequel though, as I didn’t like the first film.

    4. I’m a fan of Dominic Cooper and Emily Browning, so sign me up for Summer in February!

    5. My favorite holiday-themed movie is It’s a Wonderful Life. I watch it and White Christmas on or around Christmas.

    1. Hi Josh! Great choices there man, though I don’t remember much about Peter Pan for some reason.

      Oh I didn’t know BAFTA nominated a voice acting for Shrek, hmmm, maybe the Oscars should consider it though I still think a separate category should be the way to go.

      I suppose if you didn’t like the first film, you might not like the sequel either, no matter how good the marketing is.

      Glad to hear you’re excited for Summer in February, too!

      That’s a wonderful movie [pun intended] for any time for the year, so right on Josh!

    1. Hi Mark! Well the praises are well-deserved! So what do you think about the voice acting being considered at the Oscar or other major awards?

      1. I haven’t seen the film and have avoided the trailer. But I think if the voice acting is worthy, it should be recognized. I remember back when Disney’s Aladdin came out, there was serious buzz surrounding Robin Williams as the Genie.

        1. Oh I didn’t remember the buzz on Aladdin but yeah, that’s all the more reason I think that voice acting should be considered. It’s truly an art form few people can master.

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  23. 1. Happy belated birthday, Walt! My favorite traditional Disney movies are The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty and, especially, The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
    2. Can’t wait for Her, and I’m not sure if Oscar should consider voice acting. There’s just so much of that process that we don’t see and that could’ve been altered, I don’t know.
    3. I think the campaign has been very creative but can’t say I’m terribly excited for Anchorman 2.
    4. Definiely will be seeing Out of Darkness, as it’s got Tom Hiddleston, but Summer in February doesn’t seem like my cuppa.
    5. My favorite Holiday-themed movie is probably Love Actually as well, but there are a few others I try to watch every year: The Holiday, A Christmas Story and, of course, It’s a Wonderful Life.

    1. Hi Fernando!

      Oh man, I kinda forgot about The Hunchback of Notre Dame, I should revisit that at some point.

      As I mentioned to you before, HER is just excellent. You made a good point about the process not being as visible, but then again, I think it uses a special skill just like conventional acting.

      I hear ya about Anchorman 2, I remember you’re not into the first film.

      Love that we’re both fans of Tom Hiddleston, he’s just awesome in everything.

      Great holiday-themed movies right there, nice to see you like The Holiday too, that’s a bit underrated I think.

      1. You should. It’s a bit darker than the usual Disney film but I think it’s so amazing.

        Oh, it definitely calls for a special skill, but, I don’t know, I still think it’d be weird.

        Yes, The Holiday is definitely underrated, and it’s one of the few roles where I actually can stand Jack Black.

        1. Ahah yeah, I’m usually not a huge Jack Black fan though I actually like him in Nacho Libre. He’s more restraint in The Holiday and the pairing w/ Kate Winslet surprisingly worked!

            1. I know, right? That part when they’re at the bar and he accidentally brushed against her boob is hilarious! He managed to seem like a nice guy instead of a creep, ahah. Kate is always lovely, I love how she was swooning over Rufus Sewell, well who wouldn’t? 😉

                1. Well of course it’s written that way, but Rufus is so dreamy and he played the role very well. Yeah I’m glad they cast an *ordinary* looking guy like Jack Black as Kate’s suitor. I feel that it balanced out the casting of Jude Law who’s almost TOO perfect in this movie.

  24. Awesome stuff!
    My fave Disney movie is Lady and the Tramp, Mulan, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, oh and Fantasia 🙂
    Summer in February looks quite interesting. I like the cast 🙂 Very promising!
    And my fave holiday theme movie hands-down is The Holiday and Love Actually, add in some While You Were Sleeping and I’m a happy person.

    1. Hi ya Kim, glad to see you stop by as always.

      Oh right, Mulan is a great one, how could I forget that one. Great music in that one too.

      Glad to see you’re intrigued by Summer in February, for me the cast sold me as well.

      Those three movies are all lovely, boy I forgot about While You Were Sleeping but there’s some Christmas scenes is that as well, good one!

  25. Favorite Disney film would have to be Fantasia.

    I agree about making a separate award for voice acting. It’s not the same as regular acting, so it’s not a “snub” that they haven’t been included for the regular awards, but an award specially for voice acting would seem warranted. One need only listen to a few films to notice the difference a skilled voice actor can provide.

    My favorite Christmas movies would be Christmas Vacation, The Muppet Christmas Carol, A Christmas Story and the original Miracle on 34th Street.

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