Double Indie Film Reviews: Disconnect + Unfinished Song

This past week, I had the chance to watch a couple of indie films through MSPIFF and press screening. It would’ve been three films but the blizzard last Thursday kept me from going to the MUD screening. Yes it’s such a bummer but really, in the grand scheme of things, especially compared to what’s going on in other parts of the world, it’s really not that big a deal to miss a single movie, I’ll just catch it when it’s released in the cinema. In any case, here are my mini reviews I was fortunate to see:


DisconnectPosterA hard-working lawyer, attached to his cell phone, can’t find the time to communicate with his family. A couple is drawn into a dangerous situation when their secrets are exposed online. A widowed ex-cop struggles to raise a mischievous son who cyber-bullies a classmate. An ambitious journalist sees a career-making story in a teen that performs on an adult-only site. They are strangers, neighbors and colleagues and their stories collide in this riveting dramatic thriller about ordinary people struggling to connect in today’s wired world.

Right from the trailer, it’s easy to just regard this as a cautionary tale for the internet age, but as the story unfolds, it’s really about more than that. And at some point, we’ve either read about or even have a personal connection with the real life tragedies that happen to the characters in the film. Something that’s seemingly trivial like being constantly on one’s cell phone, something I definitely could relate to, can have dire consequences if it actually mean we’ve become ‘disconnected’ from the world and people around us. All three loosely-interconnected stories seem like something ripped from the headlines and director Henry Alex Rubin doesn’t pull any punches in showing the truly ugly side of humanity, the kind of hurt and tragedy that can happen when we think of everything as simply fun and frivolity. The most heart-breaking story involves the cyber-bullying by a couple of mindless teenagers posing as a female admirer on Facebook to trick a particularly forlorn fellow classmate. The eerie part is I was just reading about a teen driven to suicide for similar reasons just a day before I saw this film. You know that the ‘fun and games’ would not end well, but it still makes your skin crawl watching the situation culminating into that harrowing moment. A friend of mine warned me that this film contain a lot of nudity, which I sort of expected given the subject matter. I still question whether it’s necessary to portray teen nudity even if it’s integral to the story, but fortunately this film doesn’t dwell on it and the script did its part in conveying the painful message across. At times I feel that the buildup is a bit too drawn-out though, I think a more careful editing might’ve made this a more taut and efficient thriller.


A couple of performances jump out at me right away, one is Andrea Riseborough who pulls a ‘Jessica Chastain’ on me as I had no idea who she was a few weeks ago and this week I happen to see two of her films playing two very different roles! Here she plays an ambitious reporter who runs a career-making story on teenage sex-cam prostitution who ended up being drawn to one of the male prostitute, Kyle (Max Thieriot, whom I have never heard before either but was quite good here). Oh it’s interesting to see designer Marc Jacobs playing the sex-cam pimp, I had no idea he’s got acting aspirations but I recognize him right away from the fashion magazines. The other standout performance is Jason Bateman in a rare serious role as the overworked father who’s trying to put the pieces together after almost losing his son. He’s believable as a dad who’s ravaged with guilt, but then became too obsessed with the case he risk of losing his whole family.

I also want to mention Frank Grillo who impressed me in Warrior as Joel Edgerton’s trainer. I find him to be a compelling but underrated actor, I wish he’d get more prominent role as he’s got quite a leading man charisma. Not overly impressed with Paula Patton and Alexander Skarsgård as the married couple, I mean they’re ok but aren’t as memorable as the rest. This is quite a tough film to watch, in fact I feel drained at the end of the film as there’s barely any humor injected here to break up the intensity. But it’s one of those films that is definitely worth a watch as it makes you think about the seemingly-trivial things one does in life. As the tagline says: Real life is on the line, it certainly makes me appreciate those close to me and remind me not to take the time we have with them for granted.

4 out of 5 reels

Unfinished Song [Song for Marion]

Grumpy pensioner Arthur honors his recently deceased wife’s passion for performing by joining the unconventional local choir to which she used to belong, a process that helps him build bridges with his estranged son, James. SongForMarionPoster

I don’t know why they changed the title to Unfinished Song as it’s not as appealing as Song for Marion to me. The film is really about a ‘song’ for Marion, a terminally-ill woman who’s loved by the community choir class she attends to regularly. Now, her curmudgeon husband Arthur obliges in taking her to these classes but he never pretends to enjoy it. In fact, at some moment of the film, Arthur really struggles in simply enjoying life, such a contrast to his wife’s sunny disposition even in her darkest moments when her cancer came back and she only had weeks to live. The main draw of this film for me is the cast, especially Terrence Stamp and Vanessa Redgrave as an elderly couple Arthur and Marion who love each other despite their major differences. It’s also nice to see an uplifting film amidst the mostly dark premise of the films I’ve signed up for at MSPIFF. There’s also something enchanting about seeing the lives of seniors, and the musical aspect reminds me a bit of Quartet with Maggie Smith as a retired opera singer. Though Marion is in the title, the film is really more about Arthur and how the last days of his wife’s life ends up being a life-transforming moment, in more ways than one. It’s never fully explained why Arthur is so grumpy, but Terrence Stamp seems fittingly-cast here as he has this inherently icy aura. He’s the kind of actor who’s amusing to watch even if you aren’t fond of the character he’s playing. I guess that’s what one would expect from an actor who’s famous for playing bad guys. Gemma Arterton takes a break from being a femme-fatale type and plays a sweet music teacher Elizabeth spends most of the time either with the young students at her school or with her more um, mature students in her spare time. Other than that, there’s no depth in her character however, the film never tells us why she has no friends her own age. There’s a friendship that develops between her and Arthur, but it seems rather forced at times despite the actors’ best effort. UnfinishedSong_Pics Now, I wish I could say I LOVE this film but I feel that the predictable premise is made worse by the overly emotionally-manipulative direction which prevents it from being truly engaging. I think the main issue is the script as director/writer Paul Andrew Williams obviously has a stellar cast at their disposal. The family dynamics between Arthur and his estranged son (Christopher Eccleston) isn’t as compellingly-handled as it could’ve been, either. That said, there are some tender and warm moments that end in a feel-good finale. The musical aspect is definitely amusing, and Mr. Stamp wowed me with his vocal chops in more than one occasions. I think this one is worth a rental if you’re a fan of the cast and you’re willing to tolerate the sentimental stuff. It’s moving enough to appreciate and enjoy, one thing for sure its heart is in the right place.

3 out of 5 reels

Thoughts on either one of these films/cast? I’d love to hear it in the comments!

30 thoughts on “Double Indie Film Reviews: Disconnect + Unfinished Song

  1. Derek

    Good reviews…I am also interested in seeing Disconnect, the premise sounds very promising.
    And count me in as a Frank Grillo fan too. He was a standout in The Grey. I read he is going to be the villain in the upcoming Captain America movie sequel too.

    1. It’s a pretty decent thriller, hope u get to see it soon. Havent seen The Grey but now i want to see it since Grillo is in it. Btw i mistakenly thought he was in The Fighter but i’ve fixed it now, he was in Warrior.

  2. Nice reviews Ruth! Glad you had a chance to make a couple of movies at the festival. I’m really interested in Disconnect and your review solidifies my excitement. I mention Riseborough is my Oblivion review. She was quite good in that film so hearing she’s involve in Disconnect interests me more!

    1. Hi Keith! Oh if you like Riseborough, you will like her in Disconnect, she has a pretty big role. Too bad the stupid blizzard kept me from seeing Mud or i’d have that review here too 😥

        1. Yeah it’s a bummer but I just saw that the local AMC might be showing Mud later. Yes I did get to see Oblivion and will be working on my review later today 😀

  3. Thieriot got my on my radar for his performance in My Soul to take, which i found impressive. I was hoping Skarsgard might impress you in this one, but i guess that didn’t happen 😦

    Unfinished Song doesn’t really look its to my tastes. Will probably skip it

    1. Hi Julian, seems like you’re more familiar w/ Thieriot than me then, but he’s quite good here. As for Skarsgard, no, not impressed and I’m even more baffled why women find him attractive, ahah.

      Ahah, I don’t think Unfinished Song is your cup of tea.

  4. Disconnect is definitely on my watchlist, as it’s gotten a few rave reviews. It looks divisive though, like a lot of films out since last year.

    I might rent Unfinished Song. The cast has me intrigued, and I’m always hoping to be surprised by heartwarming films.

    1. It’s worth a watch for sure, but yeah, not surprised that not everyone would love it. I feel that it’s a bit too slow in parts but overall I was impressed with it, hence the high score.

      Unfinished Song is worth a rental just for the cast, hope you enjoy it more than I do 😀

  5. Ted S.

    Nice Review Ruth, I’ve never heard of these films before and they’re not something I seek out so I might not even bother to see them.

  6. Superb stuff Ruth. Really interested to see Disconnect, sounds like they’ve done something interesting with a premise that could have been pretty generic and standard fare. Unfinished Song has been and gone here I think and I wasn’t that enthralled by the premise but glad you got something out of it 🙂

    1. I recommend Disconnect as it really resonated w/ me in terms of being ‘addicted’ to technology, I think in some form or another, our generation can relate to the story. As for Unfinished Song, I expected much better in terms of story, but hey, the cast still makes it worth a watch.

    1. Since you’re the indie guy, I think you’d really appreciate Disconnect, Bonjour. It’s not the typical thriller with a bunch of shoot-em-up action but it’s just as suspenseful and more emotionally heartbreaking.

  7. Great reviews, Ruth. Out of these two, I’m most interested in Disconnected. I saw the trailer a while back and it didn’t stand out to me, but I keep seeing these rave reviews for it. I’m especially intrigued to see Jason Bateman in this type of dramatic role.

    BTW, major bummer you missed out on Mud! At least it’s opening later this week, right?

    1. I was pleasantly surprised by Disconnect, it’s not the run of the mill thriller and it manage to engage me more than that Soderbergh thriller Side Effects. Bateman was quite good in a serious role, I kept expecting him to be cracking jokes once in a while ahah. But Andrea Riseborough is the one to watch, she’s also in Oblivion. VERY versatile actress!

      Yeah, it’s a major bummer about MUD. No, I don’t think it opens this weekend here, but I did see it on a local AMC theater that it’s listed as one of the indies that might be showing later this year.

    1. Ahah, so that intrigued you didn’t it? C’mon, admit it 😉 I wouldn’t say it’s excessive, though I always think that less is more when it comes to sexuality shown on screen. I think it’s integral to the plot, though there is one scene where I think is completely unnecessary.

        1. Oh I haven’t seen Flight, so please no more spoiler!! 😀 Someone just revealed a major plot to me yesterday thinking I have seen it, I think they just assume that as a blogger I have seen everything, ahah.

  8. I really enjoyed Disconnect as well. I’m glad to see you point out the many extraordinary performances in this film. Incidentally I first saw Andrea Riseborough in Mike Leigh’s Happy-Go-Lucky (2008). If you like that director, I highly recommend it.

    1. I really want to see Happy-Go-Lucky even though I’m not always fond of Leigh’s work. I’d love to see more of Andrea’s work and Sally Hawkins is a good actress as well. Thanks Mark!

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