Streaming Pick: JULES (2023) – funny, quirky and delightfully out of this world


There is something so modest and unassuming about this story that highlights ordinary people caught in extraordinary circumstances. Even more so when the ‘extra’ involves an extra-terrestrial. Ben Kingsley plays exactly his age as Milton, a 78-year-old mild-mannered widower living alone in a big house in a fictitious small Pennsylvania town called Boonton. The movie shows him going to a city council meeting repeatedly where he shares the same suggestions over and over again. One of the things he takes issue with is the town’s motto “a great place to call home” because he thinks the word ‘call’ might be confused with contacting someone on the phone, which I later realize is a subtle nod to one of the most memorable lines “ET phone home!”

One day, a spaceship crash-lands in his backyard, crushing his precious Azaleas and destroying his birdbath. Instead of alerting authorities, Milton shares this information at the council meeting. As one would imagine, people just shrug it off and assume Milton is having a senior moment. Same with the cashier at the local grocery store who then informs Milton’s veterinarian daughter Denise (Zoë Winters) who’s been looking after her dad. She’s been urging Milton to see a doctor, so hearing him talk about an alien (not an illegal alien mind you, but one from outer space!) makes her even more worried about his state of health.


The interaction between Milton and the alien (played by Jade Quon in heavy prosthetics) is treated in a matter-of-fact but sweet manner… he treats this extraterrestrial being, who is later given the name Jules, as if he were a stranded person in need of a home. He clothes him, provides him food (turns out he likes apples!), and invites him to watch his favorite TV shows on his couch. Milton would’ve been content to spend time with Jules who quietly listens to him, but soon two women he meets at the council meeting, Sandy (Harriet Sanson Harris) and Joyce (Jane Curtin) find out about his secret. Naturally, they are initially aghast to see that an alien exists among them, but soon they become quite taken with Jules’ calm demeanor, I guess everyone just appreciates a great listener! They even become protective of Jules when NSA agents come looking for the spot of the spaceship crash.


Directed by Marc Turtletaub who’s known more as a producer of acclaimed dramas Little Miss Sunshine, The Farewell, and Loving, there’s an affable, laid-back nature to his direction that works well for this story. The beauty is in the little details… even a simple gesture when Jules lifts up his arms to signal he’s ready to be clothed is adorable. The script by Gavin Steckler tackles serious issues such as aging, past regret, parents being estranged from their kids, etc. with a light touch without trivializing them.


I love that the story celebrates kindness to strangers (even those from another planet) and finding a sense of community through a shared experience. The sci-fi elements mostly take a backseat to the dramedy, except for one particular scene that manages to be both comical and poignant at the same time. The senior trio ends up solving a clue that Jules has been sending Milton for help to get his spaceship fixed up. The whole bit involving cats is pretty bizarre, but this movie is so endearing you just go along with it.

I’m delighted to see Kingsley in such an understated but charming comedic role, it reminds me of his performance in Learning to Drive. Kingsley, Harris, and Curtin make for an unlikely but fun trio, while Quon did an outstanding job as Jules in a silent performance with just her expression and body language. I’m glad I saw this on an early morning flight since it really perked up my mood. Plus, a good movie in under an hour and a half is such a rarity these days!

3.5/5 Reels

Have you seen JULES? I’d love to hear what you think!


4 thoughts on “Streaming Pick: JULES (2023) – funny, quirky and delightfully out of this world

  1. Ted Saydalavong

    I remember seeing a trailer of this one a while back but totally forgot about it. Is it streaming on Netflix, Amazon or Apple TV?

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