Weekend Roundup: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter and Magic Mike review

This sweltering heat must be doing the cinemas some good as people want to cool off in the air-conditioned movie theaters. Whilst the last two weekends were dominated by movies targeted for kids (Brave, Madagascar 3), this time adults packed theaters to see two R-rated movies: Ted and Magic Mike. The former starring Mark Wahlberg and a foul-mouthed Teddy bear as his BFF earned a whopping $54 mil, which is the highest debut ever for an original R-rated comedy (per Box Office Mojo). With a budget of only $50 mil (half of it probably went to Wahlberg), it’s obviously a very profitable debut for Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane.

Here’s a review of a movie I saw last Friday night, and thanks to my colleague Susan M. for her review of one of her most-anticipated movie, Magic Mike.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

I’ve been curious about this movie from the first time I heard about the book of the same name by Seth Grahame-Smith. The author himself is adapting his novel into the movie, which tells the *secret* history of one of America’s most famous presidents, supposedly based on Lincoln’s own diaries of his um, nightly activities.

The story spans 45 years of Lincoln’s life, starting with him as a young boy working at a plantation. It shows that even from a young age, Abe’s got a certain fondness for the axe as he tried to defend his friend Wil who’s being beaten by his master, Jack Barts. This incident leads to Barts to poison Abe’s mother which of course sparks the vengeful spirit in him to kill as many vampires as he could.

Now, how does an ordinary man do that? Well, fortunately for Abe, there’s Henry Sturgess to the rescue when he tried to kill Barts years later and discovers that he’s a vampire. Sturgess not only saves Abe’s life but offers to train him to accomplish his mission, that is to kill as many vampire as he could. We’ll learn of Sturgess’ motivation soon enough, which comes at the same time Abe learns that his best friend too, is a vampire.

The fight training scenes are actually pretty cool and the movie lives up to the name swiftly as the fast-learner Abe soon gets to put that silver-coated axe to good use. Those vampire chopping stuff are done in Timur Bekmambetov’s slo-mo style (as you might’ve seen in Wanted) and they’re very, very bloody. The vampires aren’t sexy or cute like in True Blood or Twilight, they are freakish looking with their long and pointy teeth, just as we imagined these bloodsuckers to be.

Newcomer Benjamin Walker is quite believable in the lead role. The lanky 6’3″ 30-year-old certainly looks the part but he’s also instantly likable which helps the audience to sympathize with his character and his mission. He’s got a nice chemistry with Dominic Cooper as Sturgess and also his best friend Wil (Anthony Mackie), but less so with his love interest Mary Todd (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). The romance isn’t convincing at all, but no matter, it’s not that kind of vampire movie. We see Timur’s movie for his spectacular fight choreography and on that note he delivers. Lincoln is portrayed as some sort of superhero battling a dozen of vampires in this Southern mansion and blood splatters and splashes everywhere as he masterfully wields his weapon of choice. As you know I’m not keen on horror or bloody sequences, but when done in such a stylized way, it sort of takes the edge off and it’s actually less scary.

Now, I’ve always thought the tone of the movie should’ve been more tongue-in-cheek just like what the title suggest, instead it’s more of a straight-laced adaptation and they tried to align the scenarios with actual historical events such as the Gettysburg address. Fortunately, it’s not completely devoid of whimsy and I think the movie overall is rather fun. Yes it’s silly and preposterous in more than one occasion but you’ve got to remind yourself that you are seeing a movie with a historical figure combined with ‘vampire hunter’ in the title, so logic-defying scenarios should be expected.

Still, there are scenes that are wildly ludicrous even for a historical fantasy, and the horse stampede scene immediately springs to mind. That scene involves a horse being thrown at Abe, yes you heard it right: A HORSE, in the midst of a huge stampede with dozens of horses charging forcefully and Barts actually throws the horse at him! Now, not only does Abe survives that, he proceeds to mount one of them (not sure if it’s that same one thrown at him or not as things are happening pretty fast) and rides the thing whilst wielding that ax at Barts in the process!! As if that wasn’t enough, he’s also able to jump from horse to horse to capture his nemesis… and wait ’til you see that sensational axe gun. Say what you will about this movie, but that scene alone to me is worth the price of admission!

And finally, the villain. Dashing Brit Rufus Sewell is no stranger for playing a baddie but surprisingly he’s never played a vampire before. A shame really as he’s quite good at it and his dramatic eyes seem almost otherworldly. He brings a certain sophistication and suave-ness to his role of Adam (which was written specifically for the movie). Now, you’ve seen vampires being bloodthirsty or romantic, but politically-inclined? Now that’s an idea. Adam is more of a politically-minded vampire… “It’s time we have a nation of our own,” he declares in that sexy, raspy voice of his. Rufus has this smirk on his face the entire time and he seems to be having the most fun in this movie. I wish he had more screen time here and that his character could’ve been a bit more developed, but still he’s always great to watch.

The always watchable Alan Tudyk also has a brief role as Stephen A. Douglas, the Democratic Party nominee for President in the 1860 election who lost out to Lincoln. He was also Lincoln’s romantic rival as he briefly dated Mary Todd.

Final Thoughts: I actually enjoyed this movie more that I thought. The cinematography by Caleb Deschanel looks beautiful and there are some really cool shots of Lincoln with his iconic hat and long coat. The action sequences of the slo-mo vampire chopping scenes did seem excessive though that it became tiresome. But the likable cast certainly helps and somehow the story managed to keep me engrossed from start to finish. I wouldn’t even mind renting this again when it’s out on Blu-ray.


Magic Mike

If you’re going to see Magic Mike because you want to see a bunch of (mostly) naked men writhing around on a stage, well, you’ll get that. But as a warning, you’ll also get a somewhat uneven portrayal of a lifestyle filled with women, drugs, and desolation.

Let’s start with the good: Channing Tatum saves this movie from being horrible. He’s an excellent movie flirter and a bona fide movie star. Plus, he’s a great dancer (Step Up, anyone?). It’s hard to take your eyes off of him not just because he is ridiculously good looking, but because he makes you sympathize with his character, Mike, an “entrepreneur” who moonlights as a stripper. In Tatum’s limited range, he not only excels, he totally owns it; he knows what he is, he doesn’t try to be more, and he isn’t embarrassed by it.

Alex Pettyfer was also great in the role of Adam, an impulsive lost soul who is living with his sister, going from job to job until he meets Mike at a construction job (one of Mike’s entrepreneurial businesses that we only see or hear mention of once throughout the movie, hence the unevenness mentioned earlier). Mike takes Adam under his wing and soon, “the Kid” as he becomes known, is sucked into the world of Chippendales-style male stripping. But where Pettyfer excels is in portraying the dark side of the business: the lure of money, the drugs, the seedy women.

Then there’s the bad: Matthew McConaughey. He’s probably never been happier since he spent the majority of the movie in leather pants with his shirt off. He appeared so sweaty in almost every scene he was in, you could practically smell the body odor coming off him. And enough with the bongo playing and “all right, all right, all right.” He literally has no range. If you’ve seen one Matthew McConaughey movie, you’ve seen them all. His character, Dallas, is the owner of the club and a former stripper himself. He definitely plays a smarmy strip club owner to perfection, I’ll give him that.

Matt Bomer, as beautiful as he is, is rather unremarkable in the role, unfortunately. And don’t ask me about Joe Manganiello, who is the equivalent to Pamela Anderson, in my book. There is no presence. Sure, he’s fun to look at, but so what?

As for the script, there are several parts of it that don’t make any sense and could have used some serious editing, if not outright trimming completely. The female lead in the film, Cody Horn, who plays Alex Pettyfer’s sister, appears to have the same relationship with her brother as she does with her love interest Channing Tatum. Their opening scene together, at home, is so sexually charged, you feel gross the moment it’s revealed that they’re related. Horn’s character, Brooke, has a bizarre obsession with her brother throughout the film that made me uncomfortable. And her acting was stale and wooden.

It’s also ridiculous when Tatum’s character confronts Olivia Munn, his casual sex partner, and finds out she’s engaged. Her fiancé is sitting beside her. He graciously excuses himself when Tatum shows up at the restaurant. In what world would that actually go down??

That said, it’s not like Magic Mike didn’t have its moments. The depiction of the lifestyle seemed realistic enough. They addressed the drug culture involved in the profession, the desolation, the loneliness that comes from connecting only with people on a purely physical level – these stark realities were indeed portrayed rather honestly, although I’m not really sure if the message actually landed. And the dance scenes were hilarious. I especially loved the Fourth of July tribute when the guys took to the stage in camouflage, and the “It’s Raining Men” routine, complete with umbrellas and rain boots.

Overall, I really liked Magic Mike. But the problem I had with it was not necessarily with the film itself, but more the response to it. There are those who will argue that this is simply the female equivalent of when men hit up strip clubs. No way. When a man goes to see a woman take her clothes off, she’s inferior to his paying power. When a woman goes to see a man take his clothes off, is he inferior to her paying power, or is she still inferior to the power of what’s in his pants? It’s not like she’s leaning back in her chair, controlling the situation. None of those women in the theater or in the club are in control of anything. They are hysterical, horny, and subordinate. Nothing about that suggests assertion. I don’t have anything against a good time. But don’t sell it to me like this is some kind of reversal of misogyny and there’s empowerment to the exercise. You watch those faces and there is nothing empowering about how these women are behaving.

Besides, if this really is about flipping the exploitation over to the other side, how is it that there were multiple long shots of bare breasts and only one shadowed glimpse of a c*ck? This is a movie about male strippers and there’s not one head shot of a free swinging penis? Meanwhile Olivia Munn has her shirt off for an entire scene, and another blond woman, with an ample bosom, romps around a bed for a scene. Doesn’t seem very equal to me.

Final Thoughts: All this being said, I enjoyed Magic Mike for what it was – an entertaining summer movie with a super hot lead character.

– Review by Susan M.


Have you seen either one of these movies? Do share your thoughts in the comments.

55 thoughts on “Weekend Roundup: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter and Magic Mike review

  1. I had fun watching Abe Lincoln. It was definitely silly but I especially enjoyed the killing scenes. Not too brutal but was like playing those sick video games. Die! Die!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it too, Asrap. I think it’s got enough going for it and I quite like the action scenes. I don’t play video games but I get what you mean, those vampires are despicable!

  2. I actually think I’m looking forward to Magic Mike more than Abe Lincoln battling vampires! Both are going to be rentals for me though!

    1. He..he.. I LOVE yellow, hope it doesn’t hurt your eyes… if it does let me know 😀

      The only way I’d see Magic Mike is on rental, and I’m curious about it ’cause it’s from Soderbergh.

        1. Oh it’s my fault matey, I should’ve put the byline at the end of the review 🙂

          Sorry I didn’t get a chance to make it to FRC yesterday, will be making the rounds shortly. You don’t need to beg surely, I mean your site is always top of my list to visit 😀

  3. Missed out on Abe Lincoln due to no 2D screenings. None. Usually there are a couple, but eh.

    Magic Mike looks like fun. I’m going to check it out once it’s out here. Though you’re the first person to have said they really disliked Matthew McConaughey in this film!

    Speaking of him, if you think he’s got one limited role, see Killer Joe. He is so far removed from the types of roles he usually plays. Though… it’s a bit of a dark film.

    1. Oh I know! There were only 2 showings for the 2D screenings near me but I was determined NOT to pay extra for it. I’d just rent it Jaina, but I think it’s worth watching, especially if you like the cast.

      Btw, it’s my friend’s review, I haven’t seen Magic Mike. McConaughey in Killer Joe?? Hmmm, I might rent that one. He was good in Lincoln Lawyer as well but generally I think he’s just an ok actor.

  4. I’m definitely watching MAGIC MIKE because you know how much I love me some Pettyfer 😉 and the rest of the cast is pleasing for my eyes off course.
    I’d never watch LINCOLN, though. That man killed so many Native Americans and I don’t like him being turned into some kind of a hero.

    1. Ted S.

      “I’d never watch LINCOLN, though. That man killed so many Native Americans and I don’t like him being turned into some kind of a hero.”

      Okay my American history lesson is a bit hazy but you gonna have to explain that comment in more details Dez. Over here Lincoln IS considered a hero so please explain that comment because I find it offensive.

      1. Sorry, Ted, but I have tones of friends among the Native Americans and in their culture he is considered an evil man, I’m not sure about the details, whether he also brought some act against them or what, but for them he is certainly not a hero.
        And since I personally saw people and even babies being blown into pieces by American bombs sent by Clinton (if I recall well, one of America’s beloved president of recent decades) to my own country you have no rights to be offended by anything I say… you can only feel apologetic.
        But let us not start a fight, since this is Flixy’s place and she wouldn’t like it.

        1. Ted S.

          That’s fine we won’t fight but let’s just say I strongly disagree with you and I don’t feel apologetic about saying Lincoln’s hero.


    2. I know you’re into those guys in Magic Mike Dezzy 😉

      As for Lincoln, I’m sure people in those era didn’t have the hindsight that we have today and that they’re a product of the environment of that day. Though that is no excuse of course, I do believe Lincoln had done a lot of good in his lifetime that earned him the label The Great Emancipator. I’ve been reading about him lately, and it doesn’t sound like he had animosity towards the Native Americans as you seem to believe. Here are some text I read that support that theory:



    1. It’s my friend’s review, I just added her byline so it’s more clear. I’m slowly warming up to Channing a teeeeny bit, but no way would I watch Dear John/The Vow.

  5. Ted S.

    I’ll probably rent Abe Lincoln, just look too silly to me, I thought the book was great though. From some of the reviews from people who have read the book, they said Seth Grahame-Smith decided to take out so many things from his novel for the screenplay and it just didn’t work. I guess he decided to include kung fu fighting Abe Lincoln in the film.

    Also, I’m not a fan Timur Bekmambetov, he’s so unoriginal when it comes to shooting action scenes, I mean come on slo-motion and wire fu? This isn’t 1999 or 2000, those kind of action scenes are so over now.

    Not sure if I want to check out Magic Mike, maybe just to see Olivia Munn topless. 🙂

    1. I haven’t read the book so I can’t speak for that, but I’d think if the author himself adapted it to the movie, he’d tailor it for the medium, y’know. I think adding the Adam character for example, I think it works well. Ha..ha.. well the kung fu fighting is all Timor I think. I defer to you about action scenes, Ted, I think for me they seem fine, I wasn’t bothered by the style itself, they’re just excessive. But overall they’re fun to watch, those axe-swinging are pretty cool IMO.

      Ha..ha.. sounds like Magic Mike does have something for both women AND men 😉

      1. Ted S.

        What I really enjoyed about the novel was that Smith based the story on real events but he incorporated the vampire storyline into them. I especially love the ending of the book, SPOILER ALERT –

        Abe and Sturgess were at Martin Luther King Jr’s I Have a Dream speech, Sturgess made Abe into a Vamp because he thought Abe’s such a great person that he should live forever.

        I still want to see the film just because it’s fun seeing the characters from the pages came alive. I just wish Burton directed the film instead of Bekmambetov. I love Sleepy Hallow and was hoping this film would be like that one.

        1. PrairieGirl

          Hey Ted, that’s exactly what the movie did… it wove the vampire story into Abe’s real life. And I was surprised how well the concept worked, all the way to the end.

  6. I dunno about either of these, I was going to skip them both, but now that i read these reviews, I will probably rent. Just having difficulty with suspension of disbelief for Vampire Hunter. I’ve read a few biographies of Abraham Lincoln because he’s a Top 3 POTUS of mine. Most days he was so busy barely ate or slept.

    Re: Magic Mike, it seems like it might be a bit depressing, which is odd to say about a bunch of guys taking off their clothes. Soderbergh is one of my favorite directors though. I do like actors that know their limitations and work within them. They may be typecast but they’ll always be working. I think that’s part of what made the Old Hollywood studio system work so well.

    1. PrairieGirl

      Paula, I certainly had my doubts about how they were going to pull off the concept of Lincoln intertwined with vampires, but it totally worked, really! At the very least, give it a rent for sure ;-D

      1. Susan

        Paula, I am the one who wrote the review, and I can tell you that it was a pretty depressing movie. I was really surprised because I didn’t think a movie with a bunch of hot strippers could be depressing!

        1. Susan– :S i guess i am still curious to see it, though i don’t do well with depressing movies. Soderbergh always puts an interesting spin on stuff. Great review 🙂

      2. Ok, i will do that 🙂 With today being the 4th, we are actually thinking it would be appropriate for today, but i don’t know if we can manage it.

  7. Wow, loving how different the reviews and films are in this post. Fun to read, Ruth!

    I actually really enjoyed Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter too. I love the idea of mixed genres, and I thought it was interesting that Seth Graham-Smith wrote both the book and screenplay, which couldn’t be more different from one another. It almost tells me that he understands that different formats require different writing styles. I appreciate that. While the movie is whimsical and hilarious in many parts, I can’t help but be happy that the actors took the roles so seriously. That’s what made it fun for me! I will say, the one scene I didn’t like at all was the horse scene — I know you mentioned that, and I just didn’t dig it. However, I was ALL about the gun/ax thing. That was killer awesome!!

    Susan — great review on Magic Mike! I saw that as well this past weekend and had some similar thoughts. I actually expected a little more and thought it would have been better. I was disappointed that people like Matt Bomer were hardly used. I would agree that Channing Tatum was great in it, and there is definitely a reversal of misogyny. Great point! Enjoyed both these reviews — cheers!

    1. He..he.. I like to mix things up, Kris. I originally wanted to post another guest review, The Flowers of War (about the Nanjin Massacre) with Magic Mike but that’d be too much of a contrast, ahah.

      Glad you also enjoyed ALVH. The mixed genres certainly appealed to me, I mean it’s just so bizarre that I have to check it out, y’know. That horse scene really is crazy, it felt so unnecessary but now that I think about it, it’s actually preposterously fun! That axe-gun thing was killer (pardon the pun), I wish he had used it more, ahah.

      You saw Magic Mike too? Wow, busy girl! I’ll rent that one after reading all the positive reviews, it wasn’t even on my radar initially.

  8. PrairieGirl

    Hey Ruth, I totally concur with your ALVH review and it was great to see it together. There were quite a few amusing moments throughout, which I was really hoping for, and it was delivered. You are going to get so sick of me repeating this, but I love the scene at the party at Adam’s mansion, while the vampires and their unsuspecting victims danced together. Then, at the appropriate moment, Rufus cheerily announces “Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is served.” Ouch! ;-D.

    1. Ha..ha.. yeah I like that scene and I was gonna include it in my review but I realized I’ve talked about Rufus quite a bit already, ha..ha.. I love that he’s so sophisticated and almost civil about the dinner thing and then suddenly, it’s feast time for the vampires!! 😀

      I think amusing is the word to describe the movie. I had fun w/ it, glad you did too! Well apart from Rufus that is.

  9. “Then there’s the bad: Matthew McConaughey.”

    Wait… w-w-w-what? Hater in the HOUSE! McConaughey MAKES the movie! LOL, yeah, ok, maybe he does only have one persona, but its awesome! And its perfect for this!! 😀 Booooooo….

    Ok, ok, enough of that. I wish I could have enjoyed the cheese of Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter a little more, unfortunately, I didn’t – you make a ton of great points and we see eye to eye on a lot of it, I just think you had a little more fun.

    You’re totally right about Magic Mike (aside from the aforementioned blasphemy 😀 ), and you’re also right about stripper movie inequality. Totally true, there was more female nudity than male…

    1. He..he.. Fogs, that Magic Mike thing is my friend Susan’s review so I’ll let her respond to the blasphemy comment, ahah. Sorry man but I’m not a Matthew fan either, he’s just too smarmy! But I guess that’d work in a stripper movie, ha…ha..

      As for Vampire Hunter, yeah I suppose I’m more generous because I like the cast, ALL of them except maybe that girl who plays Mary Todd. But I like Ben Walker, Dominic, Anthony and of course Rufus Sewell. I think the action is fun, even the ultra ludicrous horse stampede is fun to watch, I dunno, I guess it’s one of those cases of ‘so bad it’s good’ thing, but yeah, it was worth my moolah 😀

    2. Susan

      You know, I generally don’t mind Matthew McConaughey. But he was just so gross and smarmy in this movie. He looked horrible. And if you’ve seen one McConaughey movie, you’ve seen them all. He’ll never top Dazed and Confused!

  10. I’ve been in a film slump the last three weeks as everything I was really excited for disappointed. My reviews for Abe Lincoln and Magic Mike are in my upcoming Month in Review but you definitely gave them better marks than I. For Abe Lincoln, Dominic Cooper saved the film in my opinion but when he wasn’t around it just didn’t work. Magic Mike I summarized this way “It’s like a strip show, you get 50 minutes of great beefcake then once the glitter dries you’re stuck with a group of average dudes that are boring as hell,”

    1. Wow, funny that I just left you a comment a second ago wondering where you’ve been and voila!

      Ahah, I guess I am being generous for Vampire Hunter, but hey it is what it is. I thought it was a fun film and I enjoyed the cast so I really didn’t find a reason to give it a lower score than 3/5. Btw, I find Dominic VERY appealing in this movie. I wasn’t a big fan of his because of his portrayal of Wiloughby in the BBC Sense & Sensibility but since then he’s impressed me in An Education, Capt. America, and now this. He looks so gorgeous w/ his stubble and boy does he have nice hair! I wouldn’t say he saved the movie as I like the main actor and Rufus also, but he certainly helped my enjoyment 😀

      1. Oh my love of Dominic Cooper knows no bounds ever since I saw him in The History Boys (one you should seek out). My mom actually looked at me during the film and said “is his hair getting more fabulous?” Definitely gave the loser Robert Pattinson a run for his money in the hair department lol.

  11. I probably won’t be seeing Abraham Lincoln movie but damn, Magic Mike seems like something worth seeing! I read couple of reviews and everyone says is a good movie. I’m quite surprised after reading about the plot I didn’t think it will be this good.

  12. When I first heard about Vampire Hunter I thought it sounded like a great idea but then I saw the trailer and thought it looked like a confused, silly mess. Good review Susan, your positivity certainly intrigues but I’m not rushing to see it.

  13. Hi Ruth and Susan, great reviews! It sounds like Abraham Lincoln could be a fun rental, but I’ll pass on seeing it in the theater (though getting out of the heat is tempting…). Magic Mike, on the other hand, is one I am getting more and more interested in seeing after reading so many positive reviews. I’m really surprised by its box office performance, too.

  14. Good reviews Ruth. It seems like everyone enjoyed Magic Mike more than they expected. I will give it a rental just to see what the fuss is all about but no way I’m checking it out in theater ahaha 😉

  15. Considering what is shoved down our throats on any given weekend, the premise of Magic Mike being more than a film that showcases barely dressed beautiful people seems appealing enough to merit a trip to the theater.
    I believe it all comes down to expectations for this one. If one goes in thinking you will see exactly what is emphasized in the trailers, aka bare-chested men in perfect shape dancing rather awesomely, then Magic Mike, like you suggest, is bound to surprise you in a positive way. If you expect more, then you’re more likely going to be disappointed.
    In that sense, I can’t think of a way in which Mathew McConaughey could be more than what you describe, definitely one of the worst big-name actors around. In the opposite corner is Channing Tatum who seems to grow with every role, getting more comfortable in front of the camera, effectively mixing drama and comedy.

    As for “Vampire Hunter”…what can I say? It seems like one of those big loud movies that insist on overloading audiences with special effects and violence. The idea, to me, is beyond laughable, and I simply can’t think of a way anyone could force me to go watch it. Unless I get paid to do so….

    Awesome write-up Ruth!

    1. Y’know I think I’m slightly, just a smidgen, warming up to Channing because he was funny in 21 Jump Street, but no way would I go see his other movies. I just don’t find him appealing in the least, but seems like he’s working hard to be a better actor so I give him props for that.

      Ah well, you seem to already made up your mind about Vampire Hunter. I think it’s good fun, but if you’re not all that interested then don’t see it. I don’t think anyone would force you to.

    1. Hope you enjoy ALVH, I really didn’t think it was as bad as what the critics are saying. Seems like I almost always disagree w/ them.

  16. As Grahame-Smith also penned Pride and Prejudice and Zombies not a bad spinoff novel and if it ever gets to film version as Austen fans have been waiting a long time. I will admit I was disappointed they picked this one over P&P and Zombies. But as Austen actor Dominic Cooper and the lovely Rufus Sewell is in this it might make me rent it so I can view it twice so I don’t miss a thing.

    1. Just on the note of those two actors alone, this is very much well worth a rent, Stella. Both of those are great here as nemesis, in fact I grew to like Dominic more even though I didn’t like him as Willoughby in the BBC’s Sense & Sensibility.

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