Weekend Roundup: SENNA & Breaking Dawn

Hello everyone, hope you had a nice weekend. It’s Daylight Savings Time again so most of us in the US lost an hour of sleep Saturday night. Not complaining though as that means the sun will still be up when I leave work on Monday.

Did you venture out to the cinema this weekend to see John Carter or Lorax? Well apparently a bunch of people did as the Dr. Seuss animated feature still sits on top for the second weekend with $39 mil, trumping over the sci-fi fantasy John Carter which made just a little over $30 mil. WOW, that is a major bust for Disney since the budget was a ludicrous $250 million [shakes head]. I have little interest in seeing it, looks like it’s worth a rental at best.

Well, I only managed to see two films this weekend, and yes, the stark contrast between the two didn’t escape me 😀 Anyway, here are my reviews:


Growing up with an older brother who’s a big cars fan, I knew who Ayrton Senna is and his tragic death in 1994. But apart from that, I don’t know much about the sport and and how he’s regarded as not only the greatest Formula One champion in the world but his sainthood status in his native country of Brazil.

Seems like Billy Joel’s song Only The Good Die Young is true after all and Senna definitely was one of them, dying at at the age of only 34. The documentary by Asif Kapaida spans the decade from his arrival to F1 racing in 1984 up until his untimely death at the San Marino Grand Prix. One doesn’t have to be a fan of Formula One to appreciate Senna’s extraordinary story and the film does a great job in presenting his life on and off the track.

Forgoing talking heads and interviews typically seen in documentaries, the filmmaker instead relies on actual footage of the races and various events of the characters, including Senna himself to tell the story, so to speak. The somewhat chronological order of the events taking place creates an in-the-moment experience for the viewers which makes is all the more thrilling. A lot of the time, we actually get to see from the point of view of the driver during the race, which actually makes you feel nervous as he make the dangerous corners time and time again.

The film shows a glimpse of what Senna is like as a person. His strive for perfection on the track can be considered ruthless on occasion, but it’s clear that he’s got enormous talent to go with such tenacity. He’s also a deeply spiritual man who loved the Lord and was often seen praying in his car just before a race. He’s also a patriotic man, deeply concerned for the well-being of his country, especially the children.

Senna was one of those rare champions who was all about the sports itself. Early in the film, there’s footage of Senna entering a karting competition as a young boy. Later in the film when someone asked him who his most favorite driver to compete against, Senna replied that it was his rival at one of the Kart championship… saying that there was no money or politics involved, just ‘pure racing’ he said, which he contrasted with the F1 racing that’s rife with politics. The film also follows Senna’s rivalry with French World Champion Alain Prost. They were former teammates-turned-nemesis and a couple of times they were involved in car collisions, one of them actually resulted in Senna being disqualified from winning the race.

Alain Prost and Ayrton Senna

Though his death happened 17 years ago, it didn’t make the moment leading up to his fatal accident any less nail-biting. There’s the driver POV footage down to the last moments just before his Williams FW16 hit the concrete wall at 135 mph. I practically broke down when I saw that scene even though I had watched the footage several times before, it was definitely a very dark moment in the world of racing and for the people of Brazil. It’s so ironic that just only a day earlier, following the death of an Austrian rookie, his medical chielf Sid Watkins had suggested that Senna stop racing and go fishing instead. That same morning he also intended to work on improving the safety of F1 racing with the Grand Prix Drivers Association. His death prompted a series of safety improvements, and there has not been any more fatalities at the wheel of an F1 car since.

This film truly delivers not just the thrill of the world of Formula One, but also an emotionally-charged piece on the monumental life of a real life hero. Senna wasn’t just a champion on the track but a humanitarian champion for his generous giving to his people of Brazil.

Final Thoughts: There has been considerable hype surrounding this film and I must say it exceeds my expectation. This one is definitely snubbed by the Oscars for not even being nominated! A perfect combination of edge-of-your-seat thrills and heartbreaking moments that will tug at your heart long after the film’s over.

4.5 out of 5 reels


Oh ok, where do I begin? Well let me just tell you that I was loaned the Blu-ray by a colleague who’s a self-confessed Twi-hard. I had told her I had only seen the first film but I’m curious to see this one because a big event takes place here, namely the wedding between a human and a vampire and of course the honeymoon where they um, consumate the relationship.

Just like the money-moker franchise Harry Potter before it, the finale of the Twilight series is also split into two parts for ka-ching purposes. There are indeed quite a lot going on in this first part, the main protagonist Bella Swan gets married, have sex for the first time, gets pregnant within 14 days of the sexual encounter, dies and then gets rebirth. Normally I’d apologize for ruining the plot for you but I reckon you’d have predicted the outcome after just minutes after the movie starts so you won’t have to wait with bated breath to see what’s to unfold next.

For what it's worth I think he makes for a pretty decent Hulk, no?

Predictably, the film opens with the resident brooding werewolf, er shape-shifter Jacob reacting to Bella and Edward’s wedding. What kind of reaction you ask? Well he’s so upset he simply has to take his shirt off and runs off to the woods, of course (apparently his pants are made of the kind of shape-shift-enabled material that he doesn’t need to bother taking those off). Then we see the suddenly worried Edward asking Bella one last time if she’s ok with marrying a hundred-something-year-old vampire who has done his share of blood sucking in his past lives. She is only 18 after all. But Bella reasoned that ‘those you killed are all murderers who’ll do more damage to society’ so she assures him she wants to marry him. This whole thing plays out like a mopey soap opera with utterly-cringe-inducing dialog and even more awkward gestures from both Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. For a couple who’re allegedly an item in real life, their chemistry just doesn’t appear that convincing to me. If it weren’t for the goth and 300-inspired of bloody corpses piled up at the altar featured in Bella’s wedding nightmare, the whole thing would be quite unbearable.

The wedding itself doesn’t strike me as romantic, well apart from the magical-looking forrest it takes place in. But what’s REALLY worth talking about is the honeymoon location. Say what you will about this pale, sparkling vampire, but my, does the Cullens have great taste and money to burn. My jaw drops looking at Isle Esme, the name of a tropical island off the coast of Rio de Janeiro. Heck I’d marry a vampire just to spend a weekend on that gorgeous, secluded spot… um, then again, maybe not, ahah.

Anyway, the whole honeymoon itself seems to go on forever. Ok so maybe for the faithfuls, this is the one moment they’ve been waiting forever and so no doubt the filmmakers are making them happy with countless scenes of Edward & Bella getting it on and playing… chess?? Am I missing something here? Maybe chess is an aphrodisiac for vampires? In any case, for a couple who’ve waited a long time to consumate their relationship, there’s hardly any passion in their romantic scenes. Bella always comes across so jittery and uncomfortable around Edward and for someone supposedly in a state of wedded bloss, she never looks all that happy to me [shrugs] Well, the honeymoon certainly doesn’t last long, as within a couple of weeks, Bella finds out she’s with child.

The rest of the movie pretty much deals with how Bella is coping with the extremely dangerous pregnancy that could kill her, and also what the birth of the hybrid baby means to everyone involved. Not having read the book, the whole thing is quite confusing as it’s not clear which side Jacob is on, I suppose that’s what one should expect from a shape-shifter, ahah. Taylor Lautner seems just slightly more bearable here than in the first Twilight movie, but that really ain’t saying much. His idea of being ‘expressive’ is furrowed brows and staring down intently at whoever it is he happens to be facing.

Director Bill Condon (Dreamgirls, Kinsey) takes an already bleak subject matter and presents it in an arduous, melancholy fashion and full of unintentionally funny moments. It really is hard to take this movie seriously when you’ve got a big fight of werewolves vs. vampires with barely any blood at all, heck we barely even see Edward & co. showing their vampire teeth!

But wait, suddenly the last twenty minutes morphs into a monster/horror movie. I must say that the whole childbirth process is quite disturbing to say the least. CGI-effects made Kristen Stewart into even more skin-and-bones than she already is and the camera shows constant shots of her bloody figure. I think ghastly is a more appropriate term to describe the third act, tethering between repulsive and horrifying. The ending shot is practically identical to the ending of Avatar, in which the protagonist Jake Scully also undergoes a rebirth of some sort. But what Bella went through is undoubtedly far more agonizing and down right traumatizing.

I have to admit that now I’m mildly curious to see how the franchise unfolds in Part II. But since it’ll have the same director and screenwriter Mellissa Rosenberg, who’s responsible for writing ALL of the Twilight movies, I should proceed with caution.

Final Thoughts: Seems like a lot that come before it, this movie is highly geared for the Twi-hard only crowd. My hubby and I enjoyed it mostly for giggles and the gorgeous scenery of the majestic Isle Isme, but I probably would’ve skipped it altogether if my friend hadn’t loaned it to me.

1.5 out of 5 reels

So what movie(s) did you catch this weekend? Thoughts on either one of these, please share in the comments.

62 thoughts on “Weekend Roundup: SENNA & Breaking Dawn

  1. Loved Senna! I didn’t know anything about Formula 1 either, but it just grabbed me. As for Breaking Dawn….well, I don’t know whether I’ll ever see it….I had to sit through the first three.
    For me this weekend, I got to see Akira, The Great Mouse Detective and I’m almost through Gone With The Wind (I had my doubts about it, but Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh are winning me over)

    1. Hi Ruth! Glad you enjoyed SENNA too. Well, if you have endured the first three you probably can skip Breaking Dawn ahah. I’ve gone from the first to the fourth one myself, but now I have to see Part II just to see how Bella is as a vampire. I wonder if she’s gonna be as mopey? 🙂

      Oooh Gone with the Wind is one of my fave movies!! Gable and Leigh remains one of the most memorable on-screen couples to me. I hope you’ll be blogging about that one, Ruth.

  2. I seriously need to bring myself to see “Senna” now… with “Cars 2” being a disappointment last year, maybe this will fly the flag for motor-sports (I know they’re entirely different movies but still..).

    Its becoming more and more apparent that girls are not interested in seeing “John Carter” which makes the debacle of Disney dropping the title “John Carter Of Mars” because research somewhat said “girls don’t want to see movies with Mars in the title” rather ridiculous now.

    1. Oh, I wouldn’t let your disappointment w/ Cars 2 prevent you from seeing SENNA. Like you said it’s a completely different film and one doesn’t have to be an F1 enthusiast to appreciate it.

      Well I don’t know about girls not liking John Carter. I probably won’t mind watching it if it weren’t for the dismal dialog and questionable lead actor.

  3. Ted S.

    I’ll give Senna a rent, sounds like it’s a good film. You have to put a gun to my head before I’d watch any of the Twilight films, if I have a friend who’s obsess with it, I’ll tell he/she that don’t even try to convince me those are good books/films. I have zero interest in them.

    I went to Best Buy and picked up a few cheap BDs, the re-issue disc of The French Connection and Kill Bill 1 & 2. So I watched The French Connection and Kill Bill 1 over the weekend. I love those films, I was going to watch Kill Bill part 2 but I can only sit in my mini theater for so long before I feel the need to get out of the house.

    1. I think you’ll enjoy SENNA, the car racing scenes are quite thrilling though at the end it really is heartbreaking.

      Ahah, well I know you won’t like Twilight at all Ted. Don’t worry, Ted, nobody will put a gun to your head 🙂

      Oooh you have The French Connection? I really want to see that one but haven’t got around to it. I also haven’t seen Kill Bill 2!

      1. Ted S.

        I’ll lend you the The French Connection and Kill Bill 2 whenever you want to see them. I hope they’ll release the whole bloody affair of Kill Bill soon, it’s been mentioned many times, I assume it will come out later this year when QT’s Django Unchained opens in theaters.

  4. Totally worth reading for your write-up of BREAKING DAWN. To quote the kids from SUPER 8, that was “mint.”

    I saw JOHN CARTER. I don’t regret seeing JOHN CARTER. I just don’t really know how to articulate my feelings about JOHN CARTER, which is problematic considering I need to review it for the student newspaper. Lots of very gorgeous scenery. Andrew Stanton’s directing style doesn’t really try to expand beyond the simplicity of point-and-shoot [to be fair, in retrospect, I realize I seem to demand Verbinski/Nolan style cinematography, which I know is UNfair, cos it’s such a high bar, but till, Brad Bird gave some amazing visuals in MI4], though Stanton does do a marvelous sequence intercutting between an bloody battle royale and an emotional moment for Carter. Gambit, who plays Carter, seems to have only one tone, and maintains that tone. Geography of Mars, the villains plot, and a little bit clearer understanding of…well….everybody and their motives would have been nice.

    Soooo…..I liked JOHN CARTER and recommend it, and actually plan on seeing it again [cheaply] and am super sad that Disney’s gamble didn’t pay off, but it does have some faults. And Disney absolutely truly marketed this flick all wrong. Really super wrong. Now, how to turn all this babble into a professional sounding review…

    1. Ahah why thank you, it didn’t take me long to write. Somehow when you’re reviewing a bad flick, the words just flew right out of me, ahah.

      NICE mini review of JC there Andy, love it! Now how about writing a real review for FC readers? 😀

  5. Had a pretty good weekend, didn’t do too much, but those are usually the best! 😉
    Oh and I have thought of a new series (have to stay true to the title you gave me), will be online tomorrow.

    Good to see you saw Senna, which was an amazing documentary.

    1. That really is the best weekend of all, Nostra. Oooh, I gotta check out your new series, you already DO live up to your title, man! 🙂

  6. Great reviews! Can’t wait to see Senna. Won’t be seeing the other. I watched Elite Squad 2 (very good) and Drive Angry (poor). Yay for longer days!!!

  7. Ooh madness weekend. Love the reviews.
    I haven’t seen the second one, nor will I. Lyn saw it at the cinema and she loved it in a kind of sarcastic way LOL.

    Senna however is a brilliant film that had me in tears in the final 5 minutes. I do believe it was a little one sided though, but it doesn’t matter as it was an amazing story of a true racing driver… I love F1

    1. Ahah, Lyn actually saw it on the big screen?? I hope she didn’t have to pay a dime for it!

      Yes, SENNA is such a tearjerker indeed. A lot of documentaries are probably biased but I think it captures the essence of the individual and all the footage are real so it definitely holds up to the facts for the most part.

  8. A little info for you, Flixy, JOHN CARTER earned 100 million dollars worlwide in the first weekend, hardly a bad result 🙂 especially given the fact how much of the negative evil has been directed at the film by the evil fanboys who wanted desperately to see it flop. The film broke record in Russia for example, where it earned the biggest opening day in Russian cinematic history.
    I will have more on this tonight at HOLLYWOOD SPY

    1. Yeah I heard that JC does a lot better internationally. I don’t know why people would want to see this movie flop though. I mean I’m not interested in it, but if it does well, then more power to them 🙂

      1. because Andrew Stanton deserves our trust after giving us WALL-E and other of his heartwarming films, and because the film has the most amazing cast including the ones you love like Cieran Hinds, James Purefoy, Samantha Morton, Willem Dafoe, Thomas Haden Church, Polly Walker, Dominic Cooper… just to name a few

        1. Yeah, the supporting cast is definitely more appealing to me than the main ones. There’s Mark Strong and Dominic West in it as well. Thanks Dezzy.

  9. Ahh Twilight. I survived the first one and actually watched the second. But that did me in. I just go any further. Senna has been on my “to watch” list. Great reviews.

    1. ‘Survive’ is a good word to describe enduring this Twilight movies, ahah. I do hope you get to see SENNA soon, I could easily watch that again.

  10. Senna was one of my favourite films of last year. I was a fan of F1 back when he was a driver. Allbeit, a young fan. The age when you have “favourite” drivers for no other reason other than you like them. Ayrton was mine. I wouldn’t say that his death shook me as a child, but it shocked me. It was a crash I remember seeing.

    Senna was perfect. It wasn’t overly emotional. Though the last 15 minutes or so had me in tears. It was amazingly well put together, like an actual film. Considering nothing was filmed for the purpose, that is a huge achievement. There was a real story here and told so well. A fantastic film. So glad you enjoyed it!

    1. Yay Jaina, I definitely would’ve put SENNA on my top 10 list if I had seen it. I’d put it as one of my top 5 documentaries along with The Cove as it was so well-crafted and gripped you from start to finish.

  11. Pingback: Duke & The Movies :: With A Little Help From My Friends

  12. I’m happy to hear that Senna was so good, and even more so, exceeded your expectations. Aside from movie friends’ good reviews of the film, I haven’t heard much about it, especially as awards season fades into the background this year. I’ll definitely have to see it now. I enjoyed your thorough review!

    Ruth, I think you’re being kind for awarding 1 1/2 reels to the latest Twilight, but if that one location was nice, I guess I can see where you’re coming from 🙂 Ha – I, too, saw only the first film and have had no desire to see any of the others since. I do have friends who are self-proclaimed Twilight fans and continue to tell me to read the books and see the films, but it’s difficult for me to consider wasting the $$. Perhaps I’ll see the other films on DVD at some point.

    1. Hi Kris, SENNA was definitely snubbed by the Oscar but it did won several other awards. Yes do see it, you won’t be disappointed.

      Ahah, I might be feeling generous about Breaking Dawn but fortunately it’s not completely dreadful, there are some good fun to be had and really, that Isle Esme location is just drool-worthy! I wish we could book that place for our next Summer vacation, ahah.

  13. Senna is a documentary that really lives up to the hype. I’m with the angry mob that cannot believe how it was overlooked by the Academy…but tthat boat has sailed so I’ll save my breath. It’s such a compelling story and one that gts better with each passing minute.

    Breaking Dawn…eh, it’s got fans somewhere I guess but it doesn’t mean the acting and editing have to be so amateur *gets a rib jab from the wife* yes honey, Twilight is good:P

    1. Indeed Marc, and yeah I guess we have to let bygones be bygones about the snub, heh.

      Ahah, so the wife is a Twi-hard eh? It’s funny that my hubby & I actually was quite excited to see it for the giggles, though we did fast forward a few times when it became unbearable!

  14. I’m happy to see the Lorax do well since i have Efron as a point pick for the HFD. Finally starting to get some box office points 😀

    And i saw Candyman, Hugo, and Blond Venus(A older film). I think Candyman is still effective as a horror film, and i liked Hugo but i don’t feel it would really appeal to a kid.

    And i saw the first 3 Twilight films, and imo Eclipse is the closest it gets to being decent. Seems it goes downhill after that. And i have to watch Senna, as i’ve read many good reviews of it

    1. Oh I didn’t even know Efron was one of the voice cast, good for you!

      Oh I saw Candyman ages ago, that thing is darn scary! I still can’t say his name three times in front of a mirror, ahah.

      I never thought it couldn’t go lower than the first Twilight, but apparently it can!

  15. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO…..Twilight is totally spoiled now! eh…not so much. Senna has been in my netflix queue for a bit now. Sounds like I need to give that one my time. John Carter is worth a rental, but not much else. Shame about all that wasted money though.

    1. Did you do a satire on Breaking Dawn yet Markus, if not then you should! There’s plenty of material on that one, way more than Tree of Life 😉

  16. PrairieGirl

    Saw Designing Woman (1957), Gregory Peck – funny and super gorgeous! and Lauren Bacall – super-lovely and stunning!
    Also saw Hugo (2011). LOVED IT! Wonderful cast, amazing sets, superb special effects, wondrous cinematography, heartwarming story. Can’t believe I didn’t know that George Melies was real and the story about him was very true to life.

    1. Woo hoo! Glad you enjoyed Designing Woman. Greg really is gorgeous in that one. Even though he’s much older than Lauren it doesn’t feel creepy at all.

      Glad you saw HUGO, yes I also didn’t know about Melies until after the movie. Yeah, shame on me being a movie blogger 😀

  17. I actually laughed reading your review of Breaking Dawn. I can proudly say I have not seen any of the Twilight movies and probably never will unless I find myself extremely bored and with a dollar or two to burn.

    As for Senna, what can I say? I couldn’t agree more with your review. What really stood out for me is the fact that even though I knew about the impending tragedy, I was still filled with emotion when the film arrived at the tragic conclusion of his life, marking only the third time a film has managed to squeeze a tear from me (the others being “Life is Beautiful” and “Rachel Getting Married” for personal reasons that resonated with me).

    My weekend was actually all about the movies. I saw “Silent House” (2.5/5), John Carter (3/5), Young Adult (4/5) and Barry Lyndon (2.5/5). Of all of those, I was peculiarly disappointed by Barry Lyndon, being a Kubrick piece after all, and I was pleasantly surprised by “Young Adult”, which was a very intelligent and irreverent film by the talented Mr. Reitman.

    My blog turns 1 year old tomorrow! 🙂

    1. Well I’m glad I could provide some giggles for you Niels. I initially didn’t want to review it but I thought, what the heck, it’s actually fun writing it.

      Yes, I’m with you in that like Titanic sinking, even though you knew it’d happen I still was in tears watching it. I just kept thinking, ‘what if Senna just listened to his doctor…’ y’know, I mean he’s already uncomfortable with the car and considering how dangerous the sport, that should’ve been a major red flag right there.

      Nice breakdown of your weekend review. So you like Young Adult eh? I’m still curious about it as it’s filmed in my state. And again, congrats on your blog-a-versary!

  18. Have yet to see either Senna or Breaking Dawn. I have both near the top of my Netflix queue so it should happen with a week or two. Senna obviously received a lot of acclaim and praise (including from you) so I must check it out.

    As for Twilight, I’m totally surprised that you watched it! I will but only because I already saw the first three so I might as well finish the whole thing. I hope it’s funny but I already know it starts with a few giggles but just ends up being dreary…

    1. Come on Castor, are you a closeted Twi-hard?? I mean how else do you explain you diligently watching ALL of the movies? 😀 😀

      I actually was curious about that birth scene in Breaking Dawn and the whole vampire + human getting married & all. Sheesh, it could have been so much edgier given the subject matter, but even the wedding is so ho-hum I might as well watch the minions of Despicable Me singing ‘bananaaa’ over and over again! It’s way more joyful!

  19. Glad to hear you enjoyed Senna! I didn’t think it could live up to the hype, but I was hooked right away. Definitely a great documentary that even non-racing fans can appreciate.

    I watched exactly zero movies this weekend. I was busy helping my girlfriend with a photo shoot, which is actually movie-related. It turned out pretty awesome… I might have to do a post on that once the final edits have been made.

    1. Hey Eric, no worries man, I actually only saw like 3 movies all week as I was so busy! I’d love to see your girlfriend photoshoot, so yeah, post that on your blog.

  20. The BluRay of Breaking Dawn Pt 1 comes out here in Australia on Thursday – the wife’s already got her copy on order, so no doubt I’ll be watching it on Friday…. From this, however, I can already tell I’m gonna hate it.

    1. Oh I’m sure you can still find something to enjoy Rodney. Again, it’s got a lot of unintentional humor so in a way it’s kind of a comedy 😀

  21. I’ve heard nothing but great things about Senna. It’s honestly not the kind of film I’d normally see, but the rave reviews make me believe that I’ll enjoy it anyway.

    1. Oh I think you’d enjoy it John. I do think that film appeals to a pretty wide audience even if you’re not into car racing at all.

  22. Senna still sits in my Netflix queue for some reason … as for Breaking Dawn Ruth, I will take your word for it.

    My friend saw the first one, told me about it and I moved swiftly on 🙂 Another friend told me the whole saga from the book perspective in about 5 minutes. I was satisfied with that.

    Hope you are feeling better!

  23. LOL for the Breaking Dawn review. The big question was : where does the sparkling vampire get all the money??? (just quick guess, maybe modelling? ha2)

    I wanted to see Senna. I read nothing but great reviews about it.

    1. Well Edward’s dad is a doctor I think, and imagine working in that profession for hundreds of years. Yeah I think he could afford an island or two 🙂

  24. I applaud your thoughts and score of Breaking Dawn as they mirror a lot of mine own! I also applaud you being so heroic in watching the monstrosity of the childbirth scene!

    2 polar opposites in this review post. Senna=masterpiece snubbed by so many awards (not just the Oscars)!

    Glad you had a great weekend. I realized the sun was still up when I left work too on Monday! 🙂

    1. Ahah, I actually remember reading your review and I too wonder why the Cullens have sooo much time just hanging around the house watching this one human chick! Ahah, I really didn’t know what to expect about the childbirth scene, glad I didn’t read about it beforehand as in the book the baby’s supposed to ‘jump out’ of the mother’s womb??! I mean, how freaky is that!!

      He…he.. I knew your astute eye would notice the polar opposite of these two films. I kind of like doing that. I might rent The Three Musketeers & My Week with Marilyn this weekend, not as drastic but they’re both such different movies 🙂

  25. I REALLY want to see Senna. I am not a F1 fan…but his life story intrigues me. My favorite racers (i like MotoGP) also died of accidents.

    Huahahaha I didn’t think you would watch THAT movie Ruth….but I like the fact you are trying to see all kind of movies

    1. You don’t have to be an F1 fan to enjoy and appreciate SENNA Nov, hope you see it soon. For the other one, well it’s not a waste of time actually, I just can’t give a good rating for it for the reasons I mentioned 🙂

  26. Hey friend I am so happy I found your site Weekend Roundup: SENNA & Breaking Dawn « FlixChatter, I really found you by mistake, while I was researching on Yahoo for something else, Anyhow I am here now and would just like to say many thanks for a remarkable post and a all round interesting blog (I also love the theme/design), I don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’t have time to read through it all at the minute but I have book-marked it and also added in your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read much more, Please do keep up the fantastic work.

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