The Film Emotion Blogathon: 5 films to represent the 5 emotions in Pixar’s Inside Out

I just heard about this blogathon on Drew's blog, but it was spearheaded by the Con Man blog, inspired by the Pixar hit Inside Out (which I adore). I love this idea and naturally I had to take part! Here are the rules for the Blogathon: Pick five films to represent the five emotions in …

Continue reading The Film Emotion Blogathon: 5 films to represent the 5 emotions in Pixar’s Inside Out

FlixChatter Double Review –Transformers: Age of Extinction

Ted's Review After a three year absent, the Transformers are back on the big screen. They still have to deal with annoying human characters, fight the bad Transformers and destroy every big city as much as they could. The movie picked up about 5 years after the last one, we're introduced to some new human …

Continue reading FlixChatter Double Review –Transformers: Age of Extinction

TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION interview with Jack Reynor and Nicola Peltz

Hello everyone! Earlier this month, on June 8th to be exact, I got a chance to interview a couple of cast members from TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION: Nicola Peltz & Jack Reynor. It's part of their press tour around the country and they showed clips from the movies as well as signed autographs for fans. Surely …

Continue reading TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION interview with Jack Reynor and Nicola Peltz