FlixChatter Review: Netflix’s DAMSEL – Millie Bobby Brown is a spunky dragon slayer in this revisionist fairy-tale

With the success of the Enola Holmes movies, Millie Bobby Brown inked a deal with Netflix to star in and executive produce the fantasy film. This time she plays Elodie, another Netflix character that starts with an ‘E,’ I wonder if that’s in the contract? Just by the name alone it immediately tells us she’s …

Continue reading FlixChatter Review: Netflix’s DAMSEL – Millie Bobby Brown is a spunky dragon slayer in this revisionist fairy-tale

FlixChatter Review: RENFIELD (2023) – Nic Cage is fun to watch as Dracula despite missed opportunities to mine the killer premise

Dracula's lackey finally gets his time to shine in his comedic origin story. It's an action comedy a la Jackie Chan movie but with a heavy Tarantino-bent in terms of its gory violence. I expected blood will be spilled in an R-rated movie involving Dracula and indeed there's SO. MUCH. BLOOD. in this movie! As …

Continue reading FlixChatter Review: RENFIELD (2023) – Nic Cage is fun to watch as Dracula despite missed opportunities to mine the killer premise

THE EXPANSE Season 6 trailer – Amazon Sets Series Finale premiere

As Winter is just weeks away here in MN, it's gonna be hibernation time! So I'm glad there'll be highly-anticipated series to keep my hubby and I occupied! I'm still watching Apple's FOUNDATION, and Amazon Prime's WHEEL OF TIME coming on November 19th, but I'll certainly make time to revisit Terra and the Rocinante crews …

Continue reading THE EXPANSE Season 6 trailer – Amazon Sets Series Finale premiere

Bingeing on ‘The Expanse’ – the best sci-fi series I’ve seen so far

I don't know about you but I LOVE when I discover a new show that I love, especially those that have been around for a while with tons of episodes to catch up on. THE EXPANSE has been around since 2015 and I've often seen the banner pop up on Amazon Prime, but somehow I …

Continue reading Bingeing on ‘The Expanse’ – the best sci-fi series I’ve seen so far