Ranking BATMAN Live Action Movies

Happy The Batman weekend, everyone! Holy ka-chiiing Batman!! If the Bat signal is any indication, perhaps the movie pandemic slump is behind us? Following the strong global box office of Spiderman: No Way Home ($1.8 billion worldwide + counting!), Matt Reeves' The Batman's global take so far stands at over $248 million as it opened …

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Musings on Robert Pattinson casting + Matt Reeves’ noir vision for The Batman

It seems it hasn't been that long ago that I was blogging about casting for a Batman movie when Ben Affleck was cast. If some of you read it, I was actually lamenting about Affleck's casting then, but later on I came around and actually enjoyed his performance. Now, Christian Bale remains my favorite Batman …

Continue reading Musings on Robert Pattinson casting + Matt Reeves’ noir vision for The Batman