FlixChatter’s TOP 10 Favorite PIXAR films

This list has been long overdue, as I've published this favorite Pixar character list over a decade ago! Well, with the release of Inside Out 2, I thought I'd list my favorite Pixar movies since Toy Story in 1995, nearly 30 years ago. Pixar movies stand out because they appeal to both our emotions and …

Continue reading FlixChatter’s TOP 10 Favorite PIXAR films

FlixChatter Review: ELEMENTAL (2023) – Pixar’s first rom-com proves that a tale as old as time can still spark when told in a refreshingly creative way

After its debut with Toy Story in 1995, Pixar released its 27th feature with another original story. I have to admit that though I’ve been a longtime Pixar fan, I wasn’t all that enthused about this one after the disappointing Lightyear. But I’m glad that Elemental turns out to be a return to form for …

Continue reading FlixChatter Review: ELEMENTAL (2023) – Pixar’s first rom-com proves that a tale as old as time can still spark when told in a refreshingly creative way