FlixChatter Review: All The Old Knives (2022)

Spy thrillers are a dime a dozen in Hollywood, but spy romance is still quite rare. So when I saw the premise of All the Old Knives, I was immediately sold on the old-fashioned romance thrown in with the mystery and espionage elements. Based on Olen Steinhauer's book of the same name, the story centers …

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FlixChatter Review: G.I. Joe Retaliation

Well I believe I know why Paramount decided to delay the release of this film from last June to March of this year. Their excuse was that they wanted to add 3D effects to the film but rumors were all over the internet that they also wanted to beef up Channing Tatum's role. Those excuses …

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Weekend Roundup: Hysteria Review

Happy Monday all! It's been a busy weekend for me, girls movie nite, a friend's birthday party, etc. all scheduled around the same time. Suffice to say, there's no time for cinema viewing this weekend, though I finally did send y'all a reminder for the Small Roles... Big Performances blogathon, hope all you who signed …

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