August Blind Spot: The Philadelphia Story (1940)

Instead of a straight review, this post is more of my reaction of the movie and the cast, so I'm going to include some observations as well as trivia from IMDb. There's been a lot of 'firsts' with some of the Blindspot movies I saw. Well, with this one, it's a lot of 'seconds.' It's the second George …

Continue reading August Blind Spot: The Philadelphia Story (1940)

Weekend Roundup: It’s a Wonderful Life and The Blind Side

You can say I had a 'Capra'-laden weekend. On Friday night, I finally get to see the all-time Christmas classic It's A Wonderful Life for the first time with my movie-nite gals. The next day, my hubby & I caught The Blind Side at a local theater, and even in its fourth week of release, …

Continue reading Weekend Roundup: It’s a Wonderful Life and The Blind Side

Classic Flix Review: Vertigo by Rockerdad

Well, FlixChatter readers, Ruth has kindly asked for another classic movie review – and with her encouragement, I picked a film I hope will end up in your DVD queues at home or the video store as one to watch over the weekend. Thanks to prairiegirl, I recently got a chance to see the old, …

Continue reading Classic Flix Review: Vertigo by Rockerdad