Ranking BATMAN Live Action Movies

Happy The Batman weekend, everyone! Holy ka-chiiing Batman!! If the Bat signal is any indication, perhaps the movie pandemic slump is behind us? Following the strong global box office of Spiderman: No Way Home ($1.8 billion worldwide + counting!), Matt Reeves' The Batman's global take so far stands at over $248 million as it opened …

Continue reading Ranking BATMAN Live Action Movies

February 2022 Viewing Recap + Movie(s) Of The Month

Spring is in the air!! As I'm writing this, it's about 40F degrees, which is quite balmy for Minnesota! I know March is supposed to be the snowiest month but I'm looking forward to more warming temps (yes I'll take highs in the 30s, ahah!).  Well, like many people in the world this week, I've …

Continue reading February 2022 Viewing Recap + Movie(s) Of The Month

Merry Christmas! Reminiscing on the alternative Christmas classic: Batman Returns

It's December 25 and I thought I'd take the time to wish you all a wonderful Christmas... wherever you are. It's not quite a White Christmas here in Minnesota. The snow that's supposed to hit us today seems to have shift to Friday, which is a bummer as for once I don't mind having a snowy Christmas …

Continue reading Merry Christmas! Reminiscing on the alternative Christmas classic: Batman Returns