Five for the Fifth: SEPTEMBER 2014 Edition

Welcome to FlixChatter's primary blog series! As is customary for this monthly feature, I get to post five random news item/observation/poster, etc. and then turn it over to you to share your take on that given topic. You can see the previous five-for-the-fifth posts here. 1. As customary with Five for the Fifth, I'd like to highlight …

Continue reading Five for the Fifth: SEPTEMBER 2014 Edition

Most-Anticipated Movies of the rest of 2014 (September – December)

Well, since I've posted my Top 10 of the year so far and Summer Blockbuster Months are quickly coming to a close. I've already got my eyes set on what's in store for the rest of 2014! Now, there are going to be movies I'll be seeing next month that aren't on this list because …

Continue reading Most-Anticipated Movies of the rest of 2014 (September – December)