Super Bowl 50 Trailers Roundup – Which ones are you most excited to see?


So all you football fans, have you recovered yet? My hubby watched it next to me but I barely even watched the game. I thought the commercials were mostly lame, apart from the memorable PSA on drunk drinking featuring Helen Mirren and the one with Liam Neeson (though after it’s done I had no idea what he was selling!)

Here’s the advert if you missed it, I thought I’d post it here as apparently the young man featured in the commercial is Liam’s own 20-year-old son Micheál Neeson (per The Wrap)

No wonder they look alike, and there’s a family connection with the director of the spot too. It’s directed by Jake Scott, son of Sir Ridley who made the famous Apple commercial 1984. This one is nowhere near as memorable though.

Now, the trailers!

This post could pretty much double as my most-anticipated big-budget movies of 2016 🙂 Well, it seems that every comic-book characters are at war with each other. It’ll start with the BIGGEST superhero battle ever, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, which opens just a little over a month away on March 25. It’s perhaps the most bizarre partnership ever… Turkish Airlines?? They even made two versions, Gotham vs Metropolis:

At this point I’m going into BVS with tepid expectations, I’m more curious than excited. I REALLY hope it’ll be good!

Now, the one I most look forward to is Captain America: Civil War, which pits Capt against Iron Man. It’s gonna be EPIC!! Which side am I on?

Capt and Iron Man aren’t the only dueling Marvel characters. The mutants in X-Men: Apocalypse set aside their hatred for humanity to fight against their own extinction. I’ve been excited for most X-Men movies, but I’m not sure about this one. Even with Oscar Isaac as the villain, I kind of get a bad vibe about it. I’m hoping to be proven wrong though.

Hey, the new Bourne movie is apparently out this Summer! Heh, they couldn’t find writers who could come up with a better title than Jason Bourne?? Apart from that, I’m excited to see Matt Damon back kicking everyone’s butt under Paul Greengrass‘ kinetic direction. I was hoping to see Alicia Vikander but we only hear her narrating the trailer, perhaps they haven’t even completed the shoot yet?

I’m slightly more intrigued by The Jungle Book adaptation, I mean the voice cast is fantastic: Scarlett Johansson, Idris Elba, Bill Murray, just to name a few. It sure looks better than the live-action Tarzan movie.

Now tonight I’ll be seeing Deadpool after a botched screening last week due to technical difficulty, ugh. This isn’t a movie I was even looking forward to, esp since I’m not even fond of Ryan Reynolds. But the rave reviews got me intrigued so I hope it’s as witty as the critics made it out to be.


So which of these movies are you most excited to see?

35 thoughts on “Super Bowl 50 Trailers Roundup – Which ones are you most excited to see?

  1. Gotta be honest, I don’t think I will care for any of these films. I am interested to hear in what you think of Deadpool… I’m not sure what to make of it from the trailer, but I’ve seen it four bloody times, airing before other movies at the cinemas, and the jokes get real old

    1. Hi Jordan, totally understand man, that’s cool. Well I just got back from seeing Deadpool. It’s way too vulgar for my liking generally but the self-referential jokes and 80s throwback are pretty hilarious!

      1. Yeah it seems a bit too vulgar for my tastes too… I don’t usually have a problem with confronting forms of comedy, but the trailer I’ve seen four times makes this out to seem really… juvenile. Which isn’t something I like.

        In saying all that thought, my friend wants to see it so I’m sure I’ll end up watching it too

        1. Well it’s not something I want to see again because of the vulgarity. But I have to admit some of the jokes WERE funny, esp the 80s songs they played at bizarre moments.

  2. Overall, my general feeling toward this year’s batch “Super Bowl” commercials was one of “meh.” The concept has, as my wife reminded me recently, “Jumped the Shark.” Not to say that some weren’t worth it to catch. Certainly, the ‘Bourne 5’ teaser got me excited, as did the one for Marvel’s ‘Civil War’. I’d have to agree with your particular sense that X-Men is about due to another stinker. 20th Century can’t help themselves. But, lordy, ‘Deadpool’* can’t get here fast enough. Me and the kids with be at the early screening at the famed Cinerama Dome come Thursday the 11th.

    Gotta say, that “Turkish Airlines” promo was just bizarre! Every time I see a Bats v. Supes trailer, there always seems to something odd to it. I mean, I hope it’s good (and I’m not a fan of ‘Man of Steel’), but Zack Snyder’s track record is worrisome. I think his high point is still the Director’s Cut of ‘Watchmen’, followed by the clever remake of ‘Dawn of the Dead’, with ‘300’ in a stylish third place. Everything else…well…like this year’s Super Bowl commercials, let’s leave it that, shall we? 😉

    * did you see Ryan as ‘Deadpool’ wish the folks Down Under a Happy Australia Day? Classic:

    1. I hear ya Michael. I think a lot of these ad agencies probably are under a lot of pressure to always top the previous years, and this time they just didn’t BRING IT in terms of creativity. The Bourne and Civil War are the ones I have really high hopes for and I have a good feeling they’d deliver given the filmmaker’s track record. It’s funny that ‘Apocalypse’ didn’t look promising given it’s Bryan Singer back at the helm, and I LOVE the first X-Men movie.

      Well, I just came back from Deadpool and even though I still think it’s super raunchy and way too vulgar for my taste, it IS hilarious and what’s been teased in the trailers is true, the humor is VERY self-referential w/ a ton of fun 80s throwbacks. I think you’d enjoy it! Ahah yeah I’ve seen that Happy Australia Day and the jokes on Wolverine got the biggest laughs in the theater!

      Yeah, BvS is worrisome indeed. If it weren’t for the two characters I probably wouldn’t give it the time a day. But I REALLY like what Affleck seems to bring to the role of Bruce Wayne, so I guess we’ll see.

    1. Well, it seems that movies that I’m not anticipating often end up being a pleasant surprise. The same is true w/ Deadpool. So I hope you enjoy that one when you see it!

  3. Yeah I didn’t care for any of the commercials either, in fact I didn’t pay attention to any of them. They’re so generic, none of them were original or creative in anyway.

    As for the trailers, definitely excited for Jason Bourne, Capt. vs IronMan, probably see Deadpool next week; showing during the week is cheaper than on the weekends.

    I have no faith in Batman vs. Superman and those two commercials were just too weird for me. I don’t know what to make of the new X-Men film, looks like a video game which is surprising since Days of Future Past was so good. Maybe the actual movie will be good but like Batman vs. Supe, I won’t have too much expectations for it.

    1. Hi Ted! I knew you’d be excited for Jason Bourne but seriously what’s up w/ the super uncreative title? Let me know what you think about Deadpool. Well, after going to the theater TWICE to see it as the first one was botched, I’m glad to say it was worth it. Very funny stuff but boy it’s R-rated for a reason.

      I hope BvS and X-Men Apocalypse will prove us wrong that they’ll actually be decent, Ted!

    1. High five! Those are two of my most-anticipated and I have a good feeling they’d be GOOD! Oh yeah, that commercial was funny but still wasn’t as memorable as some other ads from previous years.

  4. I saw Liam Neeson and thought – who’s get seeking out to gain revenge this time before realizing it was a commercial. Can’t wait for Deadpool but worry Captain America is going to rely too heavily on action and not enough on character.

    1. Hey Dan! Yeah that’s what I thought too, ‘geez not another TAKEN flick!!’ I still don’t remember what commercial it was though, ahah.

      Deadpool was hilarious btw, but I’m still most excited about Capt. America. I think they’ve established the characters in previous movies, so I don’t mind that this one will be action-heavy.

  5. Pingback: Throwback Tuesday: Fave scenes from THE BOURNE IDENTITY (2002)

  6. Two words Matt Damon… he looks great as Jason Bourne. Yes HIGH FIVE. Great post Ruth! I had not seen the Liam Neeson one, his son is super adorable too. I barely watched any of the Superbowl too, I only saw Lady Gaga perform and the half time and maybe about 2 minutes of actual football. haha!

    1. Hello darling! Oh you’re gonna love my latest post then, yes it’s got something to do w/ your longtime crush Damon 😉 But before you do that, check out my PPZ review, he..he..

      I thought Gaga was great and I wasn’t a fan of hers before.

        1. Sorry I didn’t have today’s post up yet when I tweeted you. I decided to add a new series to my blog and considering I LOVE the Bourne franchise (the Damon ones) I thought I’d start w/ the first movie!

            1. He..he.. that’s ok! I think it’s cool you are still loyal to your high school crush! Heck Damon still looks good even 14 yrs after the first movie, I like him now actually, he looks even more bad-ass. I guess I’m just in tough guy mood after seeing Sam as bad-ass Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies! You’ll see how I’m practically drooling over him as I wrote my review, mwahahaha

              1. I just read it and umm yes you were drooling. hahaha. That’s okay I love it when you get into a new crush. I always end up learning so much about random movies and actors I didn’t know a lot about.

                1. Don’t laugh but I actually DID drool when I was watching a B-Roll of him and Lily James in a fight scene in PPZ. I think my jaw was open watching him perform the action, ahah. I should tell you that I sneaked into the theater that was playing PPZ last night as I was waiting to see Deadpool. We had a half hour wait and I saw the theater next door is playing PPZ so I went in. I had the biggest grin on my face seeing Sam’s Darcy on the big screen for about 10 minutes! I’m definitely going back to see it again next week, can’t wait!! 😀

                    1. I’ve never done that before but I am still in honeymoon state with Sam ahahaha He looks soooo good in that long leather coat, mmmmm 😍

    1. Hi Josh! Batfleck is the only reason to see BvS, which is nuts considering how much I LOVE Superman character. But Snyder managed to make me so blase about that character now.

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