Five for the Fifth: JULY 2014 Edition


Welcome to FlixChatter’s primary blog series! As is customary for this monthly feature, I get to post five random news item/observation/poster, etc. and then turn it over to you to share your take on that given topic. You can see the previous five-for-the-fifth posts here.

1. Well, since yesterday is Fourth of July, aka Independence Day for good ‘ol USA, for some reason I always think of Roland Emmerich’s 1996 alien disaster flick: Independence Day. It is after all the quintessential Hollywood Summer tentpole flick: big, bombastic and unabashedly patriotic. Regardless how you feel about America, it’s hard not to cheer when Wil Smith punches the slimy, ugly alien or when Bill Pullman made his rousing speech (no doubt one of the most memorable movie presidents/speeches ever).


I bet there are folks who watch this annually on July 4th, just like it’s tradition to watch The Tenth Commandments at Easter and Miracle on 34th Street on Christmas day. And why not? It’s an absolute blast in every sense of the word, massively entertaining so long as you don’t mind suspending your disbelief for 2 hours and just go along for the ride.

So do you have a go-to Summer movie you like to watch every year? ….

2. Speaking of July 4th, check out this new thematic-trailer of the one Summer movie I can’t wait to see! Fortunately I won’t have to wait too long as I’ll be seeing it next Tuesday. So far the marketing for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes has me REALLY anticipating this one, it looks even more sinister than the excellent first film. JFK’s independence day speech from 1962 makes it even more eerie, especially when one of the apes climbed over that American flag!

The early buzz I’ve read so far has been unanimously positive. Could it be one of the best movies of the year? I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the case. With the amazing Andy Serkis back in mo-cap performance as Caesar, the rest of the cast is pretty solid: Jason Clarke, Gary Oldman, Keri Russell and Toby Kebell.

A growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a band of human survivors of the devastating virus unleashed a decade earlier. They reach a fragile peace, but it proves short-lived, as both sides are brought to the brink of a war that will determine who will emerge as Earth’s dominant species.

I also found some cool posters, both official and fan-made. Click each image to see a larger version:

Are you as excited as I am for this movie?

3. Oh man, here’s another reason why I wish I lived in London!! I just read yesterday that one of my favorite composers Hans Zimmer is planning a concert at Hammersmith Apollo in London. The concert series is titled Hans Zimmer Revealed which will include music from his vast film soundtrack collections. I LOVE a lot of his work, as I’ve highlighted in this Music Break post. Apparently Zimmer’s no stranger to performing on stage. He’s been known to perform during film premieres, such as during Inception premiere in L.A. in 2010. Here he was performing with guitarist Johnny Marr:

Photo courtesy of

Per Collider, the concert will be in two parts: the first being some of Zimmer’s classic movie scores including Gladiator, The Lion King and Pirates of the Caribbean, and the second featuring re-imagined versions of some classic scores such as The Dark Knight Trilogy and Inception with special guests from the rock and pop world. It’d be sooo cool to hear LIVE orchestra of some of my all time favorite scores, especially Gladiator which I just rewatched last night. I think that could be considered Zimmer’s masterpiece. It’d be even more awesome if he brings his protege John Powell to perform together as well. I hope he’d consider doing concerts in the US as well, though most likely in the major cities like L.A. or New York City anyway.

What do you think of Hans Zimmer concert? Which other composer would you pay to see live on stage?

4. Now this question is inspired by my friend Dave’s awesomely-long comment on my Transformers 4 rant post. He mentioned that he’s been binge-ing on lots of TV series lately and he’s not missing movies much at all.

This year TV has surpassed the movies for me. What with series like House Of Cards, Orange Is The New Black, The Americans, Halt and Catch Fire, Veep, Orphan Black, Sherlock, True Detective, Fargo, Downton Abbey… and even going back to the end of last year with Broadchurch, Top of the Lake and The Returned… I can’t say I’m really missing the movies so much. I haven’t even delved into Game of Thrones, Hannibal, or Sundance’s Rectify yet.

He also mentioned upcoming shows he’s anticipating, one of which is Cinemax’s The Knick from Steven Soderbergh, starring Clive Owen. Set in downtown New York in 1900, The Knick centers on Knickerbocker Hospital and the groundbreaking surgeons, nurses and staff who push the bounds of medicine in a time of astonishingly high mortality rates and zero antibiotics. Check out the trailer:

Heh, hat looks pretty darn scary but definitely intriguing. Well, having finished all 8-episodes of STARZ’s Black Sails (Season 1) last night, I totally get why people are so into TV these days and indeed, the golden age of television is going on again now. The quality of actors and script, not to mention the huge budget studios invest on these shows are astounding.

My question for you is two-fold:
Have you been watching more TV than movies lately? Which shows are you addicted to right now and/or highly-anticipating?

5. This month Five for the Fifth’s guest is Andrew from A Fistful of Films Blog. It’s funny how a decade of film can carry with it a certain quality.  When you think about the 80’s, you may call to mind that melodramatic, almost palpable soap opera veneer that found it’s way into so many films.

80sFilmDecade When you think of the 30’s, you may think of the countless screwball comedies and the prat falls that laced them.  Whatever the case, we tend to lump things in groups of ten, and deservedly so.

With that in mind, which decade of film have you found the most rewarding to explore, and which ‘quality’ makes it so rich??

Well, that’s it for the JULY 2014 edition of Five for the Fifth, folks. Now, please pick a question out of the five above or better yet, do ‘em all! 😀

91 thoughts on “Five for the Fifth: JULY 2014 Edition

  1. 4. Yeah, I’ve been watching more TV as of late. (I certainly wouldn’t have been a year or two ago.) Maybe it’s a way to get the cinematic feeling without actually watching a movie. (My movie watching/reviewing has been slipping considerably this year. Not sure why.)

    For shows, it’s a mix between ones everyone I know is watching (Game of Thrones, Sherlock), ones I feel more people should be watching (Rectify, Masters of Sex), ones that everyone talked about as they aired (Fargo, Penny Dreadful, The Leftovers) and ones that recently went off the air (The Thick of It, Luther). Basically a (bleep) ton of TV. (And that’s barely scratching the surface.)

    5. Well, every decade has its fair share of great films, but I’m usually partial to those films made early on the decade (say, the first three or fours years). The early 1960s had some really great films, a lot of them nobody really talks about very much.

    1. Hi Anna! Seems that a lot of people are in your camp and it’s easy to see why! If I didn’t get press screenings and have cable subscription I probably would do the same. Masters of Sex sounds good, as you know I’m a fan of Michael Sheen too 🙂 Not sure what Rectify is about but I’ve been hearing about it from a few bloggers lately.

      Interesting that you like the earlier films in the decade. I don’t usually pay attention to when movies are released.

      1. Oh, I think you’re gonna like Masters of Sex. Sheen, unsurprisingly, is fantastic in it (as are Lizzy Caplan and Allison Janney). Rectify is one of those shows that doesn’t have big and flashy moments to make it captivating; it just relies on damn good acting.

        I think I like films from within that time frame because they were still following the rules of the previous decade while changing them at the same time. Like those films from the early 1960s. They still felt very much for their time but they weren’t too afraid to push the envelope a bit.

        1. I just looked up Rectify, wow the premise is pretty intriguing. It has no-name actors (at least none I recognized) but that’s good that you said it’s very character-driven w/ good acting. I hope Masters of Sex will be available on Amazon or Netflix at some point, I like the entire cast, and no surprise Sheen is good in it.

  2. Hiya Ruth, and Happy belated 4th of July. There’s been quite a few “quintessential Hollywood Summer tentpole flick: big, bombastic and unabashedly patriotic” films I’ve enjoyed–many of them starred Tom Cruise. He seemed to have the corner market there in the 90s and 00s with the Mission Impossible series. If not Tom, then Bruce Willis with Die Hard franchise. I am not so optimistic as you with regard to the Planet of the Apes movie, but I’d love to be proven wrong. I think it’s great Zimmer is up there on stage playing and having fun–I would love to go to see him play. YOur last question–my favorite decade in film–has to go to the 1990s. Never has there been a decade with a concentrated amount of fantastic films. No other decade even comes close, not even the 1970s. 😉

    1. Hi Cindy! Did you have a great Fourth? Mine is quite mellow, just cleaning up my house a bit and blogging 🙂 I really wanted to see The Patriot but that movie is not available to rent on streaming anywhere, heh.

      Have you seen the first Planet of the Apes movie from a few years ago? It was excellent and this one looks even more intense. I’ll let you know if it’s worth seeing on the big screen.

      I never saw a composer’s concert before but John Williams and Zimmer are two of my faves. I’d love to see them LIVE.

      Yay, I’m with you about 90s movies too! LOTS of great movies from that decade that become my all time favorites!

  3. Really excited to see what Dawn of the Planet of the Apes has to offer. I missed the first when it was doing the rounds in cinema, but was taken aback by just how great a reboot it was when I finally seen it.

    I don’t think I watch as many TV shows as films, but I watch a hefty amount of both. Given Game of Thrones has just wrapped its fourth season, Hannibal is my sole small screen embellishment at the moment. Having said that, Banshee starts again on Monday here in the UK, and I thoroughly enjoyed its opening season. You’re spot on about us being in another TV golden age Ruth. There are so many good quality shows flying around.


    1. Hi Adam! Yeah I was impressed by the first reboot movie, sooo much better than the Mark Wahlberg version.

      Wow that’s gotta be tough to watch an equal amount of TV and movies at any given time. Hmmm, which one is Banshee, now I’m curious, is that a UK-based show?

      1. Banshee is quite a small US show about a former convict who steals the identity of a deceased sheriff in a small town. It’s really good, very violent though! Antony Starr plays the lead character, but Ivana Miličević is probably the biggest name.

  4. jackdeth72

    Hi, Ruth:

    #1: I’ve been a sap for Jimmy Cagney and ‘Yankee Doodle Dandy’ since I was about six years old. Not just for Cagney and a great supporting cast. But, for its unabashed flag waving and some steps from Cagney that I’ve rarely seen attempted or repeated in film. Culminating with Cagney dancing down the White House’s curved staircase.

    #2: If Caesar and his apes had superior intellect. They would wage wage with the humans of the U.S. and elsewhere. Then petition the U.N. to come sovereign nations. Then get into politics, where the real money is!!!

    Was never really being a fan of the Pierre Boulle novel. Or its many sequels and prequel franchise. And the most recent additions seem made for the actors supporting CGI and Special Effects. Instead of the other way around.

    #3: Zimmer has a knack for arranging and orchestrating music that this slightly out of time of whatever scene is being “sweetened” or highlighted.

    Would loved to have a film orchestrated by the late, great Jimi Hendrix. Not just for wicked guitar riffs. But more for his urge to try and use anything in front of a hugely amplified microphone. 😀

    #4″ ‘The Knick’ sounds an awful lot like an expanded and more rustic take on The Sundance Channel’s ‘Journal of a Young Surgeon’. Where Daniel Radcliffe plays a very young, yet inexperienced General Practitioner in the frigid outback of Siberia in turn of the 20th century Russia. While finding distraction and relaxation in Morphine addiction.

    #5: The 1950s through 1970s. For still superior ‘Red Scare’ Science Fiction. Noirs, Mysteries, Comedies, ‘Who Dunnits?’ Neo Noirs and splashily elegant Romantic Comedies with leads closer to forty thirty years old. And a complete lack of today’s crudity!

    Also for first introductions of many of today’s heaviest hitting directors during the 1970s.

    1. Hello Kevin!

      Not a fan of the Apes reboot eh? I actually think the first film wasn’t as CGI-heavy as a lot of Summer movies out there. In fact it’s surprisingly character-driven, yes both the humans and the ape 🙂

      Y’know I read Nostra’s review of ‘Journal of a Young Surgeon’ w/ Radcliffe. It does sound like a similar plot tho w/ Soderbergh who likes to experiment on things, it’d be interesting what he’d do w/ that story.

      I knew you’d say the 70s as the most rewarding decade 🙂 Having seen a few of films from that decade lately, I totally get why. I just need to catch up on more of them.

  5. 1. I usually don’t have a film that I watch every summer though I will watch ID4 whenever it’s on like yesterday.

    2. HELL YEAH

    3. Michael Nyman, Alexandre Desplat, and hopefully a show from Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross.

    4. I’m totally excited for The Knick while I’m eagerly anticipating the new season of Masters of Sex.

    5. The 1970s. There was just so much happening at that time.

    1. Oooh I love Alexandre Desplat’s work! I should feature him on my future Music Break. I’d love to see his concert live too!

      Another vote for the 70s! There’s definitely lots of great thrillers from that decade.

  6. Ted S.

    1. You know I used to like ID-4 when I first saw it back in the summer of 1996 but after a couple of repeat viewings, I pretty much hated it! I can’t stand it now. As for the movie I like to watch on the 4th of July, it’s Emmerich’s other 4th of July theme, The Patriot. I think it’s Emmerich’s best film and kind of underrated war film, especially with Mel Gibson as the lead. It didn’t perform well at the box office like many people predicted it would, but it’s still a great flick. BTW, you can get it pretty cheap on Bluray or I can lend it to you if you want to watch it again. 🙂

    2. Yup, can’t wait to see Dawn of the Apes. I think Matt Reeves is becoming one of my favorite young directors, his last flick Let Me In was brilliant! Also, I’m going to see it at Oakdale theater where it has the three story screen and of course Dolby Atmos, can’t wait for it!

    3. Would love to see Zimmer, Williams, the late Jerry Goldsmith, John Powell and John Murphy in live concert. Those are some of my favorite movie composers.

    4. I haven’t been watching too much TV shows, just stick to my current favorites, The Walking Dead, Justified, The Americans, Hannibal and The Bridge. But I did binge watch House of Cards last winter. Oh yeah, I loved the TV’s version of Fargo too!

    5. For me, no other decade has changed how Hollywood made films and that decade was the 1970s. The Godfather 1 & 2, Star Wars, Jaws, Rocky, Taxi Driver, Close Encounter of the Third Kind, Dirty Harry, The Outlaw Josey Wales, The French Connection, The Exorcist, Apocalypse Now, A Clockwork Orange, Superman: The Movie, Halloween, Alien and All The President’s Men. Those were the films that pretty much set the standard on how films are made today. Can’t beat the 70s!

    1. Ahah you hate ID4 now? I still think of it as guilty pleasure, but yeah, it IS unabashedly cheesy. Oh you have The Patriot blu-ray? I’d LOVE to borrow that, I’ve never seen it before actually. It’s not available to stream anywhere!

      I’ve been hearing about how good the Oakdale Theater is but man it’s soooo far away.

      Goldsmith has some awesome work, but not familiar w/ John Murphy, I have to look him up now.

      Our friend Becky’s hooked w/ Fargo as well, she’s been telling me a lot about it. Boy that Martin Freeman is surprisingly versatile. I love the few episodes I saw on The Americans, but haven’t continued watching it.

      Ahah well your fave Peckinpah is a staple of the 70s too right Ted? I somehow knew you have a soft spot for that decade and can’t say I blame you.

      1. Ted S.

        I didn’t mind it at first but then a few years after it came out on DVD, I bought it and watched it again. I pretty much hated every character in the movie except to two kids, all of the adult characters were so annoying, I put them right there with the human characters in the all of the Transformers movies. That’s how much I hate the movie now. Yeah, the next time we meet up, I’ll bring The Patriot Bluray. I think it’s one of the best films of 2000s, it’s just got overshadowed that summer by Gladiator and Mission: Impossible 2.

        Yeah the Oakdale theater is about an hour from my current place but I want to see a movie there since I’ve never been to it yet.

        Oh here’s Murphy’s popular track, it’s from the movie Sunshine:, fast forward to about 40 seconds in and you’ll recognize it. The track has been used many times in movie trailers. He also scored pretty much all of Danny Boyle’s films and a couple of Michael Mann’s Miami Vice, which I thought had a great soundtrack.

        Yeah Peckinpah made a lot of films in the 70s but only two were successful, The Getaway and Straw Dogs. By the mid to late 70s, he was so disgusted with the Hollywood system that his later films sort of suffer and he was quite heavily drunk most of the time. Warner Bros. wanted to hire him to direct the original Superman film but apparently he showed in a meeting with a pistol because he was so paranoid and on cocaine. If he still alive, he’d be quite popular with today’s audiences since Tarantino is sort of the new Peckinpah.

  7. So glad to have been a part of this Ruth! You know I love your 5 for the 5th series. I’ll be sure to post all my answers on Monday when I have the time.

  8. 1. I don’t quite get to it every year, but I do love me some Independence Day. Classic movie, that one is!
    2. VERY interested in the new Apes film. I loved the first one, and with Matt Reeves behind this one, I have no doubt that this’ll deliver. One of my more anticipated releases for the rest of the year.
    3. That concert actually does sound pretty awesome. Didn’t know movie composers to do live shows like that. Pretty cool stuff!
    4. I’ve actually been watching little to no TV at all lately. One of the big sells for movies for me is their length. I can watch a movie, spend 2 hours doing so, and be done. TV is such a HUGE time investment, though, that no matter what sort of quality we’re talking, I just can’t do it. I flat out do not have 24 hours of free time to invest in a television show these days. That IS why I can appreciate shorter shows, though, such as Sherlock, which only has 3 episodes per season. See, now THAT is very doable. But 24 episode long seasons, with hour long episodes? At one point in my life, sure, I could do that, but now? That’s just asking WAY too much out of me, more than I’m willing to give ANY show anymore.

    1. Hi Chris!

      Yep, ID4 has become the quintessential patriotic disaster flick, that’s practically its own subgenre 😉

      Glad you’re anticipating Dawn of the Apes. It seems that the more stuff they released the more I look forward to seeing it!

      Yeah I just heard about Zimmer’s concert, if only it’s done in the US as well.

      Ah, no TV at all? That is surprising, I thought I’m the only one who barely watch any TV. I agree it’s a HUGE time investment and I know that now I can’t stick to a certain schedule so I prefer catching up on ’em when it’s available on streaming. Some of the premium cable shows don’t have a lot of episodes tho, ‘Black Sails’ only has 8 episodes for season 1 which I finished in 2 days (not consecutively, but my friend and I watched 4 eps in one day). I think right now it depends on the actor for me to get really invested on a show, unless the story REALLY appeals to me.

      1. Chris… just curious about the 24 hours you’re talking about? Unless you’re watching Fox’s old “24” live each week there are no 24 episode shows. Even the new “24” is only 12 episodes.Yes the major networks still have 22 hour episodes (Gray’s Anatomy, The Good Wife) but most of the shows that a lot of us watch have between 6-13 episodes, that are an hour long, Breaking Bad,.. True Detective… Fargo… Game Of Thrones… House of Cards. If you watch them on On Demand, Netflix, or DVR the hour shows, not on pay cable (AMC, FX, TNT), become 40 minute shows w/o the commercials, credits and “previously on”. Right? The British shows only have 6-10 episode seasons. That’s it. Even shows like Sherlock and Whitehall are an hour and a half totaling 4 1/2 hours. Honestly it’s really not a chore or investment for me. With the advent of the DVR, Netflix, Hulu and On Demand being bound to your TV is a thing of the past. So are commercials. I watch what I want, when I want with no commercials unless I chose to watch that particular program live. I’ve even recorded a show and watched it right after it was over. Saves me 20 minutes of commercials.

        Hey what you do with your free time is up to you, truly, but I’d say if I was spending 24 hours watching what’s on TV I would see it as a chore too.

  9. Tom

    #1) I actually also don’t have a particular movie to watch each July 4, but my go-to choices would be Independence Day and Team America: World Police (just reviewed that actually, for my Throwback Thursday segment). Heh, the second title is definitely more for a. . .shall we say, selective audience? lol

    #2) I have to say I’m pretty pumped for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, without me even seeing ANY film in its history. None of them. I plan to go back and watch the 2011 reboot before seeing the second, for sure.

    #3) Not really sure about any composer I’d like to see live, but it’s cool that Zimmer is doing things like that. He really is a legend, isn’t he?

    #4) Funny enough, I’m actually actively watching virtually zero TV shows right now. No clue why. I just can’t invest my time in them. I love my movies. TV shows I can take or leave for the most part. Commercial interruptions really bug me. I even tried to get into Breaking Bad awhile ago and turned it off it bored me/disturbed me. But shows I can see myself getting into: The Knick; Hannibal; The Blacklist; Fargo; couple others.

    #5) Love this question, although I’ve not delved into too many decades into any great detail outside of the ’90s, 2000s and 2010’s. Of those three, I’d go with the ’90s as being a very nostalgic decade of film for me. I went to my first film in the 90s and really began loving them during that period.

    1. Hi Tom!

      Ahah, Team America is so preposterous yet I couldn’t help but watch it years ago. Not sure I’d watch it again tho.

      I think seeing the first film of the reboot would help you appreciate this sequel Tom, plus it’s quite good! I do like seeing Jason Clarke in place of Franco tho, he’s such an underrated actor.

      Yes Zimmer IS one of the best composers working today!

      I hear ya Tom. I don’t know if I could get into Breaking Bad either even tho I like Cranston. I think I still love movies more than TV generally too, but I have to admit the quality of today’s shows are astounding!

      Yep, I’m with you on the 90s! Maybe as I started to really appreciate film in that decade.

  10. 1. I don’t! I should have one. I’ll have to think about it…
    2. Not as excited as you but definitely looking forward to it. The material so far (trailers, the 4th of July clip, the posters, the cast) promises a great film. I hope it is.
    3. That is so cool. I’d love to go to that concert! I also would love to see Dario Marianelli, Michael Giacchino or Gustavo Santaolalla live.
    4. Yes! Have been watching more TV than films lately: re-watching Happy Endings (hilarious show) and working my way through Sherlock, House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Fargo and Breaking Bad. Recently finished True Detective and about to start Homeland and Game of Thrones.
    5. Oh, it’s definitely the 90’s and 00’s for me!

    1. Hi Fernando!

      I hope Dawn of the Apes delivers! The first one was a pleasant surprise for me but I have confidence in this new one too.

      I’m not familiar w/ the two composers you mentioned, I have to look ’em up. But YES on Michael Giacchino! His work in Pixar films are amazing.

      Man I can’t wait until True Detective is on Netflix, hopefully soon. I feel like I watch GoT considering how many recaps I read, ahah.

      90s and 00s are the decades where I really pay attention to films so lots of my faves are in that decade. 80s are full of guilty pleasures tho 🙂

      1. Marianelli did the score for Atonement and Anna Karenina. Santaolalla normally works with González Iñárritu, and he also did Brokeback Mountain.

        True Detective is very good. Can’t wait for Season 2. Hope they nab someone good for that one. Bummed Jessica Chastain turned it down.

        1. Oooh I LOVE the score for Atonement and having recently seen Anna Karenina on the plane, I like that one too.

          I’m very curious who they’d get for season 2 of TD. Man that’d be impossible to top McConnaughey and Harrelson! Oh I didn’t know Chastain turned it down, perhaps she wants to concentrate more on films these days.

          1. Yeah. I instantly loved the score for Atonwment and how me mixed piano with typewriter clicks!

            And yeah, it’ll be hard to top those two actors. Can’t wait to see who they pick. Chastain would’ve been great but I understand wanting to focus on movies. She also does a lot of theater.

  11. 1) So far don’t have any yet.
    2) Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes is second only to X-Men Days Of Future past as my most anticipated of 2014. I just finished a movie marathon of all seven previous Planet Of The Apes movies before this. Hopefully I’ll get to write a blog post about it before the new movie comes out.
    3) I’d pay to see a lot of composers in concert. But if it had to be only one, I’ll pick John Williams.
    4) Aside from a few shows, I rarely watch TV nowadays. In the early 2000s I was basically glued to it. I know there’s a lot of great shows, but its just hard to commit to watching them every week.
    5) Was and will always be the 80s. I grew up in the era and I’m pretty nostalgic, so it will ever be close to my heart.

    1. Hi Asrap! Interesting that you did a Planet Of The Apes movie marathon. Looking forward to reading your post on that one.

      Yes I think John Williams would be worth paying thru the nose to see live in concert!

      I think I watch way more TV 10 years ago, esp the sitcoms on network TV like Wings, Frasier, Friends, etc. but now the premium cable rule television and generally the shows are so dark and violent.

      Ahah, I grew up in the 80s too but most of the movies are more guilty pleasures for me. There are some great ones of course, tho I can’t think of ’em at the top of my head right now.

  12. Hey Ruth! Hope you had a great 4th of July weekend!

    1. I really don’t have any seasonal viewings other than Christmas movies. Now there are movies that I watch every year but there’s no rhyme or reason as to when (Here’s looking at you Casablanca).

    2. I thought the first movie of this prequel/reboot was pretty good. I definitely plan on seeing this one, but it hasn’t been a movie I’ve been really excited about. Definitely looks interesting though.

    4. I think Dave expresses the feelings of a lot of people right now. I just happen to be the total opposite. I prefer movies over ongoing television series by far. What’s fascinating is how this television surge evolved. It basically began when HBO, Showtime, etc got into the TV business and started making shows with more “mature” content. Of course there are exceptions but those seem to be what anchored this new TV movement.

    I have been watching a lot of TV lately, but it has been the World Cup. I just don’t want to lock myself into multiple ongoing television series. Plus I think I just appreciate the artistry behind telling a story in that 2 hourish window. I guess it all comes down to preference though.

    5. Interesting question. I think the 8os were more of a mishmash of things. There were definitely soapy dramas, but it was also a decade of big genre trends. Within the 80s we saw the teen sex comedy trend, the one-man action movie trend, the slasher horror trend, etc. interwoven throughout all of those were some true classics.

    But I think I would say the 1950s although I loved the 1940s. The 50s began the evolution of cinema that really took off in the 60s. The 50s also saw cinema branch off in deferent directions. There are so many great films from that decade. It also included good genre trends such as the sci-fi creature feature run that’s still being emulated today.

    The late 50s were also the launching point of the French New Wave, a movement that produced some of my favorite films and that influenced countless filmmakers that followed. I always go back to those films.

    So I may have more favorite movies that come out of the 1940s, but I think the 1950s may be the most fascinating decade for cinema.

    1. Hi Keith, hope you’re enjoying the Fourth too! It’s a mellow weekend for me actually, just the way I like it!

      Ahah, yes I could see you watching Casablanca once a year. I have yet to see it again but I’m sure I’d enjoy watching it repeatedly.

      I feel that I become more interested in the Apes sequel more and more as the date gets closer. It looks terrifying but emotional as well.

      Oh I didn’t know you’re into soccer, or is it just the World Cup? 😉 I hear ya about TV. I’m more in line with you tho there are some exceptions of course, i.e. Black Sails and Sherlock. I’m not as fond of the mature content, I avert my eyes many times watching the sex scenes and gruesome violence in Black Sails and I think Game of Thrones is even worse. I like that genre (as I LOVE LOTR) but I don’t know if I could handle the brutality. It makes Gladiator looks like a Disney flick!

      I feel that the 80s is memorable but more for nostalgic reasons. Wish I were as well-versed as you in regards to Hollywood golden age decades. I can’t tell you which films are part of the French New Wave, etc.

      1. I have a real strong sentimental attachment to the 80s. That is the decade I grew up in and so many of those movies are embedded in my mind as part of my childhood. I do love the 80s.

    2. Keith what I like about the current crop of TV shows is that they can tell stories that you can’t tell in just two hours.I find myself getting invested in the characters and the unique stories. As far as being locked in, I don’t even generally see the first airing of shows right away. With On Demand, my DVR , Netflix or the occasional download I watch at my own pace. I don’t even generally see the first airing of shows right away. Besides it’s now only 8-13 episodes (except for the networks that still cling the old paradigm of a 22 episode season) and you can get through as show in a week or even a weekend on your DVR or Netflix. Is it any wonder Fincher, Soderbergh, Scorsese, Del Toro, Mann are coming to TV to tell their stories. Plus it just seems the quality of movies out there isn’t enough to get me out of the house these days. Too many sequels… too many unoriginal premises. With Transformers, Tammy, Deliver Us From Evil opening this weekend it was the worst 4th of July box office weekend since 2001. Good luck finding limited releases like Van Sant’s Boyhood.or Snowpiercer. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is coming up which is good news but there doesn’t seem like much else out there until Oscar season. In the meantime I’ll keep myself busy with Rectify, Masters of Sex, The Strain…

      I wish there were better films out there but there just doesn’t seem to be for me. The Adam Sandler, Kevin Hart and Michael Bay movies just aren’t doing it for me.

      1. All of that is certainly fair and it’s hard to argue for some of the crap that is in theaters as we speak. But I have had several really good experiences at the theater this year and have several on my horizon. I also love classic cinema so I adore diving into classics that I haven’t seen. Then there is the world of foreign cinema which is always introducing me to new things.

        All of those things are preferable to me over watching television series. But that’s just me. There is very little out there on the television landscape that grabs me to the point of investing myself in it. But thats just an entertainment preference.

        1. I hear ya… it IS about preference and mine have changed as TV has changed for the better and the movies not so much. I think the X-men is the only movie I went to the theater to see this year. Seriously. Although I did see Lawrence of Arabia in the theater last year when it came around. There really is no other way to see it IMHO. I’m 45 and have seen just about everything so I guess I’m harder to please than most when it comes to the movies. World cinema is always great because it’s not Hollywood. I like seeing different cultures with different ideas. Being older I’ve seen a lot of classic cinema already.

          I guess the TV they’re making today is like long form cinema.for me. It’s novelistic. I like spending time with characters that are allowed to breath and watch as their stories develop. It’s like watching a 10 hour movie albeit broken up into 1 hour segments. I mean there’s not that much difference from that and from the continuing films like Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings/Hobbit films, The Godfather, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Twilight, The Hunger Games and Marvel’s universe (Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, The Avengers…). Keith, to me, it’s like good sex. Oh sure I could just get it over with and get on with my day… but why not sit back and enjoy the ride. LOL.

  13. 1. I’m not sure if it’s summer specific, though the movie has a warm, summer vibe to it – I watch Practical Magic a lot during summer, but come to think of it I watch that movie a lot all year long 🙂

    2. I don’t think I’ve seen a single one of those movies, but I’d love to see this one just to check out what kind of awful stuff Oldman is doing to cash in a paycheck

    3. Oh this is great. I love Zimmer and it would b awesome to hear his music live. I’d also want to hear Ramin Djawadi’s GoT score live, they did the live version of main titles before season 4 premiere in NYC and it was beautiful

    4. Seeing how I watch 1-2 movies a month now, yes, yes I’ve been watching more TV lately 🙂 The 4 shows I watch are Game of Thrones, Veep, Shameless and American Horror Story, but the others that I usually catch up with after few months are The Big Bang Theory and Modern Family. I’m going to start Vikings soon, I heard it’s good. I also finished The Tunnel lately which was great and Stephen was adorable in it, even though he cheated on his pregnant wife. God damn his deceitful charm.

    5.Probably 90’s for me because I love the 90’s the most. Everything in cinema was so fresh back then – for example something like Se7en. Now everything is a rip off of older films.

    1. Hi Sati!

      Oh I haven’t seen Practical Magic in ages. Interesting to see Kidman & Bullock as sisters as they look nothing alike.

      Ahah well, it seems that him and DeNiro have been cashing in lately. But I think it’s a supporting role for Oldman in the Apes movie, I’m more interested in seeing Andy Serkis’ work as Caesar once again and also Jason Clarke.

      Oh man, I’d LOVE to see Ramid Djawadi in concert too. I enjoy all the GoT scores you have on your blog and of course Pac Rim’s soundtrack has become my all time faves!

      He..he.. no surprise about your answer here Sati 🙂 Heck I felt like I’ve seen GoT because of your thorough recaps 😉 I heard Vikings is very good as well, one of my good friends watch that regularly. Sounds like something GoT fans might enjoy. Oh is The Tunnel a recent show? Ha..ha.. I love you fangirling over him. I’ve been bingeing on a lot of Toby’s older shows too, not just Jane Eyre but BBC Wired, Vexed, etc.

      High five on the 90s! There are soooo many modern classics from that era. “Now everything is a rip off of older films.” Yep, it’s actually a surprise when you see something truly original these days. Even those that aren’t straight sequel or reboot often mimic what’s been done before.

      1. The Tunnel is from last year I think, it’s one of those shows based on the same story, I think it was initially a book – The Bridge is another one – it’s always a young girl and older cop solving the crime together, here it’s Stephen and Clemence Poesy 🙂

  14. 1) No, I don’t, though I like the idea of watching Team America every 4th of July. 😀

    2) I honestly had little interest in this film, but the overwhelmingly positive reviews have me intrigued. I’ll probably check it out at some point this summer.

    3) I enjoy Zimmer’s work in film, but that’s not really my type of concert. Curious who his special guests might be though.

    4) I think the television world is more exciting than film right now. It helps that they have a lot more time to develop characters, stories, etc. but they’re also bringing in more and more A-list actors. True Detective, for example, had a phenomenal first season thanks to Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson. That show, Game of Thrones, Louie, Mad Men, Orange Is the New Black, House of Cards… all of them deliver high quality content every year. What’s great is that TV is just getting better and better each year, and it will likely stay that way as the industry continues moving toward more online-based content.

    5) I love exploring the ’70s in film. The New Hollywood movement brought in several of my all-time favorites, not to mention some of the best cult and horror films ever made.

    Fun questions this month, Ruth!

    1. Ahah, Team America must be quite popular July 4th! 🙂

      Y’know I was mildly enthused too at first but the promos have been great in getting the excitement going.

      So what’s your type of concert, Eric? I think his special guests might be fellow composers?

      Yeah, I think the quality of TV these days draw top actors in. I think the stigma about film actors *slumming it* by doing TV is no longer around now.

      Well the last question is courtesy of Andrew, but yeah it’s a great one indeed!

  15. 1. I don’t have that kind of movie but I do watch Breakfast on Pluto every year and reading One Piece (manga) every Ramadan because other novels makes me sleepy during fasting time.

    2. Dawn of the planet of the apes is my ONLY most anticipated movie of 2014!! Can’t wait to see it after the Election Day, July 9. By the way, are going to vote too ?

    3. It would be great to see Hanz Zimmer concert. Other composers I would love to see is John Murphy and Joe Hisaishi.

    4. Oh I think you now the answer 😉 I have been watching more TV series than movies lately and I am addicted to Sherlock, Doctor Who, Peaky Blinders, some Japanese Dorama, etc. Can’t wait to see Doctor Who in about 7 weeks from now…I wonder how Peter Capaldi portrays the Doctor.

    5. this one is clearly difficult. I don’t really pay attention to time. If I like it it doesn’t matter from what year or which country. Each decade has its own special movies.

    1. Hi Nov! Why am I not surprised you watch a Cillian movie every year. I’m surprised it’s not 5 Cillian movies a year 😉

      Oh really? Well if you’re hugely anticipating Dawn of the planet of the apes I think you won’t be disappointed. It’s surely gonna end up on my Best of the Year list.

      Voting? No, I don’t even know how to submit my ballot from here.

      Hmmm, I’m not familiar w/ the composers you mention. Which movies have they done?

      Yep I know your answer already 😉 I love the British shows too, I’ve only seen 1 ep of Sherlock season 3 and loved it so far.

      1. Hahaha unfortunately not all Cillian movies are fun to watch so many times, only breakfast, 28 days and watching the detectives.

        It’s not here yet, but I will have to check the schedule again today.

        John Murphy is in 28 days and sunshine. Joe hisaishi is in most Ghibli animation.

        Sherlock 3, for me the 2nd is the best and the 3rd is a bit disappointing

  16. Hey, Ruth. Good to be back. 🙂

    1. I don’t have a summer movie go-to, though that’s mostly because I rarely re-watch films. If I did have one I watch every year, it would probably be The Dark Knight Returns.

    2. Planet of the Apes. I have to admit the trailers leave me underwhelmed, but the positive buzz you mention does pique my interest some. I’ll probably see it at some point, but I’m not necessarily in any hurry.

    3. Composers. I’d love to see Zimmer play, too. Or Danny Elfman.

    4. I have been watching mostly baseball, so neither movies nor television. But I still watch Justified when new episodes air. And I have a guilty pleasure relationship with Major Crimes, after having the same with The Closer. I don’t think the series is great by any stretch, but I still enjoy it.

    5. Decade worth exploring. I find the ’60s an interesting decade to see movies from. The hippie culture, drug induced weirdness combined with Cold War paranoia makes for some strange artistic endeavors.

    1. Hi Josh, nice to see you back 😀

      Ah TDKR, I haven’t seen it in a while actually. I’ve always wanted to ask the die-hard fans of that movie, how the heck did Bruce Wayne get back to Gotham from The Pit prison which was located in the ancient part of the world?? He had no shoes, no money, no gadget AND no Alfred 😉

      The Apes trailer leaves you underwhelmed? Hmmm, for me it’s the opposite. I kinda forgot about it and when the first trailer came I was like, WHOA!!

      Oooh I like Danny Elfman! Great pick there.

      Seems that sports do take precedence for various bloggers, either baseball, soccer or football. I’m not a sports fan but I have a colleague who’s really into it.

      Great reasons for exploring the 60s! What would you recommend from that decade that deals w/ Cold War stuff? I’ve seen a couple from the 70s but would like to check out some from a decade earlier.

      1. Funny. I named the wrong Batman movie. I totally agree on the third – it’s okay, but the plot has too many holes. I meant the second, the one with Joker. 🙂

        That seems to be the more common response to the Apes trailer. I might just be more than a little “meh” about summer blockbusters in general. 🙂

        The most obvious ’60s flick to recommend is Dr. Strangelove. Any of the Beatles’ movies are similarly representative of a time and place (though they clearly aren’t great films). And 2001 is pretty trippy, too.

        1. Ah I see, well I LOVE TDK, it’s much better than TDKR by far. The Joker is a cinematic icon, naturally.

          I hear ya, but I actually don’t associate this Apes film as a blockbuster. It’s got a large budget but it doesn’t look like the typical popcorn film, at least I hope not!

          Oh I’ve seen Dr Strangelove and it’s a good one indeed! Still need to see 2001 and also A Hard Day’s Night.

          Btw, have you seen Snowpiercer? It turns out it’s playing at more theaters than I thought. I just reviewed it, I highly recommend that one 🙂

          1. I have seen it. And also just reviewed it (literally just finished writing the review and am about the advertise it, amongst a few others).

            I agree it is astounding, so much so that it is now my front runner for Best Film – 2014. (I’ll check out your review shortly.)

  17. 1. Used to be Independence Day, but the 4th of July has gotten so busy, with friends and family, we don’t have the time anymore for a regular go-to movie on this day.

    2. Definitely looking forward to Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

    3. I might do a Hans Zimmer concert, if given the chance. But who I’d really want to see is Ennio Morricone!

    4. Yes to more TV of late. My favorites, now that Breaking Bad has ceased, is JUSTIFIED, The Good Wife, Longmire, Person of Interest. We don’t have HBO or Showtime. I’ve dropped interest in Suits, and The Walking Dead never interested me since I’ve zombie-fatigue ;-).

    5. Here’s my standard answer for the favorite decade question: “Easily, it’s the 70s. A particular span of time that proved to be one of the most tumultuous for many in the latter half of the 20th century. A decade filled with economic downturns, disillusionment, and the realization that things really could get a Hell of a lot worst. And did. The timing for film couldn’t have been better, though. For all of its crises and missteps, corruption and loss of idealism, the Me Decade heralded some of the absolute best cinema this country had to offer for the period. The uncertainty and controversy, which followed the waning years of the Vietnam War, aroused an atmosphere that prompted filmmakers to reflect so distinctly upon the eyes of movie audiences. Prompted seemingly from watershed moments, crossroads, and/or deflated dreams, nothing could hold the tide back. It shouldn’t surprise that the era’s off-beat and imaginative comedies, challenging dramatic themes, and stellar crime films of the period have rarely been surpassed.”

    1. Hi Michael! Hope you had a great Fourth holiday!

      I hear ya, life gets busy esp in the Summer time.

      I can’t wait to see it tomorrow night! Caesar looks delightfully terrifying 😀

      Yes Morricone has a lot of amazing scores, I particularly love Cinema Paradiso but I know his spaghetti westerns are very good as well.

      It seems that not many people are talking about JUSTIFIED but I’ve heard great things about it. So is it still going on now? Ahah, zombie-fatigue! There seems to be too many zombie-related stuff out there, but I’m never a fan of ’em. I’m more into vampires 😉

      I knew your answer would be the 70s!! It is a very interesting time for the US particularly, so yeah naturally the themes explored in film mimic that period and they’re quite intriguing. Not having grown up in the US, I’m not as familiar w/ the history but I still do enjoy the 70s films I’ve seen so far.

  18. 1. I usually watch Jaws and the first Pirates of the Caribbean at some point during the summer, but I don’t do it at a certain time. Of course, the summer is the perfect time to revisit blockbusters. 🙂

    2. Can’t wait for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes! It looks awesome!

    3. I wish they’d film that concert and show it in theaters like other big events do. Oh, I’d love to see a John Williams concert live! It’d have to be a VERY long one to showcase all of his amazing work, though.

    4. I’ve been watching movies mostly, though I do want to catch up with True Detective and House of Cards: Season 2 very soon.

    5. That’s a tough one, as there are so many films I love from every decade. I might actually go with the 90’s, since it has some of my all-time favorites (like the Three Colors trilogy, The Lovers on the Bridge, Eyes Wide Shut, The Thin Red Line, and Casino) and a bounty of blockbusters (like Air Force One, The Hunt for Red October, Terminator 2, and Jurassic Park). Or I might choose another decade entirely. 🙂

    1. Hi Josh! Jaws & the first POTC?? Wow, the gap in quality is quite drastic, ahah. For some reason I can’t stand those Pirates movies.

      Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is freaking awesome indeed Josh! Run don’t walk to the theater!

      I don’t mind a super long John Williams concert, he’s got a bazillion of amazing scores!

      I can’t imagine you can fit even one TV series a year with all the movies you watched Josh!

  19. Great questions again Ruth. I don’t have a summer movie that I watch every year – maybe I should adopt one 🙂 I’m really looking forward to seeing Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes too but I’ve read a couple of mixed reviews. Hopefully it will live up to expectations!

    The Hans Zimmer concert sounds great. I’m a big fan of Alexandre Desplat – The Grand Budapest Hotel, Harry Potter, Zero Dark Thirty – he’s done some great soundtracks. I also loved the soundtrack to Under The Skin by Mica Levi this year.

    I completely agree that TV is having a great year – True Detective, Fargo and Game Of Thrones were amazing. I’m really excited to see the final season of Boardwalk Empire so that’s my most anticipated of the year. I’ll be really sorry to see it end though – love that show!!!

    1. Hi Natalie! Mixed reviews of ‘Dawn’? So far it’s got 94% on Rotten Tomatoes and I agree it’s absolutely excellent.

      Oh I like Desplat’s work too, esp in The King’s Speech. He seems to have a lot of classical influence in his work which I like.

      Boardwalk Empire is done? I didn’t know that. Lots of my colleagues are so hooked on that show.

      1. I read a couple of blogs that were a lot less favourable to Dawn but glad to hear you liked it! I’m still really looking forward to it! The trailer looks very good 🙂

        I can’t believe Boardwalk’s last season is this year! Just found out it’s only going to be eight episodes too. Feel really let down by HBO that they are letting it go. I heard a few years ago that Terence Winter wanted to do six seasons altogether so I’m interested to see how he wraps it all up so quickly.

        1. Ah I see. Well I haven’t read any reviews from fellow bloggers yet on that one. But I just finished mine last night to publish tomorrow and I LOVED it!

          That’s too bad they’re ending such a popular & excellent show but I suppose better quit when they’re ahead right. I’m surprised Michael Shannon wasn’t nominated for Emmy tho.

  20. 1. I saw Independence day in the theater as a teenager I thought that was cool back in the day and now I can’t watch it because I absolutely hate Will Smith. Some of my fave movies that make me think of Summer are What about Bob? and Now and Then.
    2. Ditto super excited about Planet of the Apes. I just hope it doesn’t end up sucking. I am a fan of the old Planet of the Apes films. Do you like those?
    3. Hans Zimmer concert that sounds pretty cool and yes we should totally be living in London. Drinking our tea and hanging out with Toby and watching UK TV shows.

    1. Hello dahling!

      Oh I absolutely hate Will Smith too! I think his nepotism w/ his son Jade is revolting. I watch it mostly for Jeff Goldblum & Bill Pullman who are both great in it.

      I haven’t seen the earlier Ape movies, just the 2001 one w/ Mark Wahlberg and the first reboot in 2011 which I think is excellent. This new one is top notch Melissa, you will not be disappointed!

      Ooooh man now I’m daydreaming about living in London, esp on the East End 😉 “Drinking our tea and hanging out with Toby and watching UK TV shows.” [sigh] If only…

      Oh you like Clive Owen too? He’s such a gritty, hunky man, wish he were cast as Bond! Imagine if he were Bond and Toby plays the villain, I think I’d spontaneously combust! 😀

      Great answer about the movie decade. I find it fascinating to watch classic films for the reason you mentioned… seeing how the roles of men and women and how they are portrayed and how far we’ve come! I wish I had more time to catch up on those classics though.

      1. The old ape movies are pretty cool, my dad was a big fan so we would always watch them. I am excited to see it!

        Yes I think we would have a blast and we could use fake accents and be totally fancy. LOL. After we drink our tea, we can go to the pub and have a smashing good time.

        Clive is very cool he’s a manly man and hey I like that. Almost that manly type like Gerry. That is a good one he would make a great Bond and against Toby well that would be just too cool.

        1. I don’t think I could fake British accent even if my life depended on it, ahah. But yeah, I can pretend to be all dainty whilst drinking my tea, surely we’d have a blast if we both can visit together. Oh man, what fun we’d have!!

          Clive is VERY manly and virile, yet he is a family man like Toby, I really respect that. He’s happily married w/ kids but it doesn’t dampen his sex appeal at all! Gerry is too much of a player, even when I met him at TIFF some people were saying he was flirting w/ some of the pretty fans. It grosses me out!

          Btw, I was watching Die Another Day clips (just the fencing scene w/ Toby). Man he’s so ripped in that movie. Not to mention gorgoeusssssss!! Hence this post: ♥♥♥♥♥

          1. Yes and in London we have to use the word whilst as much as possible. 🙂 So proper!

            Gerry is a playa playa! Clive seems much more down to earth and normal and he is a great actor.

            Ohhh going to check out that post!

                1. I’m originally from Indonesia so all my ESL teachers were mostly from Britain or Australia. I think that’s how my obsession started, ha!

  21. Ok I accidently pressed post!
    4. I would love to see The Knick but I don’t have Cinemax. Sounds really cool and I like Clive Owen. I hope Black Sails comes out on Netflix or Amazon or somewhere so I can watch it!
    5. My fave era’s to explore movie wise are the 40’s and 50’s. I absolutely love those eras and I love seeing movies that show the spirit of those times. From pre and post WW2 stuff to just in general the roles of men and women and how they are portrayed. The movies at the time felt and knew what was going on versus now it takes almost a historical vantage point, which is different from when it was actually happening. If all of that makes sense! Good question!

  22. Great questions Ruth. Sorry I’m late.
    1. I don’t really have a summer movie I watch regularly but I do like to watch Hook and Stand By Me around the summer time. I tend to go more to theaters during the summer.
    2. I loved Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Was so excited to see it! Didn’t let me down.
    3. Hans Zimmer concert! I’d love to attend a John Williams concert too. And Alan Silvestri.
    4. Yes. I have been watching more TV than movies lately. True Detective, Game of Thrones, 24, Black Sails, Walking Dead, Orange is the New Black, Tyrant, getting ready for The Strain. TV really has stepped up. I think McConaughey was saying that TV has surpassed movies. In quality I think I am beginning to agree.
    5. I love watching movies from the 80s. So much to enjoy from the cinematography and more. You can always tell an 80s movie (or early 90s) by the look, the clothes, the music, and they’re fun. As much as I adore black and white films, sometimes there’s not differentiation between ones from the 30s or 40s or 50s. So they all get kinda lumped together as one decade in my brain.

    1. Hi T! Oh there’s no such thing as a late comment 😉

      Oh Stand By Me is a fantastic Summer flick! Have you seen The Kings of Summer? It has some similarities to that one and quite hilarious.

      Glad you love ‘Dawn of Apes’ too! My review is up shortly and I definitely wasn’t disappointed either.

      Oh man, Zimmer, Williams + Silvestri trio would’ve been super duper awesome to see LIVE!

      Oooh you watch Black Sails too? What do you think of it, specifically my boy Toby? I think he’s excellent as Capt. Flint! I can’t wait to see True Detective as soon as it’s available to rent on streaming.

      Ahah, I feel the same way about those b&w films, I can’t tell from which era it’s from!

      1. 🙂 The Kings of Summer is one I keep forgetting to watch and is still on my must-see list.

        When it comes to Black Sails, I like Toby as Captain Flint. My biggest complaint w/season 1 is that for about 3 or 4 episodes we stayed on the island and didn’t go nowhere or do anything pirate-y. I hope that changes for season 2.

        I can’t wait for you to watch True Detective!

        1. The Kings of Summer is a lot of fun, I think you’d enjoy it T!

          I LOVE LOVE Toby as Flint [well as anything really, Toby is to me how Scarlett is to you ;)] Ahah I think the show isn’t so much about pirate-y thing, as in the cliched things people associate w/ being a pirate like in POTC or Hook. It’s more of a dramatization in the golden age of piracy, so some of the themes are resonant to today in terms of leadership, economy, loyalty, betrayal, etc. I really hope they explore more of Flint’s backstory in Season 2!!

          Yeah I can’t wait to see TD too, hopefully soon!

  23. I don’t think I have a go-to summer movie but I’ve been watching Dirty Dancing a lot since summer started? I’m thinking thats going in that category soon. Or just a lot of dancing movies.

    I haven’t seen any of the Planet of the Apes movies so not particularly interested in this one.

    After my trip from Hong Kong, I have a backlog of movie review to write so I’ve actually been taking that opportunity to binge-watch TV and catch up as much as I can. Orange is the New Black S2, Pretty Little Liars S5 (catching up now), True Blood S7. I still have a few more to catch up: Sherlock, Grey’s Anatomy, Vampire Diaries, Criminal Minds and the summer new seasons of Under the Dome and Hemlock Grove. Oh, and The Knick looks pretty awesome 🙂

    1. Dance movies for Summer, that sounds good Kim! Funny you mentioned that, I recently rewatched clips of Flashdance from the 80s and boy that brought back lots of memories 😀

      Well now I’m back obsessing over Downton Abbey again, that’s really my kind of show. The Knick looks great, I don’t mind watching that, esp w/ Clive Owen!

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