Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014! Year-end recap, Favorite Things, Blindspot and a note of THANKS

Another year has come and gone! Wow, what a year 2013 has been. There's been ups and downs in my personal life, with me losing my dear brother this past Summer being one of life's biggest blows. But I believe God never gives us more than we can bear, and there are certainly many, many …

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This post is part of Cinematic Katzenjammer's NOT-SO-SECRET SANTA REVIEW SWAP blogathon. This is the second installment of the blogathon where you “gift” a movie and then get one in return. I did this back in July with my review of Tremors (1990). I welcome this kind of blogathon as it gives me a chance to …

Continue reading NOT-SO-SECRET SANTA REVIEW SWAP BLOGATHON: Gimme the Loot (2012)

FlixChatter Review: American Hustle

Based on the ABSCAM scandal of the late 1970s, con-artists Irving Rosenfeld and Sydney Prosser are forced to work for a wild FBI agent, Richie DiMaso. When I first heard David O. Russell was making this film, I was immediately drawn to it mainly because of the cast. It's combining the best of The Fighter …

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FlixChatter Review: The Wolf of Wall Street

When it comes to films based on a real life person, I tend to not be that interested in them but when a master filmmaker like Martin Scorsese decided to make one, I won't miss it for the world.  As with most films based on real events, not everything you see on the screen are …

Continue reading FlixChatter Review: The Wolf of Wall Street

Top 10 inspiring Biopics to see this holiday season… or any time of the year

Christmas is always a special time for me. It's not just another holiday, as there is someone's birth I am celebrating for His gift to humanity. So as we celebrate the birth of our Lord, it'd be most appropriate to focus on the theme of inspiration. The word itself came from the Latin word inspīrāre …

Continue reading Top 10 inspiring Biopics to see this holiday season… or any time of the year

Forgotten Christmas-themed Movie: Fitzwilly (1967)

Merry Christmas, all and sundry! Taking a brief respite from the strategy of "What?"s and "When?"s in regards to baking family Christmas gifts. I've fallen back upon a request from our Hostess regarding favorite holiday-hemed films. While A Christmas Story and It's A Wonderful Life hold their proper place high in the firmament. And have …

Continue reading Forgotten Christmas-themed Movie: Fitzwilly (1967)

Weekend Roundup and Disney’s FROZEN review

'Tis the weekend before Christmas. Hope all of you have gotten all your Christmas shopping done and not have to endure long lines at the mall! Well, I went to the cinema to see FROZEN, but sounds like more people went to see The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, perhaps some were repeat customers. Bilbo …

Continue reading Weekend Roundup and Disney’s FROZEN review