Gone on holiday…


You probably already noticed from my lack of activity on Twitter and around the blogosphere. Well, in a few hours, my hubby and I will be on the plane to Jakarta for a whole week, and by next weekend, we’ll be jetting off to Kauai. Perfect timing as snow showers are in the forecast for Minnesota this weekend! 😀

So if you don’t see me on Twitter or commenting on your blog, then you’ll know why. FlixChatter will go dark for a couple of weeks though I may share some pics via Twitter. Though I won’t be blogging, I’m super excited that I’ll be meeting up with some of my fellow Indo bloggers next week: Andina from Inspired Ground, Novia from Polychrome Interest, and FC contributor Cecilia!

Aloha everyone! Happy Holidays and God bless!

25 thoughts on “Gone on holiday…

  1. Have a great time you two. Great that you’ll be meeting with Novroz and the rest. Ah, Kauai. My wife and I honeymooned on that island. Hawaii and December are a wonderful mix.

  2. Pingback: Indo Bloggers Meet Up and The Mighty Boosh DVD « Polychrome Interest

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