Streaming Pick: QUIZ LADY (2023) – Awkwafina + Sandra Oh are such a dynamic duo in this kooky comedy

The main appeal for me to see Quiz Lady is the dynamic duo of Sandra Oh and Awkwafina, and these two talented comediennes are indeed so fun to watch as estranged sisters. Awkwafina plays against type (well sort of) as an uptight introvert Anne Yum who’s obsessed with a game show a la Jeopardy called …

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FlixChatter Review: Raya and the Last Dragon (2021)

Ok so even though I grew up watching a ton of Disney animated movies (especially the ones w/ princesses because that’s what many little girls do), I don’t immediately get excited for every new Disney animated movies that come along. In fact, you’d be surprised that I haven’t watched The Princess and The Frog, Coco, …

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FlixChatter Review – JUMANJI: The Next Level (2019)

When I first reviewed Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle back in 2017, I said that director Jake Kasdan closed the door to the idea of there being another sequel. Yet, here we are; two years and millions of dollars later, Welcome to the Jungle became a critical and commercial success and was just begging for …

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FlixChatter Review: THE FAREWELL (2019)

I knew about this film when it won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance earlier this year. Yet for whatever reason, it sort of fell off my radar until A24 started promoting it vehemently for its theatrical release. I'm so glad they did and this film deserved ALL their backing. It simply deserves to be …

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Advanced Screening Giveaway to Lulu Wang’s THE FAREWELL

One of my most anticipated movies this Summer isn't a blockbuster, but it's this indie drama from writer/director Lulu Wang that was a major hit at Sundance. I was tearing up already just watching the trailer, I know I'll pack tissues when I go to the screening. The film features Awkwafina in her first leading …

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FlixChatter Review: Crazy Rich Asians (2018)

Ok so first, a confession. Even though my bestie had lent me her book of Kevin Kwan's Crazy Rich Asians over a month ago, telling me to read it before the movie opened, I didn't get a chance to do so. I finally started reading it right after I got home from the advanced screening… and suffice …

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Trailer Spotlight: Ocean’s 8

It's the last week before Christmas and the present comes early! I've been excited for this all-female Oceans flick for some time. Normally I'd say we don't need another reboot/sequel/spinoff what-have-you… but y'know what, this year (well, any year really), an extra dose of girl power is extra awesome. 2017 is the year of Wonder …

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